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Lucky & Liz Tape #1 - Aug 1, 1997 - Feb 26, 1998 - 8hrs

Sarah is surprised by baby sister Elizabeth, dragging on a cigarette and sitting on Audrey's front porch. Sarah lectures sis on the dangers of smoking, to say nothing of Audrey's reaction to the coffin nails. Lizzie explains she ran away from the family entrusted to care for her because she didn't want to feed their dog. Audrey emerges from the house and spies Liz there. Next am, Lizzie comes out and growls at them, in desperate need of her first morning cigarette. Lizzie finds out about 'St. Sarah's' volunteer job but Audrey tells her that her parents insist that she get a paying job for the summer in order to pay back the money she blew on first class airfare from CO.

Lucky comes to see Sarah at home. He hems and haws out an apology for leaving her at the cookout to help Emily eventually, he gets around to asking her out. Lucky asks Sarah to go to a concert; she accepts. As he leaves, she mentions that her sister is in town. Meanwhile, Lizzie is trying to get a beer at Ruby's, but Ruby doesn't buy her obviously phoney "I forgot my ID" story. Predictably, Lucky runs into Sarah's sister, Lizzie, outside of Ruby's. "What's your name?" the little minx asks. "Lucky," he answers. "We'll see," she replies with a seductive smile as the air crackles with potentialities.

Audrey is concerned that Elizabeth is still out--it's getting late. Sarah offers to go find her, but soon returns. The car is missing. Sarah and Audrey look at each other: "Elizabeth". Meanwhile, outside Ruby's place, Liz looks suggestively at Lucky, waving her cigarette around. She wants to know where they can get a beer. Lucky wants to know if she'd like to get arrested. All right, she says they can get a soda--as long as they don't go to Kelly's. She then starts dissing Ruby, calling her "crone" and "hag", until Lucky announces: "She's my aunt." They discuss their family a bit more, and both of them learn they have something in common--they each have an older sibling that they cannot stand.

Later, when Liz sneaks home, Audrey busts her. She apologizes and promises to take whatever punishment that her Gran doles out. Lizzie announces her important decision--she plans to stay in Port Charles. We sense that Lucky has something to do with her decision. Meanwhile, Lucky calls Sarah and invites her to an outdoor rock concert. Lizzie taunts Sarah about her "loser boyfriend's call, not realizing it's Lucky. Sarah reacts strongly: "I don't have a boyfriend." After she goes to bed Lizzie stays downstairs and draws a heart on a sheet of paper, writing "Lizzie and Lucky" inside the heart.

CONFLICTING PLANS: Lucky called Sarah to confirm their plans for the concert in the park. Elizabeth went out job hunting and ended up at Kelly's, where Lucky was working for the day. She used Lucky to finagle a job application out of Ruby, who was less than pleased to see Lizzie again. Elizabeth did some fast talking and apologizing, and Ruby gave her a job. Elizabeth caught wind about the concert in the park, and decided she would go so she could see Lucky.

Elizabeth is practicing waitressing and Sarah dashes by. She asks Audrey what to wear. She's surprisde to find out about Lizzie's job. Audrey removes the earphones from Elizabeth's head. She'll lose her hearing. Audrey is going to the hospital and will leave Elizabeth alone. She thinks Liz will be happy there. Alone, Liz tears a button off Sarah's sweater. "Whoops." Then she takes her cigs out and plots. Sarah and Lucky are sitting with friends. When Lucky disappears, the girls dish about that gorgeous Nikolas Cassadine, and Lucky's crush.

Lizzie is working, though not well. Lucky comes in with a few tips for her. While they are talking, Sarah comes in and Lucky brushes Liz off to run to Sarah. Liz finishes her shift and leaves. Sarah talks to Lucky about their relationship and tries to let him down easy. Lucky says he never thought of her as more than a friend and that's fine with him. Sarah doesn't look like she is really buying it, but she accepts it and leaves.

Liz pleading her case to Audrey to get into the volunteer program at the hospital (in order to get closer to Lucky) after Nik has turned her down. As Stefan entered the conversation, Lizzie gave him the brush-off before she found out who he was. Oops. Elizabeth reappeared, this time with a little sugar and gets Nik to at least consider letting her into the program. Sarah prepares for her date with Nikki, when she gets a call from Lucky. Lucky asks Sarah if she wants to come over and hang out, but she politely begs off. Lucky thoughtlessly tries to get info about Sarah's musical preferences from Lizzie who is understandably less than helpful. Lizzie breaks the news to Lucky that Sarah is out with Nikolas.

