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About the Character-
Munkustrap is the 2nd leader of the Jellicle tribe. Whenever Old Deuteronomy is not there, he’s in charge. Not much is known about Munkustrap, as no songs are sung about him. He appears to be the Master of Ceremonies at the Jellicle Ball. He is good friends with the “Old Gumby Cat,” Jennyanydots, and sings her song. Towards the end of the story, Demeter is kidnapped by Macavity, who masquerades as Old Deuteronomy. Munkustrap saves her and fights Macavity. Although Munkustrap is injured in the fight, the Jellicles still view him as the bravest cat. Later, after Macavity disappears, he and Demeter clean each other’s wounds. I think they fall in love, because throughout the story they keep an eye out for each other! It is possible that Old Deuteronomy is Munkustrap’s grandfather. Other than that and Demeter and Jennyanydots, there is no real hints as to his relatives. Munkustrap has a grey and black coat. He is tall compared to the other Jellicles’ and has a medium build. He is an adult cat, but a younger adult- probably the equivalent of 22-24 human years.

About the Actor-
The actor who plays Munkustrap must have an excellent voice. He is played by one of the best tenors in the company. The actor must have a lot of experience with dance and have extremely good facial expressions while singing.

Favorite Quote-
“...she sits and sits and sits and sits, and that’s what makes a Gumby Cat...” (The Old Gumby Cat)