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Liz & Lucky #2 Feb 25 - June 29, 1998 -8 hr original edit

very long detailed description of contents of Tape #2

Audrey is still being all cheerful and carrying on with her denial, especially with a horrified Bobbie. Liz decides to go for the test. When she asks Audrey to accompany her and Bobbie, Audrey is "too busy." They talk about Liz going back to school. Lucky wants to help. He wants to catch the guy, and asks for Luke's help. Liz is so quiet and jumpy. Lucky just can't understand why a guy would do this. He's sorry that Liz is ashamed. Luke keeps taking it: "How can ANY man do this to any woman and go on living with himself? Go on living at all?" He reminds lucky that it happened to Liz, not to Lucky. Elizabeth needs to run the show, not have someone hijack her life again. Lucky doesn't buy it. He's feeling guilty about not going to the dance with Elizabeth. Luke tells him not to take the guilt on. Lucky is in tears, but if Elizabeth doesn't want him to bring the guy down, he'll just have to build HER up. "I just hope I always treat women the way you've treated Mom." Luke tells him: "I hope you do a lot better." After Lucky leaves, Luke sits all alone, wrapped in a blanket, crying.

We see Bobbie at her best, being incredibly supportive of a very nervous Liz throughout a trip to Mercy Hospital for a physical examination. While Liz and Bobbie are at Mercy, Lucky has another talk with his father. "Rape never goes away," Lucky intones. He is angry that the rapist "took her spirit" and says that it would only have been worse if it had been someone she knew, someone she trusted. Elizabeth and Lucky arrive at Mercy for her test results, Lizzie was a little paranoid about being noticed, and then bummed at having to feel so secretive in the first place, but thankful that he was there. Elizabeth exits her doctor's office, relieved, and informs Lucky the HIV tests came back negative. He suggests they do something semi-celebratory. Lucky and Liz ended up at a diner. She again thanked Lucky for his help and concern.

Lucky calls Liz, asks Liz to the movies, but they decide it'll be better not to go out. He'll bring a movie to Liz. Audrey tries to deflect Liz with warm milk and happy thoughts but Liz needs something else. Liz asks Audrey for help dealing with her emotions. Audrey brushes this off and says that she hopes Lucky didn't bring a horror movie. He brings a silent film. Audrey leaves, and Lucky microwaves popcorn. Liz says she is missing her mom. Elizabeth falls asleep and starts to dream about the rape. She fights off Lucky, trying to wake her. She scratches him. When she's awake, she tells how angry she is that there was nothing she could have fought with. Lucky takes her upstairs so she can get some sleep. He talks to her about Lulu, and Liz tells what she was like at 3. She drops off, and Audrey sees them. Lucky goes home and calls his Mom. He talks a little about Liz but Foster is in the trash and Lucky has to hang up. Next am, Lucky tells Luke about his experience at Liz's the other day (when she fell asleep and then woke up screaming and fighting, scratching Lucky's face). Lucky said that hers was a different kind of fear than any he'd ever seen before, because she couldn't even see who he was. He went on to say that "Mom must've been that way too."

Lucky returns to the bench in the park where he found Lizzie. Nik enters the scene and greets him. Lucky says that he's glad Nik found his voice again and then Nik mentions his letter from Laura. Lucky blows a fuse and tells Nik never to mention her name, and accuses Nik's father of raping Laura. A shoving match ensues, with Nik finally hauling off and punching Lucky, while saying "My father didn't rape our mother--- YOURS did!" Lucky looks dazed. Punches are thrown and Lucky lands on his knees. "Your father killed my father--and he raped our mother, Lucky! He raped her!" Lucky gets up and they struggle some more. That's just another Cassadine lie! "You want me to prove it?" Nik asks. He tells Lucky that when Laura was married to Scott Baldwin, she worked at a club that Luke operated. Luke knew she was married, but that didn't keep him from wanting Laura, or from raping her. If Lucky doesn't believe it, he should check it out. As if he'd ever try to research his own father, Lucky snorts. "Check it out," Nik tells him. "October 8, the date to remember."

Lucky then goes to the local library, where he zips through microfilm of the Port Charles Herald. He sees various headlines on his dad's past glory--, then he comes across a small article about a rape victim found in the local park. He reads the date of the issue--October 8. Laura calls home which gives Lucky the opportunity to delve into her past. Luke comes in. Small talk give ways to another fishing expedition by Lucky.

At the Outback, Lucky has tracked down Scott Baldwin. He wants to know who raped his mother. Scotty looks uncomfortable with this painful piece of his past and not at all anxious to say Luke in despite his feelings for him. Scott refuses to answer his questions. He warns Lucky that if he goes looking for dirt, he'll find it! Getting nowhere, Lucky wants to know how bad his mom was hurt.