Ruby's Place: Lizzie gets snotty with Lucky, and he tells her that she's a brat. He reveals that he and Nik are brothers, though he hates Nik's guts. Lizzie says she's sorry, she really didn't know. She tries to comfort him as she realizes how upset he is. She tells him that Sarah always falls for the jerks. Bobbie comes in and tries to talk to her nephew. He tells her he's not in a chatty mood. Bobbie hits the nail on the head when she guesses he's upset about Nik.

Back at the Webbers, Lizzie demands her eyeliner back from Sarah. Sarah says Lizzie took the last of her shampoo. They bicker about Nikolas. Sarah leaves, and Audrey wonders how Sarah puts up with Lizzie. At Kelly's, Lucky comes in and Bobbie talks baby talk to him. She tries to find out what's bothering him, he stonewalls. Bobbie asks if it's Elizabeth, and Lucky says no, but he's reminded of how he wasted a whole summer working for the Pompous Prince. Bobbie thought he enjoyed working pediatrics. Lucky says he hates Nikolas. Bobbie tries to diffuse this. Lucky says every time Laura sees Nikolas she cries. Lizzie starts to come in, and overhears Lucky tell Bobbie that Stefan killed Steve.

Liz wastes no time in sharing that info with Sarah who then doesn't want to see Nik. Lizzie goes into Kelly's and sits with Lucky. He asks her if she made Sarah cry. Lucky is astonished that Liz eavesdropped. "You spied on me!" "All you want to do is mess up Sarah and Nikolas!" "And you don't?" she responds. The light is dawning in his eyes just as Ruby comes up and tells them to take it outside and fires Lizzie. Lucky says "what did you expect? It's not like you did any work!" Liz worries that Audrey's coming over and will find out and throw her out for good. Nik comes back to talk to Sarah. He blames Lucky. They quarrel. Audrey comes into Kelly's. She sees Liz-n-Lucky sitting there. Liz starts to tell Audrey she's been fired, but Lucky goes to sweettalk Ruby because he's finally caught on, that Lizzie's "break them up" scheme is good for him. Ruby comes over to the table. Audrey is frosty . Ruby tells Liz no one comes into her place and makes up their own rules . "Suit up and get to work." Audrey is astonished to see Liz actually do as she is told. Ruby tells Lucky he owes her two. Liz is bubbling excited, thinking everything is falling into place. At PC High, Liz overhears that the rest of the gang will all be in Mr. "coolest teacher" Murty's class. Nik & Lucky have words. Sarah tells Lucky she can fight her own battles. Liz tells Murty how she loves reading, then uses flattery and honesty to weasel into his class. He likes her style.

First day of school continues, Sarah wasn't happy to see Nik, who wasn't happy to see Lucky; Sarah wasn't thrilled to see Lizzy, who wasn't thrilled to see Lucky not being thrilled about Niks presence. Their English teacher was set on turning them onto Emily Bronte. In the lunch room, Lizzie makes nice with Lucky. Nik later confronts Elizabeth about her spreading rumors about his Uncle causing Steve's heart attack. When Elizabeth hears that Lucky is invited to Sonny & Brenda's wedding she is in awe. Brenda stops by Kelly's and Elizabeth is further in awe. Liz is determined to go to this wedding and tries to get Lucky to invite her. He turns her down so she steals Ruby's invitation. At the door to the wedding, the security men stop Ruby who's missing her invitation though they let her in when Bobbie vouches for her. Shortly thereafter, Lizzie shows up with Ruby's purloined invite. Lucky watches as the security guards question Lizzie - they realize she has Ruby's missing invitation. Lucky steps in and explains that it was all a misunderstanding and she is there with him. Sonny doesn't show for the wedding and leaves Brenda at the altar. Liz kisses Lucky on the cheek to thank him for getting her in.

Back at school, Lucky criticizes Nik to Sarah, she stomps off. Liz advises Lucky to sit back and stop attacking Nik. Later, DeeDee teases Lucky about Sarah choosing "a rich, sexy, dangerous hunk like that" and Lucky doesn't take it at all well. Murty comes through class, patting his briefcase and telling the teensthat the test is important and all the answers are right there. Next the teens are getting ready for their big quiz on Bronte; Miss Lizzie used the occasion to set up her sister: she snagged the answer key to the test and left Sarah's "lucky pen" in its place,then snuck the key into Sarah's purse. "Somebody lose this?" their teacher asked, holding up the pen. Eventually, he accuses Sarah of cheating. Sarah has no idea where the test answers came from. Mr. Murty tells her to leave. Nik then stands up and claims he took them, and he also borrowed Sarah's pen. Murty sends him off and gives the test.

