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I've never met him, but I'm sure he had more to say than good bye. Ever wonder what he was thinking when he put those fish in the snakes cage? The keeper tryed to stop him you know, yelled quite a bit. I heard the things he said to the snake, I was there just over your sholder. I could tell you volumes about the world he saw in the snakes eye. When it was said and he was done every one looked at the Snake keeper. He was still yelling at the empty sneekers. Now his face fades, but the snake remembers. The snake remembers nothing else. It's days are filled with his voice whispering, with his words whispered. The snake keeper couldn't understand why, he hasn't been the same. He blames him self and he can't forget that boys face. The snake keepers name is John and he'll never be the same. He hasn't been able to sleep well in the years since. When he dreams, he dreams of venom and that boy. In his dream he sees the boy, with his head held close to the snakes, and his lips moving, and his face calm. He sees the snake, with it's eyes on the boy and it's expression the same as it ever was. He know's the boy heard him yelling, that boy must have heard him. When the snake struck and the boy fell, every one turned. John can still feel their eyes, some nights he feels nothing else. If I hadn't left this where you could find it, you would have forgoten all about that boy, and John, and the snake.

tredding at the heels of deleriumBack

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