Lucky is on the dock, staring toward Spoon Island. Liz comes up to him. She has to go be interviewed by the cops. Will Lucky come with her? The interview is conducted by Garcia and Dara, who are sensitive. It's a very powerful interview. Liz describes "disassociating" just to survive the rape. After the talk, Audrey comes by, and Liz, bothered, goes to splash water on her face. After this, Lucky comes up to Stefan and asks "Why did you lie about my parents?" Stefan won't admit it's a lie, and Lucky keeps pushing. Lucky confronts Bobbie at the Brownstone: "I need an answer." He says that when Luke lied to Bobbie about Carly, he claimed it was to protect her, "but that's a crock. Because you wanted the truth, and no matter how much it hurt, it was better than a lie." Bobbie flinches, and says, "I thought so," in a tone that implies that might not be true in all cases. "Did my dad rape my mom?" "Oh, Lucky." Louder, slamming his hand on the table in a very Luke-ish move, "DID HE?" "You have to ask your father." "No, I don't."

Bobbie again trying to call Luke. She has been called in for an emergency surgery, but she leaves a message on Luke's machine, asking him to page her ASAP, without revealing why. We see the answering machine in Luke's house, recoridng the message, and we see that Lucky is listening, a serious look on his face, as the message comes in, confirming to him that this question sent Aunt Bobbie rushing to warn his father. Lucky is preparing to take off, grabbing his backpack and checking to be sure the money stashed in it is still there. At that moment, Luke walks through the door, unaware of what he's walking into. But he is immediately alerted that there is a problem. Lucky confronts him and insists Luke tell the truth, very emotional scenes as Luke tells all.

Lucky heads to the bus station and wants a one-way ticket out of town. "Where to?" The ticket guy asks. Lucky is emotionless. "Whatta ya got?" Lucky is sleeping at the bus station, he's missed the last bus and is waiting for the morning one; but after the police officer moves on, Lucky changes his mind and heads out of the bus station.

We next see him at Lizzie's door. He waves a her through the window, rather than knock and disturb the household. She comes out to the stoop to talk to him. He tells her he's leaving town, but doesn't know where he'll wind up. She asks him to let her help, to tell her what's going on. She says that she's been raped, so "what can you tell me that's worse than that?" "Not much. You'd be surprised." She tells him that she wants to be there for him as he was there for her during her worst times, when he "never flinched, never looked away. You were solid. You were someone I could depend on, someone I could trust. I want to be the same for you. I can be. You just have to let me." Lucky does let her, telling her that what he had wanted most was the name of the guy who raped Liz. "Well, I got a consolation prize, the name of the guy who raped my mom." Lizzie is puzzled, since she thought they already knew it was Stavros. "My dad." "Oh," Lizzie begins, clearly flustered. Lucky pushes her to finish her thought: "What? How sick, how sickening, what?" "How sad," Liz answers quietly, "for you." They talk a bit more and Liz asks a favor of Lucky, to not leave town. He doesn't. She suggests he go to North Carolina to see his mother, but he will have none of it. "Liz then invites him to move into her place, suggesting she could hide him from her grandmother. She coaxes him inside, assuring him no one is home, but he doesn't plan to stay long.

After they move inside, we see Luke at the door. He has come to see Liz, unaware that Lucky is already there. He tells Elizabeth that he expects she will hear from Lucky soon and that Lucky really needs a friend. He is extremely subdued, almost embarrassed. Lucky steps from behind the door, and we cut to commercial. After the commercial, Liz makes herself scarce, and Lucky steps outside to talk with his dad. Theirs is another heart-rending exchange. Lucky taunts Luke with the news that Nik told him the truth.

Lizzie hops off on the second floor to ask Bobbie about Lucky's whereabouts; she admits that Lucky gave her the basic details about L & L's not so humble beginnings, and Bobbie tries to, not excuse the senior Spencers', but to ask for a little patience and acceptance. Lucky comes upon Luke & Stefan fighting, Lucky enraged and stunned Luke, first by inquiring to "Mr. Cassadine's" health, and then refusing to ride back to the mainland in the same boat with his father.

Liz and Sarah are having dinner and a heart to heart, mostly about Nik. Bobbie descends to the Brownstone basement, She leaves some food money out for him and turns to leave, just as Lucky comes out of hiding. Bobbie says he's welcome to stay and that she agrees not discuss Luke.... but... she'd like to carefully approach that topic one last time: She reiterates that the rape happened to Laura and that she and Luke were able to work through it. Bobbie counters: "When would you have liked to have known? When you were six? Twelve?" Lucky says that he would've at least liked to have known before Nik did; and how for the last two years all he heard Luke talk about was how Stavros raped Laura. Bobbie interjects that Luke is not Stavros. Lucky agrees and adds: "Cassadine wasn't a hypocrite." Bobbie says that he has a right to be angry, but not spiteful. Lucky repeats that Luke should've owned up to it. "He'd still be sick, but at least he wouldn't be a coward..." Bobbie drops the subject and extends her offer to have Lucky live at the Brownstone. Lucky accepts..

