My Vocab Page


Pocket Monsters: (Pokemon for short) are creatures that have special magic powers that differ between each species. A trainer must catch them in their natural habitat somewhere on Pokemon Island. A pokeball is used to catch them after they've been weakened. The trainer then battles them to gain experience or trades them for new pokemon. There are 137 pokemon in each version and 150 pokemon in all (151 in Japanese versions). There are also new pokemon set to come out in the Gold/Silver versions.
Pokedex: A red, handheld electronic computer that stores information on pokemon. Ash calls his Dexter and it provides him with info when he encounters new types of pokemon.
Pokeballs: Small, round, red and white balls used to catch pokemon in. A trainer must weaken the pokemon before capturing and once caught, the pokemon is stored inside the ball. However, if the pokemon is too strong, it will break free. A trainer can only keep six at a time so the rest get transferred over to the person who gave them their pokedex (Ash gives his to Professor Oak).
Evolution: Most pokemon can evolve into another similar pokemon. They can do this by one of three ways:
1. Most evolve when they gain enough experience points (Koffing evolves into Weezing).
2. Some evolve with the aid of a special stone (Pikachu evolves into Raichu with the thunder stone).
3. A few will evolve when you trade with another trainer (If you trade Graveler it will evolve into Golem).
Gym: There are eight pokemon gyms on Pokemon Island, each themed with a different category of pokemon. This is where many trainers train their pokemon. Each gym has its leader that holds one of the eight badges. In order to get into the Pokemon League, you must aquire all the badges by defeating the gym leader on the gym's battlegrounds.
Gym Leader: Each gym leader is in charge of one of the gyms, where challengers take them on. If the trainer defeats the leader, he will receive the gym badge required for entering the pokemon league. Each gym leader specializes in a different type of pokemon.
Bagdes: These are collected after defeating gym leaders. When you get all of them, you can challenge the Pokemon League.
Pokemon Centre: A place for healing sick pokemon. They also have a computer that Ash can use to contact Professor Oak.