An annoyed Lucky comes home to find Bobbie who asks about school. He tells her about Nikolas apparently stealing the exam questions. Lizzie comes home and gets questioned by Audrey just as Sarah returns. Lucky relates the tale of the stolen exam to Bobbie. He maintains that Nikolas did steal the test and framed Sarah just so Nik could look good by taking the blame for her. Sarah pleads that Nikolas and she are innocent, and Audrey immediately believes her, but Lizzie argues against Nikolas. Lucky flies off the handle about Nikolas, but Bobbie insists he's just guilty over not calling his parents to say why he won't go to join them. After Sarah leaves, Audrey and Lizzie chat about trust, before Lizzie heads out allegedly to work.Bobbie tells Lucky again to call his parents and to consider what it would be like if they come home with Nikolas and he always fighting. Lizzie comes by long enough to tell Lucky about Sarah's meeting with Nikolas. Lizzie and Lucky talk about Sarah and Nikolas. Lizzie gets Lucky so torqued up with talk about Sarah's naivete and possible loss of virginity that he runs out to save her; however, as he opens the door he runs right into dear old Dad Luke sporting a new hat and sunglasses.

The Spencer household-- Luke is back, he gives Lucky a touching greeting and meets Lizzie. She leaves. Luke gives his son a hard time about Laura and LesleyLu. He catches up with Bobbie.

Audrey's house-- Audrey tells Liz that she's grounded for a week for lying about her whereabouts this evening. Liz says she only thinking about Sarah, who is totally taken in by this Nik guy. Nik tells Audrey that he did not really steal the test answers, but only admitted to the crime to save Sarah from being falsely accused. He plans to find out who the real culprit is. Later he confronts Liz as she sneaks a smoke and disses Gatsby that he knows she was the one to blame for stealing the test. Next am, Happy, in-love, morning-gal Sarah irritates sulky Liz and floats off to school. Liz launches defensive maneuvers against Nik's imminent whistle-blowing. Using tears, self-pity, and Cassadine slander, she procures Audrey's promise of full support should Nik falsely accuse Liz, but not without a wise caveat should Liz be guilty. Stubbly-headed, jet-lagged Luke gazes out the window as is his wont in the morning. Enter Bobbie and his hurrying son. Suspicious Dad asks "Since when do you quench at the fountain of knowledge?" and figures it must be "those cute little Webber girls". Bobbie supplies the scoop on Sarah & Nik, which appears to give Luke indigestion. Lucky protests too much that N&S are not a couple, and that she's just his friend and he's lookin' out for her. Luke says his mother wants him back in Switzerland, but, like Nik in another scene, this adolescent makes his own decisions. He's staying in PC. Father and son spar a bit about it until Lucky leaves for school.

Nik & Sarah were discussing his theory on Lizzie's exam cheating frame-up when the Webber in question busted in, ribbed him some, then bounced over to Lucky to pout about her sister's naivete. Lucky disappointed her by sticking up for Sarah. Lizzie played young Spencer like a fiddle, agreeing that the Cassadine was exerting an evil influence. Meanwhile, Sarah was trying not to listen to Nik explain why he thought it was Lizzie who took the test. After a teacher dragged Nik off to the principal's office, Elizabitch wanted to know what filthy lies he told about her. Sarah kept mum. Lizzie played nice and suggested her sister drop the whole incident, but roused Sarah's suspicion when she remarked on the "Lucky Pen."

Next day at school, As Sarah moped, Lizzie came to the rec room & tried to distract her sis from her Nik doldrums. When Lucky got in, Emily gave him a big hug; Lizzie was immediately curious and got the scoop on Em's past. After finding out about Lucky & Em's connection, Liz took an opportunity to come to Emily's rescue (she was getting picked on by classmates) and played up like she was Em's best friend and defender. She made sure Lucky was watching, and was rewarded when he thanked her and expressed surprise at her altruistic side.

Sarah & Nik set up to find out if Liz took the test answer sheet. Emily comes up. Liz and Lucky talk about Sarah getting in trouble. Liz and Lucky miss the game to talk about Sarah. Sarah comes in. She wants Liz' help, she says, to prove Nik did it. Sarah lies to Lizzie telling her she wants Lizzie's help to prove that Nikolas did steal the exam and framed her. At first, Lizzie tries to get Sarah to forget the whole thing, but Sarah draws her into an alleged scheme to get even. Sarah tells Lizzie she wants to plant the new English test on Nikolas. She says he told her Lizzie was to blame, but she didn't believe him, they being sisters and all. At that, Lizzie agrees to steal the new test for her. Lizzie works on stealing the test from the teacher's desk. As Lizzie paws through the teacher's briefcase, Sarah confronts her, and after some questioning proves to herself that Lizzie had done it before and so must have been the one who framed Sarah. She confronts Lizzie, she knows Liz stole the test answers. She promises to blow the whistle to everybody. Liz sneers "Don't expect me to say I'm sorry. I only wish I'd framed you sooner." Sarah chases Liz back to Audrey's. Why does Liz hate Sarah, the big sis cries? "I hate you, Sarah. I just plain hate you," Lizzie hisses. Liz complains how everybody loves Sarah and nobody likes her. If they weren't related, Sarah wouldn't give her the time of day. Audrey wants to know what the all the commotion is. Is it about Nik? Audrey conveniently must leave immediately for the hospital, but you can bet she'll want an explanation first thing in the morning!