Liz comes upon Lucky sitting at the water's edge. He's mourning the loss of his parents--or of the image he had of them. He can never forgive them now. Liz reminds him that his mother forgave his father--and maybe what happened so long ago has nothing to do with him. "But it does," he insists. "It's the reason I hate them." "My dad did to my mother what that creep in the park did to you,"Lucky cries. Liz tells him it's not he same. Why is Liz sticking up for Luke, anyway? She says that the only side she's on is Lucky's side. Liz leaves and Helena comes strolling along. Lucky admits that he's been waiting for her. He wants to know why she broke into their house in Switzerland and stole his sisters stuffed toy, only to deposit it at their house in PC. Lucky realizes that there are many things he does not understand about his family--things that even Nikolas Cassadine understands better than he himself does. Helena offers to explain it all to him over an elegant lunch on her yacht.

Lizzie goes to see Luke, she admits that she's there for Lucky's sake. He helped her through the worst event of her life, and now she wants to help him. Luke tells her that he knows what Lucky told her--is she afraid of him (Luke)? Liz admits that her stomach is in knots. Luke assures her that he is no threat to her. Liz tells him that Lucky really needs his family now. Though he's angry, it's only because he's hurting so badly.

Audrey comes downstairs, hears Sarah & Liz discussing the rape and goes ballistic, telling Sarah to leave Lizzie's thoughts alone. Sarah, confused, explains that she's only trying to help. When Lizzie goes upstairs, Sarah puts everything together and directly asks if her Gram had had a similar experience to Elizabeth's. Audrey's silence confirms the answer, and Sarah expresses some sympathy. Sarah expresses how sorry she is, and before leaving, says Elizabeth thinks her grandmother is ashamed of her. Audrey says no, but Sarah reiterates that Liz needs to know that, and know why. After Sarah leaves, Elizabeth comes bounding downstairs to see her grandmother in tears. When Liz asks what's wrong, Audrey spills the story of how, while she was recovering from her first Steve Hardy heartbreak, she married Tom Baldwin, she noted how abusive hewas, and more specifically she told Liz of how he raped her by way of taking his conjugal rights.

Amy and Lucky are at the desk. Nik comes up and talks to Lucky. He apologizes for telling him about the rape. He suggests they continue not to like each other, but only based on themselves, not on their families. Luke comes into the Brownstone with Bobbie carrying groceries. He wants to buy the food. However, he's astonished when she gets him to pay and thank her for the privilege. She laughs and explains it's an old hooker trick. Enter thundercloud Lucky. "What is he doing here?" Luke wants him to come home. Lucky says no, and adds that Luke doesn't understand that word. Lucky tells about meeting Nik. Bobbie overhears Lucky ask what kind of woman marries a rapist. He also says maybe Luke didn't tell Laura because he's still a coward. Bobbie tells Lucky that if he can't live by her rules to leave, and he does.

Hardy house. Lucky startles Liz at the door. He tells her he's headed out of town, she pleads with him to stay. Liz thinks Lucky is upset with her because she talked to his dad, but he was unaware. Why talk to my dad, he asks, and Liz admits to "selfish" reasons-- she wanted to make things right for Lucky so he won't leave town. She tells Lucky she knows he cares about his family. "Don't pretend you don't care, I know that game, I INVENTED that game." He wants to know if she would tell HER rapist's son to forgive his father. "I don't give a damn about your father. He scares me. He was nice to me. That about sums it up." What matters to her is Lucky, and losing his friendship She wishes it were as easy for her to say goodbye as it is for Lucky to go. Lucky assures her she misread him "it isn't easier for me. Are you listening? Do you believe me?" Liz tells him that if he must go, she wants to go with him. Meanwhile, Lucky is explaining to Liz why she can't go with him. Lucky says he's "lived out of a duffel bag before" and Liz hasn't, but she asks him what he thinks she's doing in Port Charles. It isnt' her home. And she dares Lucky to tell her she needs to stay in PC to heal. She tells him of trying to go to a rape survivor group, but turning back at the door. "Yes, next time I might get inside," she whispers, but "Who am I gonna wanna talk to about it if you're gone?" She admits she should feel bad about laying a guilt trip on him, "but I'm too much of a brat to care. I should be nice and wish you luck, but what would I do tomorrow?" Lucky is touched. "Okay, I'll come up with Plan C." However, he cautions, "I can't stay in your room like a pet hamster forever." He has an idea, and starts to go. Liz talks him into leaving his bags at her place, and asks him to be careful.

Lucky meets up with Helena on the docks. He thanks her for having treated him to lunch the other day. "aren't you well brought up?" she drawls. "Yeah, I have good manners," Lucky counters, in a subtle but telling distinction. This next scene between Helena & Lucky was cut this portion isn't included as this episode was cut short on my source tape (Lucky proposes an alliance-- he can open doors for her in PC, in return for stories about his family and double minimum wage. Helena agrees to Lucky's proposal.) This edit picks up again as Helena realizes that relations must be strained between father and son for Lucky to make such an offer. Luke Spencer is responsible for the deaths of her son and her husband, and she owes him a death! Lucky remains emotionless during her tirade, and she compliments him on hiding his fear. Lucky thinks they should forget the whole thing. Au contraire--Helena warms to the spunky Lucky and tells him to report for work tomorrow at 10 a.m.

