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GOAL SETTING - process designed to motivate people to make changes in their life-style for self improvemnt

LONG TERM GOALS - goals that take a long time, perhaps years to reach.

SHORT TERM GOALS - goals that can be reached in a short period of timre.

TIME LINE - tools used to organize and plot the course to a major goal


1. Desire - you must want to improve
2. Belief - You must really believe you can achieve your goal.
3. Analyze wherre you are now - Knowing your starting point is essential.
4. Set realistic goals - one that you have to stretch for, but can reach.
5. Write your goals down in detail.
6. List the benefits you will recieve.
7. Identify obstacles. What things might prevent you from reaching your goal.
8. Identify knowledge you will need - Techniques, methods etc...
9. Make a plan of action. Short term and long term goals.
10. Develop time lines. Set times when short-term goals will be completed.
11. Monitor your progress
12. NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!