Lucky storms in for juice. Luke asks how's it going. Luke tells Lucky he's staying and Lucky jumps to the conclusion the family is returning. No such luck. Luke is attempting to fix a chair, and doesn't tell Lucky about Stefan. Liz is looking for her brush. Sarah sulks in and hands her the brush. Will she tell Audrey about the test? Liz asks for another chance. Sarah tells her she (Liz) WILL tell Mr. Murty. Audrey comes in and asks what's going on. Sarah says Liz should tell. Liz says she got a D. Sarah doesn't correct her. Sarah calls McMurty then she calls Kelly's and tells Liz Mr. Murty will talk to her there. Sarah makes Elizabeth confess to Mr. Murty about who really stole the test papers. She spins him a "poor-little-Liz" tale first, though, and successfully plays on his sympathy. The result is that Liz (and maybe Sarah) will have to see a Counselor. Nik's record will be cleared and the whole imbroglio will be allowed to die down. Alone with Nik, Lizzie vows to get back at him.

At Kelly's, Ruby and Lizzie are talking, and Lucky comes up. LIz tells him she's trying to impress Ruby so she'll say good things to Audrey about her. Audrey comes in and has a little talk with Ruby. After Ruby leaves, Liz sits down with Audrey. She tells her grandmother that she's concerned about her relationship with Sarah. Audrey tells Liz that Nik and Sarah are serious and Liz works sex into the conversation. Audrey leaves and Lucky comes over. Liz hints that Nik and Sarah are sexually active. Next she hides condoms in Nik's shopping bag so Sarah will find them. Liz is dancing around. Nik at the door, Liz doesn't hear the doorbell so he walks in, as no one locks their door in Port Charles. She discusses Sarah and how Nik and Sarah are joined at the hip. She says she thinks they've had a fight. When Nik leaves, LIZ flashes back to planting the condoms. Sarah and Emily come in. Sarah and Liz bicker.

Luke breaks the news that Spencer Jr doesn't have to go to Switzerland, and passes on other family news-in-brief. The two settle in for a father-son talk, and as expected, the conversation moves on to the Webber girls, Sarah in particular. Luke counsels patience. At the diner, Elizabitch is badgering Lucky to interfere between Nik and Sarah. When he declines, she attempts to guilt him, but it's a no-go.

Thanksgiving show - Liz is having a cigarette while purportedly looking for Gatsby. Sarah comes out and they almost talk pleasantly. Audrey is holding flowers and Nik comes by with a centerpiece. "Just like the Pilgrims," Liz remarks. "Bring gifts to the natives and kill them and take everything they own." No sign of Gatsby, maybe he's gone for good. Just then the doorbell rings. Audrey asks pleasantly: "Would you get that, Elizabeth? It's probably the juvenile authorities come to take you away." It's actually Lucky, holding Gatsby. Later Liz flirts with Lucky. At dinner Audrey asks Nik to say the grace, and they look at Steve's empty chair. Sarah made a big deal about how Nik had called her and asked her to come hangout at the Cassadine country house that evening. Lizzie, overheard all and was determined to break up Sarah's evening with Nik. She cried "family emergency" to Ruby and took off. She tells Lucky that Sarah is in danger and he goes with her, of course later he is ticked when he realizes she lied to him. Liz actually seems really worried about Sarah, she realizes that putting the condoms in the bag may have pushed Sarah & Nik into talking about sex sooner than if she hadn't interferred. Lucky though has no interest in trying to interrupt S&N, he tells Liz that she is "sloppy and out of control". She and Lucky fight over the wheel, the car goes off the road.

At Luke's club, band playing, everyone dancing. Da Man is giving himself a welcome-back party. As he says to Mike: Lucky does the bump. Outside gunfire erupts, someone is shot. Luke turns the person over--it's Nik,thrashing about and choking for air. Sarah comes upon the scene and begins screaming at the sight of Nikolas all shot up. Lucky pulls her away and Jason, whose brain damage does not extend to the stuff he learned in med school, begins to perfrom a tracheotomy on the kid with a pocket knife. Luke holds the boy's head. Liz comforts Sarah. Touching moment as Luke rides with Nik in the ambulance and holds Nik's hand.