Lizzie's bedroom--Liz is reading when Lucky taps at her window. She asks how his mysterious errand went. Fine, he responds. He won't have to leave town after all--but can he still crash in her room? Liz welcomes him--she hasn't been able to sleep since the attack, but knowing that he's around, she's sure she'll rest just fine. Lucky, wrapped in a blanket on the floor, gazes at Liz, fast asleep on her bed.

Luke takes a call from Audrey, and fishes for news of Lucky. The only thing she can tell Luke is that his son is being a wonderful help to Lizzie. Before hanging up, she compliments him on what a fine boy he and Laura have raised. When she leaves through the door, Lucky starts to head out through the window, when he gets caught by Sarah. She grills him; he begs her to say nothing as Audrey knocks on the door. She complies. While Audrey was babbling old history, Lucky hid behind the door.

Lizzie stands outside the conference room, watching several other women enter. After getting some encouragement from another patron, she enters. Inside, Liz becomes increasingly uncomfortable with each person's shared experience, tales of how their rapes are still affecting them. She starts to flash back to her own, and squirms at the anxieties the other women confess to having. As Gail tries a little pep talk, Liz looks doubtful. When Gail calls a break, Liz tells her that this form of counseling probably isn't for her. In the hospital corridor, Nik and Lucky had a quickrun in, albeit a not unfriendly one. Liz exits her session and gets a little paranoid that Nik would guess of her rape by where she was coming from, but Lucky reassured her otherwise. When he asked her about the group, she told him she didn't belong there with people who aren't getting well.

Lucky comes on the scene and Helena realizes they know each other. Mikebeats a hasty exit, and Helena asks Lucky who that was. Lucky tells her Mike is Sonny's dad, and Luke's friend, and when Helena wonders what he wanted, Lucky says Mike likes money--- and beautiful women. Helena takes Lucky to the yacht, Luke makes his escape, and Helena tells Lucky he's passed the test. However, she impales a loaf of bread with a knife to indicate what happens to people who DON'T pass the tests. Luke has hastened to his listening devices and learns that Lucky told about Mike.

At Wyndemere, Helena arrives with Lucky in tow and Stefan half-heartedly offers them tea.. Nik then asks to speak to Lucky alone and they leave. Outside, Nik tells Lucky that Helena's a murderer. Lucky asks why Nik's even concerned about what he does. Nik says it's for Lulu's sake. Lucky says that what he does is his own business... his life is his own. Nik says that if Lucky works for Helena, that she will control his life.

Lucky comes in through the window and wanted to know why Liz was still not attending classes. She showed him the rape counseling lit she had that gave statistics and was weirded out by the idea that she might know her assaulter. Back in her room, Liz and Lucky went for a round of mutual appreciation; she for his support and he for allowing him to crash at her house. Lucky and Liz appear, talking about Liz's rape. When they come upon Luke, Lucky pretends not to see him, telling Lizzie "There's nothing here to show it happened. I checked, remember?" He looks at Dad in a challenging way, almost daring Luke to speak to him, and Luke looks, as he often does these days, sadly resigned. Luke asks Lucky how things are going. The conversation is awkward. Luke tells Lucky Laura has been calling, Lucky guesses correctly that she doesn't know he's left home. After Luke is gone, Lucky apologizes to Liz, who is concerned about him. He admits it's hard to see his dad, as he's reminded that "I saw him wrong all those years." Liz thinks they should postpone their attempt to retrace her footsteps until after dark.

It's evening now, and Liz and Lucky are back in the park, revisiting the night of her rape. She's telling him what she saw, what she felt, hoping they will uncover some new details she didn't remember earlier. She sits on the bench, as before, and remembers thinking how peaceful and quiet that spot was, just before she was grabbed. Her description is interspersed with brief flashbacks to the rape episode. She gets increasingly agitated as she gets closer to the actual rape in her description, and Lucky tries to keep her calm so that she can continue to recall details. He stops her when she gets to the part about being thrown to the ground, and his eyes are filled with tears. "We're not doing this right," he says as he hugs her; they cling to one another. Lucky says they should have a trained professional helping Liz relive the experience, someone who will know what to ask without hurting her so much. She says she wants to work through it with him, instead, and that he was there when she spoke to the police, so he'll notice if she adds details. He points out that she is, like the part about seeing the sky, and about the man taking her coat off her. They agree to keep trying. She remembers the rapist whispering something, with his face close to hers, and his heavy breathing. She doesn't remember anything after that, beyond "that's when he hurt me." She's blocked everything until he was gone, and she can't remember his words. She berates herself for not screaming when he took his hand from her mouth. Lucky says she mustn't do that. He goes on the say the man is responsible, and that when he's caught, he'll make all kinds of excuses. "If you buy into that, he's gonna make you responsible. And you're not." Liz begins to believe that herself, it seems. "You're right," she tells Lucky, "This isn't my fault." Liz thanks Lucky for being there to find her in the park. "That's when I knew I wasn't going to die." Mr. Murty is walking by, exchanges a few words with them, and mentions that he lives nearby and often cuts through the park on his way home.

