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First Quarter


PHYSICAL FITNESS - the capacity of the body to function efficiently. The condition of the heart, circulatory system, muscular system, degree of flexibility and the percentage of body fat determines fitness.

PHYSICALLY FIT - able to carry out daily task without undue fatigue, handleemergency situation and have enough energy to enjo leisure time activities

INACTIVITY - lack of physical activity and exercise(limits your chances of being in charge of your life).

OBESITY - excessive deposits of fat on the body.

CHOLESTEROL - a waxy fat-like substance in the cells ( may collect in blood vessels and clog them)

DIABETES - the inability of the body to produce or use insulin( necessary to process sugar - can lead to heart disease or blood vessel disease).

BODY IMAGE -the way a person sees his or her physical self

HEALTH RISK FACTORS - factors associated with disease, disability and premature death


: Which of the following can you control?
1. inactivity
2. obesity
3. high blood pressure
4. high cholesterol
5. stress
6. smoking
7. gender
8. heredity
9. Age


Name __________________________________________________ Date___________

Directions: Find a newspaper, magazine, or internet article that discusses at least 1 of the 6 controllable risk factors associated with physical fitness ( exercise, smoking and other drugs, obesity, cholesterol, stress and high blood pressure). In your own words, report what you learned from the article. Make sure to include the source of the article. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Source:_____________________________________________________