At the hospital, Liz invited Lucky to swallow his own medicine, the spoonful about being jealous of a sibling. Who? Me? Jealous?, Lucky asked. Liz is kind, caring, and supportive of her sister. It's becoming more obvious that she truely does love her. Later, Lucky is talking to Amy about Nik. Luke comes up and Lucky is worried. He's not a "real Spencer" because he actually helped to save Nik's life. Lucky wants to know why would Luke help Nik? Luke explains there's a difference between wanting someone dead and watching them die. Lucky peers in on Nikolas until Lizzie shows up and suggests they look for Sarah. Sarah blows off Lizzie and Lucky to rush to see Nik when he asks to see her. Liz chides Lucky for refusing to admit he's broken hearted over Sarah's choice of Nikolas over him. Lucky walks Lizzie and Sarah out of GH. Lucky reluctantly goes to see Nikolas who indicates he knows it's Laura's birthday. Lucky tells him she hasn't asked about him since neither Stefan nor they have told her. As Lucky presses him for some other message, Nikolas, seemingly upset, forcibly chokes out "her not need?" When Lucky doesn't understand, Nikolas gets more visibly distressed and seems to be having trouble breathing worrying Lucky over his condition. Nik suffers a stroke and then can't speak correctly, the words become jumbled.

The Christmas show, Liz & Lucky aren't featured but Dave Koz plays the sax for the annual GH party (I inserted clips of him playing Christmas music) to mark the season and as a tribute since he has become a part of GH history. (He does the opening theme song).

Meanwhile, at the Outback, Lizzie appears and introduces herself to Felicia. Lizzie wants a reservation for tonight's party, but Felicia assures her she won't need one. Nik is in his room, brooding. Lucky finally tells Nik why he's there. He wants Nik to know that "I didn't do anything to bring this whole speech thing on, not on purpose." Nik looks serious, writes "You okay." Their eyes meet. It's a great moment. Out in the hallway, a lurking Sarah is joined by Lizzie, who asks if she wants to go to the Outback for the New Year's Eve celebration. Sarah's not in the mood. Kat approaches and lets Sarah know Nik will be going home soon. "I'm sure once he gets settled, he'll want to see you." Sarah isn't so sure. "Don't give up on him, " Kat tells her. Sarah says she won't, "not in this lifetime." Lucky and Nik are still bonding, after a fashion. "Must be tough, having people tell you what to do all day. I'd be going nuts," Lucky observes. Nik writes, "I have been." Then Stefan shows up and snarls at poor Lucky, "What are YOU doing here?" Stefan is going after Lucky: "You are not welcome in this room. Nik has enough stress in his life without you adding to it." Lucky leaves, without trying to explain that Nik HAD welcomed him.

Sarah and Lizzie met up and acted like lifeling Girlfriends over their datelessness. Now on the stage, Dara does a tribute of sorts to Mary Mae, dedicating a version of "God Bless the Child" to her memory. Lizzie, proudly whipping out a half-bottle of wine she undoubtedly filched, and getting busted by Felicia.

In Early Jan, Lucky worriedly tells Luke he found one of the toys that Lulu had taken to Switzerland with a note warning that she should be more careful of her toys. Luke & Lucky head to Europe. Liz & Lucky aren't on screen for most of the month of January.

Lizzie and Sarah discuss Nik and Em's friendship. Sarah is feeling jealous and Liz offers to help her spy on them. Liz and Sarah spy on Nik and Em laughing. This damming bit of fun convinces Sarah that she has lost Nik.

Lucky returns - Bobbie is at Kelly's and Lucky comes breezing in, back from the Outer Banks. Bobbie says it's a bad day. Luke comes in and Bobbie tells Lucky to ask his dad when Lucky wants to know whats wrong. Lucky says "You can never have too much family" and Bobbie demurs: "Oh yes you can, I've had a bellyful." She leaves and Luke tells Lucky about Carly being Bobbie's daughter. Lucky is annoyed that he didn't know.

Liz is waiting for Audrey at the hospital. "Who CARES about the Louisiana Purchase anyway? Thomas Jefferson should have just whipped out his card and paid for the whole darn thing." Audrey and Liz have a talk. It's apparent that all of Liz's nastiness of the summer came in the cigarettes, because now that she's stopped them, she's downright nice. Audrey says she was more like Liz. She suggests that Liz ask Lucky to the dance. Liz points out that she's the girl, and Audrey says that's an old-fashioned notion. Liz says Lucky likes Sarah. Liz goes to Kelly's and asks Lucky to hang out at the dance. He agrees. She bounces off, back to Audrey, just thrilled. Liz asks Audrey to go shopping with her. Meanwhile, Sarah goes to Kelly's and does the "egg cream" joke with Lucky. She asks him to take her to the dance.