Lucky rifles through Helena's furniture. She arrives, quizzes him about Tony and the Spencer reaction to his troubles. Luke, of course, is listening via a planted bug. Lucky gives her some vague opinions and talks about how sorry he feels for Lucas, his father has done an awful thing, he just hopes they will tell Lucas the truth. Helena instructs Lucky to steal something from Luke's safe. Luke leaves his office so that Lucky can burgle it easily. Lucky comes in and stares at the safe. Lucky goes through the safe but takes nothing. He picks up some papers on Luke's desk and leaves. Luke realizes that Lucky did open the safe but hears Lucky deliver a bunch of beer invoices to Helena, pretending that they were in the safe.

Liz and Lucky are at Kelly's. Lucky asks Liz if Sarah has said anything to her about Lucky lately. "No, why?" He wants to know if she's worried about Lucky staying with Liz. Liz says if so, only that he's in Liz's room and not Sarah's. Lucky says Sarah practically tore his head off. Liz tells him she's probably annoyed that Lucky hasn't asked her our yet. Lucky says Sarah and he weren't meant to be. Liz is nervous about work. Lucky says he'll walk her home afterwards. Lucky tells her again that the rape was not her fault. He remembers that night talking to Deenie and Sarah obsessing over Nik, and then Lucky asking Chad about Liz. Lucky thinks it's HIS fault, if only he'd gone with Liz, they might have had a good time. Bobbie comes in. Lucky won't tell her where he's staying. She's going to the trial. She asks about Liz. Bobbie suggest a support group. She goes to talk to Liz. She suggests Gail. Bobbie tells Liz that Gail helped her. She'll make the appointment, Liz can always cancel. Sarah comes in and sits with Lucky and flirts with him. Lucky is aloof. Mr. Murty comes in to talk to Sarah. She's been falling apart. He wants her to stay after school till she gets her act together. He says "Not another word" and Liz overhears it. It reminds her that the rapist said "not a word" to her".

Lucky is snooping around a bit until he hears Helena's voice and he makes a beeline for the couch. Helena has a job for him. She wants him to do a little breaking and entering at Dara Jensen's office. Elizabeth catches Lucky breaking into Dara's office. She tries to talk him out of it - reminding him he could go to jail. Lucky gets Dara's office door open. He goes on in, shutting Elizabeth out. As she is about to leave Garcia walks up heading in the direction of Dara's office. Liz quickly stops him from entering by asking him questions about her case. She wants to go over it with him. Lucky listens as Liz saves his hide. Liz questions Garcia about "Not another word." She heard someone say that and she remembered that the rapist said something similar. Garcia wants to get her statement down on paper. They head back to his office. Next in the hallway outside Dara's office steps Luke. Inside, Lucky has found something... Dara's strategies. Lucky leaves Dara's office just as Liz walks up and they make their exit. The ever watchful Luke had stepped out of sight so Lucky wouldn't see him. Lucky is having fun -- he looks on stealing from Dara's office as a game of capture the flag. Liz seems to be having fun too -- she even forgot about the rape for a moment. Liz plays mother hen but Lucky tells her he knows what he's doing. And he learns young -- he's already saying what all the men say on soaps -- The less you know the better. She wants to know why he's working for Helena. He just wants to know whatever there is to know since her family has been wrapped around his for twenty years. Liz is going to wait for him.

Lucky has turned over what he found in Dara's office and Helena pays him off. Lucky tries to question her about what she wants with Doctor Jones. Helena isn't overwhelmed by his cleverness. Helena: "And now for your next assignment. Keep you eyes open and your mouth shut". Lucky crows that no one knows he was at the police station and nobody follows him unless he wants them too. Lucky meets up with Liz. He has money and he's ready to celebrate. He's celebrating that he's still around to celebrate and admits he was a bit worried.

Outback, Liz and Lucky talk about catching her rapist. Liz doubts they can do it, but Lucky is sure they can. He knows it's a long shot, but compares it to his work for Helena: "every time I go to the yacht, I'm hoping to find out something about my parents. It's a long shot, but I have to try." Liz frets that he shouldn't be doing something so dangerous, but he takes off to visit the yacht yet again, after suggesting that he and Liz concentrate on identifying the soap scent Liz smelled on the rapist. Liz makes a call to Gail Baldwin, indicating that while she appears to be handling herself well in front of Lucky, she's still very troubled. Leaving the pay phone, she runs into Mr. Murty-- literally--who notices how upset she is and insists she sit down and talk to him until she feels better. Leaving her his handkerchief, apparently to dry her tears, he goes to fetch a glass of water. Liz smells his handkerchief and freezes-- she recognizes that smell. Aha-- Mr. Murty smells like the rapist. Now we're getting somewhere.

