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Game Summary for 4/13/99 at Rush-Henrietta Disclaimer: this is taken from the score book and the coaches "not so keen recollection". If the information is not accurate please let me know via email.

Our seasoner opener got off to a slow start. Being shutout into the top of the fifth inning. Tim Duffy lead off with a single which got the ball rolling. We were able to move him around the bases to get a run ( 2-1 ). Down 3-1 in the top of the sixth inning the Red Raiders had a little rally. Scoring runs were: Ian Ammons, Jamie Schild, Peter Osadnick, and Tim Duffy(2). R-H had a rally of their own by starting off the inning with bases load and no outs. Ian Ammomns came in relief of starter Greg Tellex and got a huge strikeout. We left the inning all tied up at 5. Going into the 7th inning we needed a spark. Peter Gommel provided that with wisdom and patience taking a walk. Pierce Ammons managed to lay down a textbook bunt to give us runners on 1st and 2nd. Ian Ammons laced a nice double to center right to drive in the game winning run. Ian scored later that inning on a sacrifice fly from Jamie Schild to add some insurance.
It was a super team performance all the way around. I could not be more proud of these guys. We have Webster on thursday of this week.
~Coach Lehmbeck