Valentine's episodes - Wherein Lizzie can't get Lucky who can't get Sarah who can't get Nik; but Lucky changes his opinion as the evening progresses:
Lizzie and Audrey are in the Hardy living room, admiring a red-hot micro-mini dress with spaghetti straps that Lizzie has bought to wear to the dance. Liz is glad her grandmother didn't even try to talk her into trying on a pastel ruffled number Audrey liked. A great exchange follows:
Audrey: "If there is one thing I've learned in the past year, [it's that] you are not a pastel person."
Elizabeth: "That should go in the yearbook-- Elizabeth Webber, not a pastel person."
Audrey gives her granddaughter a pep talk about how the dress will impress Lucky, then heads upstairs to retrieve "just the thing to complete the picture." Lucky shows up and bursts Elizabeth's bubble by asking if it would be okay for him to bring someone else along to the dance. Elizabeth looks hurt. Lucky tells Elizabeth he's accompanying Sarah, while trying to play down the date aspect of it all, and suggests Lizzie come along with the two of them. Elizabeth puts on a brave face, and lies through her teeth that a basketball star named Chad has asked if she'd go with him. Lucky scoots off, explaining that he has to pick Sarah up at a friend's house where she and some other girls are having dinner. My heart breaks for Lizzie, as she closes the door behind Lucky and snatches up the dress. Lizzie tries to tell her grandmother that she isn't feeling well and that she doesn't think she'll go to the dance after all, and Audrey, thinking it's cold feet,will have none of it. Audrey tells Lizzie that she thinks of Lizzie as "indomitable" and loans her a bracelet that Steve gave Audrey when they were first dating-- "for good luck." Lizzie gets choked up, asks Audrey if she isn't afraid Lizzie will lose it. Audrey assures her she can "dance all night and it won't fall off. I can attest to that." Sarah calls, saying she plans to sleep over at a friends's house after the dance.

Later, Audrey calls for a cab and, standing at the foot of the stairs, calls up to Lizzie that she should hurry, because the dance started an hour ago. Lizzie appears, looking great in her tiny red dress with matching bag and lipstick. She continues to drag her feet, but Audrey pushes her out the door, promising to wait up to hear all about the dance. Later in the episode, we learn the dance is over, and that Lizzie never showed up. Sarah, Lucky, and another girl have stopped off at Ruby's for some pie. Lucky wonders where Elizabeth was. Sarah goes to feed the jukebox,and "Me Loving You" starts playing. Lucky is peeved that Sarah has apparently spent the evening talking about Nikolas. Lucky spots Chad and asking him about why he and Lizzie weren't at the dance. Chad's answer-- "My girlfriend's name is Cheryl and I don't DO dances." Now Lucky is more concerned, but Sarah is dismissive-- "Lizzie is always making up stories. If she were the one dating Nikolas, she'd have everyone convinced that she broke up with him instead of the other way around." Lucky is disgusted, and decides to go look for Elizabeth. Sarah pouts that he was supposed to take her home, since they're on a date. He explains that Deenie's house (where's she's spending the night) is in the opposite direction and besides, he's tired of hearing her ramble on about Nik all night. He tells her to eat her pie, and leaves her to get a ride home with Deenie, presumably. He exits the diner having seen Sarah with fresh eyes, it appears; he can't have Sarah, whose heart belongs to Nik, but he doesn't seem to care any more.

Lizzie is walking through the park in the snow. She is carrying a bag of popcorn, which suggests she wound up at a movie rather than the dance. She sits down on a bench, checks her watch, and sighs. Suddenly she is grabbed from behind by a man wearing black gloves and a ski mask. She struggles against her attacker; he lifts her off the ground and over the bench and carries her off. The show ends with a shot of the empty bench and the foundation in front of it, looking very cold and bleak.

Lucky is looking for Liz who was a no-show at the dance. He hears moaning and a rustling in the bushes. Liz crawls out. Lucky's horrified. His voice breaks as he asks what happened. "My shoe," she tells him, dazed with shock, "It's broken." She is a mess--her face streaked with tears, her dress is torn and her arms are bruised. As Lucky tries to help her with her shoe, he notices the blood on her leg. Who did this to her? Liz doesn't know. She realizes that her grandma's bracelet is missing--she has to find it, it was a gift from her grandpa! Lucky tells her they'll find it, but first they have to get her to a hospital. No! Liz insists she does not want to go there. Lucky helps her up and gently leads her away, murmuring words of comfort. Lucky brings Liz to his home and gives her a warm shirt to put on. Liz asks to use the bathroom to clean up. Lucky's sympathetic, but should she do that? She should be examined. Again Lizzie is adamant about not going to the hospital. Well, then, how about if he calls his Aunt Bobbie the nurse? Finding he can't reach Bobbie by phone, he wants to run to GH and catch her. Lizzie says fine, she needs some time alone. Lucky tells Foster to guard his friend. Foster comes over, plops his head on the coffee table and regards Liz with a sad and sympathetic gaze. She goes upstairs. Lizzie showers. We see her weeping in the tub. At the same time, a black-garbed figure apraoches the house. Scenes of his approach are intercut with Liz getting out of the tub. A black gloved hand tries the door knob. Liz is downstairs in a robe now and cries "No!" as she sees the knob turn. She cries out again as Luke enters. He instantly sees how upset she is and keeps his distance, reminding her that he's Lucky's dad. Lucky and Bobbie arrive then Luke is surprised to see his sister, and speaks her name hopefully (is she here to see him?) but she sweeps past him and goes to Liz. Lucky looks at his father and tells him that Lizzie was jumped in the park. Bobbie takes Liz upstairs so they can speak privately. Lucky tells Luke that he knows Liz was raped--even though she won't say so. As he recounts finding her in the park, his eyes fill with tears. "The worst thing was her something so bad had happened, she can't bear to know it. It's still in there. Did you see it?" "Yeah, I saw it," Luke admits sadly, his eyes staring through Lucky and back into the past.