On the yacht, in true Spencer fashion, Lucky snoops around while waiting for Helena. He discovers a bug Luke has planted, but as soon as he finds it, Helena walks in and finds him. Apparently she thinks he is planting the bug, because she strides toward him saying, "Lucky, I'm disappointed in you." We hear this line along with Luke, who is listening in from his office. A worried look crosses his face as the bug goes dead. Liz has been cornered into sitting with Mr. Murty, but she is very nervous, trying to hide it. He sees her discomfort and offer a sympathetic ear. Liz knocks over a glass of water and in the flurry of cleaning it up, snatches and hides Murty's handkerchief. She quickly makes up an excuse to get away. Helena spots the bug that Lucky has located, and she thinks he planted it. She demands to know how many other are there. Luck's pretty cool as he answers that he doesn't know. An extremely pissed Helena orders her henchman to scour the place and dispose of any transistors they find. While they're at it, dispose of young Mr. Spencer as well. The kid has his father's gumption--and acts pretty cocky with Helena, considering his life is at stake. If anything happens to him, his father will see that Nikolas has an accident from which he will never recover. Helena slaps him across the face. How *dare* he threaten her grandson? She looks up to see Luke pointing a gun at her. "Try that again... I'll put a bullet in your face before you can lift your hand." He disarms the goon as Helena congratulates him on using his son as a spy. The two Spencers act as though that was the plan all along. Hel smoothly offers Lucky his "payment" for his services--a sealed envelope, which he picks up. Luke tells Helena that he won't forget the slap she gave his son. "You know I won't." He slips away. The goon grovels for forgiveness, but Helena shushes him. Lucky Spencer served his purpose. "And I've given him something to remember me by." On the docks, Lucky tells his dad that he no longer needs help. Lucky opens the envelope to find photos of Laura, post-rape and battered. He silently hands them to Luke. "These are fake," Luke sputters. "The police never took pictures of Laura. And she never looked like this."

At the docks, Liz finds Lucky. She tells him that she thinks that Mr. Murty is the guy who raped her.." Lucky and Liz discuss Murty as rapist and decide to research his past. They borrow Sarah"s computer since Lucky is such the computer whiz. Lucky breaks into some records and finds out Murty is divorced. Audrey walks in on them, but is happy to see Lucky helping Liz do extra work for school. Lucky and Liz find out that Murty1s ex-wife made a 911 call for domestic violence.

Port Charles Hotel, Liz and Lucky checking out the menu. They are there, it turns out, looking for the former Mrs. Murty (maiden name Cassidy). The waiter gives them attitude when Liz tries to get away with nursing a drink and not buying dinner. They opt to split a spinach salad and give the entrees more thought. Getting down to business, Lucky reminds Liz that all they have to go on is the soapy smelling handkerchief and the fact that Mrs. Murty once called the police to report a domestic disturbance. Lucky takes off to find the hotel timeclock and figure out which department employs the woman they seek.

Back at the restaurant, the waiter is suggesting two dishes to Liz while she waits for Lucky to come back from his fishing" expedition. Luke comes in and tells Elizabeth that if Lucky gets in trouble, he's available to help. Then Lucky returns to the table, and Luke takes off. Lucky and Liz craftily have Mrs. Murty paged so that they can learn her identity. Lucky and Liz are leaving from their meal at the shop where the ex-Mrs. Murty works as a waitress. Lizzie approaches her and asks for her help. Mrs. M says they're off their rockers, and tries to leave. Lucky mentions a past domestic violence call and again they try her, but she won't help them, she says. L & L bring up Liz's rape and tell the Mrs what they suspect about the Mr. The waitress tells them she's sympathetic, but refuses to get involved and leaves. Lucky insists they'll get Murty another way. Lucky climbs into Liz' room and adjusts the shade. Liz brings in brownies. They discuss how she's tired of being afraid of the rapist. He's worried that she's too engrossed with revenge. Lucky says it's like his Dad. "Is that right? Does it help anything?" Liz wonders if they're not like other people. He's been sharing a room and he's the only person she can stand for more than a few minutes. Liz asks: "What's your Mom like?" "People take to her right away. When you talk to her, it's like she understands everything. She impresses the Hell out of you. It's like everything she says is true and right, even when it isn't." Lucky is mad that he didn't get told about Nik. "The most important things she doesn't talk about unless she has to." Liz wonders if Laura understands something Liz never will. Lucky asks her if she could ever marry her rapist. She says there's no comparison, since she didn't know him. She says Laura's experience was more like date rape." Lucky wonders if Laura really forgave Luke. Liz says she can't imagine marrying her rapist. Maybe she could get to the point of not hating him every minute of every day, but marry him way. Liz is sorry she didn't go to the police right away. Lucky reminds her that: "We're not technically sure it's Mr. Murty." She considers trapping him. They argue about it. Liz goes to bed. Later she has nightmares and Lucky holds her.

When Elizabitch chastizes some customers for necking, Bobbie takes the opportunity to remind Liz what a Wonderful Experience Sex Can Be under the Right Circumstances. When Lizzie's skeptical of Bobbie's credentials when it comes to sexperience, Ms. Spencer whips out her resumé of being a teenage prostitue. Lucky comes in. Afterwards, Liz treats Lucky with food as a way of thanking him for his help and advice in the Murty situation. He reaffirms his vow to help her pin whovever raped her.

Ned shows up at Ruby's, to the irritation of Liz, who is alone inside, wearing an apron and hard at work. The diner is closed, she tells him, for a private party, and he'll be in the way. He answers that he's made plans to meet someone there and settles in to wait. Lucky arrives for his dinner date with Liz. She tell him it is turning out lousy. Lucky tries gamely to make his way through Liz's dinner. They banter and giggle entertainingly. He confesses that it is indeed the worst meal he's ever eaten, and then tries to feed it to her. They giggle some more, and its nice to see how relaxed Liz is in his presence.

Liz is impressed when Audrey is invited to the Bacchanalia Ball. Audrey discovers Lucky has been staying in Liz's room, she gives him the boot. Liz is furious and starts to pack. Lucky is so sweet and protective of Liz. Lucky and Liz are packing their bags in preparation of running off together when Audrey rudely interrupts their efforts. After fighting with Elizabeth, Audrey grabs Lucky for a heart-to-heart, begs him to talk Liz out of going with him. He doesn't answer, but later tries to dissuade Ms. Webber from coming; she threatens to leave with or without him, so he brings her along. Audrey opens the door to Lizzie's room, and sees they have left through the window. Later, she brings Luke into the room for a little show and tell, and bashes him for his role in the misadventure. Luke promises her that Lizzie's safe with his son, and that he'll keep an eye out for them. They wind up at the docks, plotting their next step and making plans to crash the Cassadine ball.

The Bacchanalia Begins. Lucky and Liz sneak onto the island. They'll watch the show from outside. Liz gets nervous. Lucky and Liz are looking through the windows. She is starstruck. He offers to waltz with her. After some initial awkwardness, she agrees. This is a great scene between them, as she allows him to hold her, she has such trust in him. After the ball, they sleep in the catacombs. Lucky went back to the Hardy's to pick up Liz's bear "Boris" - he is so sweet. When Liz is squirmish over the damp and creatures, Lucky tells her his next idea. Liz and Lucky break and enter into a vacant home. She's worried. He claims there are laser beams all over. When she realizes he's joking she gets physical for a second but he retreats when she backs off. They play trivia and he cooks. They discuss life on the run. They talk about Nikolas. She's surprised that they didn't know about Nik till a couple of years ago. She understands why that's important to Lucky. Liz asks if Laura loved Stavros. Lucky doesn't know. They go to bed - laying on kitchen benches. Liz asks Lucky to leave the light on. Her nose itches and he says his Mom says that means somebody is coming. Luke tells Audrey he's sure the kids are fine but he's trying to find Lucky before Laura comes home. Lucky and Liz are in front of Luke's Place, discussing their intention to sneak in and get some food. I notice that the door of Luke's Place still has bullet holes in it, giving it a certain Lukish flair.

Laura returns home, Audrey shows up at the door, spluttering about her granddaughter and the "intolerable situation" and going to the police. Laura is so far behind, she assumes this is about Lucky and SARAH. Audrey realizes Laura is in the dark, and wonders aloud what Luke has been telling her-- "What did he say when you asked how Lucky was?" Then she tells Laura that Lucky and Liz have run away from home, and Laura grows even more confused as Audrey informs her just how long Lucky has been "on the lam." Laura asks Audrey to give her the afternoon to get her bearings and a chance to talk to her husband. Luke asks Audrey if she's heard from Elizabeth. She lets him know she's seen Laura. Elizabeth steps out of the elevator, and Luke begs her to tell Lucky he MUST talk to his son ASAP, that there's been a "family emergency." He takes off, now that he know's Lulu's mom's back in town. Audrey thinks Liz is coming home, but her granddaughter lets her know she's just checking in so Gram won't worry. Laura has made it to the club looking for Luke. A worker tells her that hubby isn't around, and she settles in to wait for him. Perfect timing, of course, becuase Lucky strolls out of the kitchen with a bag of groceries. Laura, relieved to find him where he "belongs," assumes Audrey was mistaken. Her face lights up when she sees her son, but he is clearly less thrilled to see her..Lucky uses putting the groceries on a bar stool as a way to avoid his mother's embrace. Laura tells him Audrey had alarmed her, and that she's glad everything's okay. Lucky immediately puts her on notice that everything is NOT okay. "Why are you here? Somebody send up a flare?" Laura says it was time to come home, and asks about him. Lucky realizes his parents have not spoken yet. He is not surprised that his father hasn't filled her in, but he taunts her with the fact that he's been gone for weeks and she wasn't told. He goes on and on, in a really annoying "I don't give a damn" voice, as Laura's face registers all sorts of emotions as she struggles to find her feet and process what is going on. We see flashes of anger, confusion, concern. "But I guess that's the secret of your success. You don't really tell each other much of anything. Which is okay with me. In fact, I'm glad Dad never told you about Nikolas being shot." Poor Laura is really thrown by this bit of news. "What?" Lucky is on a roll. "Well," he continues, "because, when you came back, I wanted it to be because of us, not him. Seemed important at the time." Laura tries to find out about her first-born. "Nikolas was shot?" Lucky crosses his arms and continues, striving to sound casual. "Yeah, yeah, right here, in the parking lot. It was a drive-by thing. You know. Those things happen. He got a bullet, right in the neck." Laura is shocked, and Lucky seems to enjoy her discomfort. "Oh my God," she murmurs. Throughout this scene, Lucky is all shrugged shoulders and cocked head, studied nonchalance. He continues. "Yeah, for a long time he couldn't speak. But I mean, this was before Christmas. But he's talking fine now. I can vouch for that." "Before Christmas?" He picks up his bag of groceries and starts to go out. "Don't you walk out on me." Laura is ticked. "I am your mother. Tell me," she demands, "What have I done that's so terrible?" Lucky tells her the great crime is "you married him." Now Laura is thoroughly confused. "Your father?" She wants to know why Luke and Lucky are at odds, and observes that "wishing we were never married is like wishing you had never been born." Lucky doesn't deny that. Lucky tells her it hurts to look at her. He asks her to tell him the truth about something, and she promises she will. They have the big rape confrontation scene. He tells her about having seen rape up close, through Elizabeth's eyes. He talks about the way rape changed Liz.