In the bathroom, Bobbie tries to fix up Liz's cuts and bruises. Liz is glad that her face is not marked. No on can tell anything happened. Bobbie tries to tell her that rape victims need very careful treatment. She tries to convince Liz to be examined, but Liz says she'd rather die. Bobbie doesn't push. She tells Liz she has no authorization for what she's about to do and could get into serious trouble, but she provides Liz with a morning-after pill which is given to rape victims to prevent pregnancy. Now, can she call Audrey? No--Liz doesn't want her gran to know anything, and will deny it all if Bobbie tries to involve Audrey. "This happened to me." She stares at her face in the mirror. "I'll decide who to tell."

Downstairs, Lucky is still wrestling with the situation. "What kind of guy grabs a girl and forces her to have sex with him?" he demands. He just doesn't get it. "You'll never understand it," Luke tells him, shaken. "Don't even try." Bobbie comes down and she and Lucky confer. Liz won't admit to being sexually assaulted, and there's nothing they can do if she won't pursue it. Lizzie comes down and escorts her home.

Audrey's house--Lucky promises to find Liz's bracelet. She thanks him for his help tonight. Inside, Audrey greets her, eager for the news of the dance. She assumes that Lucky and Liz met there as planned, since she noticed Lucky bringing her home. Liz tells Audrey that she's very tired and just needs some sleep. She escapes upstairs. Outside, Lucky waits near the door, worrying about Liz.

At the hospital the next day, Bobbie and Lucky discuss Lizzie's rape and whether it is right to keep it a secret. Audrey comes up and enthuse about how happy Lizzie was to go to the dance with Lucky and how happy she [Audrey] was that Lizzie was safe with him having fun. Lucky's horror and guilt are palpable, and he almost tells Audrey what happened but Bobbie steps in. He leaves filled with disgust at himself.

In her bedroom, Lizzie huddles in her bed a lump of silent pain and misery. Lucky comes to the front door rings, knocks and calls out to her--begging her to let him in, tense with worry, pleading. She stays in her bed stoneyfacedand suffering, it doesn't even seem that she hears Lucky, even though his voice comes up clearly to her room---she is trapped in her pain, and notices nothing around her. Bobbie visits Liz and ask her to get tested for STD (sexually transmitted diseases). Liz, later, opens the door to Lucky who brings her homework. She admits the rape to him. He tries to talk her into telling Audrey. He suggests she should take the tests. But Liz doesn't want anyone to know. Lucky helps her with her math, and Liz tries to become a normal girl again. Lucky goes home and sees Luke. Luke asks about Liz, and Lucky raves: how could a guy DO that??

At Kelley's. Bobbie and Lucky share a conversation about Lizzie. Lucky wants to know what he should do, if Lizzie won't admit there's anything wrong. Bobbie tells him just to let her know he's concerned and to be there for her, but, unless she decides to report the crime, there's really nothing else to be done. Lucky makes some allusion to going after the rapist himself, and Bobbie, of course disapproves. Meanwhile, back at Audry's house, Liz is applying makeup in the bathroom (wearing a sleeveless shirt) when Sarah bursts through the door looking for a lost $10 bill. She sees Lizzie's arms and asks her what happened. Lizzie says that she fell and leaves the room, claiming she has to work at Kelly's. Audrey stops Lizzie at the door and voices concern over her being up and about too soon after having the flu. Lizzie says she's fine and leaves. Sarah walks in and she and Audrey compare notes about Lizzie's experience at the dance. Sarah notices the inconsistencies in Lizzie's story (she'd told Audrey she was with Lucky, but told Sarah she was meeting Chet). Sarah then questions Audry about the bruising, claiming one of her schoolmates got bruises all over her arms during a basket-ball game. Audrey is aghast, and says that a game should never be that brutal to produce bruising like that.

Luke walks into Kelly's just as Lucky assures Bobbie he won't turn vigilante. Lucky sees Lizzie outside and goes to her, greeting new Mr.Murty (obviously a recast) on his way out. Once outside, Lucky reassures a reticent Lizzie that if she wants to go back to work, he'll be there to support her. Liz enters Kelly's and appears nervous at the sight of some anonymous male customer looking at her. She then walks by New Murty, who touches her arm while greeting her, and frightens her. Murty apologizes for scaring her and inquires about her health. Liz says she's fine and Murty says that he'll see her in class, but that she still looks a little ill. Mr. Murty leaves. Bobbie greets Liz and asks if she'd like to sit down. She says that it's normal to be frightened, like she was with Mr. Murty, for a while. She gives her some brochures from the Rape Crisis Center and Lizzie thanks her. Bobbie then urges Liz to tell Audrey, but assures her that it's her decision, and that she won't interfere. She also suggests that a doctor examine her and give a baseline test for HIV. Liz insists she doesn't need it, until Bobbie tells her about Robin's experience. Liz looks as if she's considering Bobbie's words as she leaves the table to start work. Sarah enters and asks Lizzie about her bruises again. Lizzie tells her to leave her alone, and walks away. Sarah asks Lucky about the dance, and Lucky is vague. Sarah tells him about Liz's bruises but Lucky claims to know nothing about it. Liz passes by Luke and Bobbie and Luke tells her that he admires her courage. Liz runs out of Kelly's, obviously distraught. Lucky asks Luke what he said to her, and Luke replies that he told her to 'hang in there'. Sarah goes outside and begs Lizzie to tell her what's wrong. She promises to keep it a secret. Lizzie breaks down and tells her about the rape, and Sarah hugs her. She asks Liz if she knew her attacker, and Liz said 'no'.

Inside, Bobbie tells Luke not to make Lizzie's problem "about you and your past". And Lucky overhears, asking "what about your past?"... Outside, Sarah comforts Liz, who has just confessed that she was raped. Liz makes her promise not to tell Audrey. She tells her sister that she can't escape memories of "him" (rapist) no matter how she tries. Sarah tries to get Liz to go to the police, to no avail. "Lizzie, tell me what you need..anything, I'll do it." "I need to go back in time--think you can swing that?" Sarah takes her sister home.

Inside, Lucky has overheard Bobbie laying into Luke. He jumps to his dad's defense. He knows his dad has done things to make people mad--but all his actions have been with someone else's best interests at heart. He's only tried to protect others. Bobbie is silent. Luke thanks Lucky for the heartfelt defense, but reminds his son that Bobbie is entitled to her feelings. When Lucky steps out to check on Liz, Bobbie gazes at her bro. "How's it feel to be a hero?" She leaves. Lucky returns. Lizzie's gone. But he's sick of feeling helpless. He's going to go to the park to look for her lost bracelet. Does Luke want to come along? By the fountain, Lucky points out the place where he found Liz. Lucky recounts the events of that night, but Luke, behind him, is scarcely listening. He's seeing another scene--from 20 years ago-- of a teenage Laura, running through the park, her torn blousegaping. (We see this in an actual black and white flashback of the event.) She collapses at the very same fountain, crying. Lucky recovers the bracelet in the bushes and goes to return it to Liz.

Audrey's place--Sarah brings Liz inside, then offers to return to Ruby's to report that Liz felt sick. Audrey enters and asks about the bracelet she loaned Liz. Liz winces and comes up with a story about the clasp breaking and taking it to a jeweler's to be repaired. Audrey understands, but is surprised to see that Lizzie is trembling. Lucky returns the bracelet to Liz, but Audrey overhears their conversation, and realizes Liz was fibbing to her. Liz is forced to tell her about being raped. Audrey is supportive but dazed, insisting that Liz not dwell on what happened.

Liz is trying to work at Kelly's. In Ruby's first appearance of the year, she dashes on and says something and vanishes again. Bobbie comes in and asks Elizabeth how she's doing. Liz is jumpy. She has told Audrey, who isn't being any help. Bobbie finds Audrey's reaction hard to believe. Liz is worried what they'll think at school. She is (was, she corrects herself) actually a virgin. Bobbie reminds her that rape is never about sex, but about violence. Virginity doesn't matter. Liz tells her it DID mattter to her. She'd always hoped to give it up to someone nice. Bobbie suggests going to Mercy for testing. Liz doesn't want an AIDS test, she just wants to lead a normal high school life. Sarah comes in to see how Liz is. Liz tells her she thinks everyone knows. Sarah is saying "no, of course not" as Emily comes in and says "You poor thing -- I heard all about you. It's all over the school!"

**END of Tape #1**

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