Lucky finally meets Liz at the docks. He is dazed, his mind off in some other place. Liz tells him that she ran into his dad and his dad said there was a family emergency. Lucky says that it's too late: his mother is back; he ran into her at the Luke's club. Liz asks how it was to see his mother, was she happy to see him, was he happy to see her? Lucky responds only by saying that she is his mother...; he lets out a deep sigh, walks toward the water, closes his eyes and lowers his head. Elizabeth looks on, wondering why he is so troubled.

Luke and Laura's house, After running into Lucky at Luke's club, Laura arrives home and rips into Luke for keeping her in the dark about Lucky's leaving home, as well as Nik getting shot. Lucky tells Liz that his mother didn't know that he left home and that all of the other “news” was a shock to her. Lucky lamented that his mother just made excuses for his father, saying that what happened between his parents was just bad timing, that no one was at fault. He says his family is built on something that is just wrong and that they tried to cover the rape up, hoping it would go away, but it didn't. Liz wonders if she will always be the kid who was raped. She wants to know how his mother found a way out. He tells her she married her rapist. Liz argues that he should try to see if from their point of view, but Lucky is fearful that if he were to get inside their heads, put himself in his father's shoes - what if his shoes were to fit?! He stands dazed,realizing what it would mean if his worst fear were to come true.- Liz realized that Lucky is afraid that he could be just like his father that he could rape a woman too. He fears that he may have the same tendencies as his father. He says he thinks about it all the time. What if he has to much to drink or ... Liz assures him that he could never hurt anyone like that, especially since he has watched over her like an angel for the past three months. She tells him that she trusts him with her life. But he doesn't listen. She tells him not to listen to the voices inside his head - the ones that told her it was her fault that she was raped. She vows to help him, just as he helped her. Lucky looks on, seemingly shell-shocked, trying to take in Liz's words.

Music Montage

Liz and Lucky happen to be hanging out at Luke's club on the sly; they duck into a closet to overhear Luke bringing in security and asking the rent-a-cop to keep a close eye on the joint. Later, Sarah catches up to them with the news about the tickets and asks Liz to relent about their grandmother, to no avail. In the process, she lets Lucky onto the family history of rape. Lucky heads out to the bar, where he runs into Mike, who asks him to give his dad a break. No dice, says Lucky. Mike attempts to give more good advice, but Lucky won't listen. Liz and Sarah argue a little more about Liz's refusal to come home or go to Europe; finally they hug and we can assume we've seen the just about last of Sarah Webber. Later, Sarah gives Audrey the news, and among her last acts, she advises ger grandmother to join Lizzie in group therapy.

Lucky and Liz share a meal in Luke's office; hearing a noise, they try to sneak and hide, but end up getting busted by the rent-a-cop. Lucky and Liz are at the police station. Taggart talks to them. Mac and Garcia come in. Taggart says they have to call the folks. Audrey and Sarah come in: "Where's Elizabeth?" Audrey tells Luke off: "You call it FINE when two children break into a bar for a night off the streets and wind up in a jail cell?? Only YOU, Luke Spencer!" Taggart hands a form to Audrey. Sarah tells Liz she really scared Audrey. Audrey takes Liz home. Lucky and Luke talk. "I hear you saw your mother. You really freaked your mother out! Did it make you feel like a man?" "Did raping her make you feel like one?" Luke says it's time they ironed it out. "Whatever sick little thing you've got going you can have it without me, man." Lucky leaves. Luke tells Garcia to cut Lucky some slack. Taggart rightly replies "He's getting enough of that at home." Tony comes in breathing fire ready to sue everyone over his hand, and Luke deflects him. "You think if the city had any money, they'd hire these clowns?" Luke wants Tony to tell him about Helena. Tony wants to see Lucas. "You make it so I can see my son, and you've got yourself a spy."

At the Hardy's, Lucky and Liz confer. Does she want to come back with him? Sarah won't tell Mom and Dad about the rape and all. Sarah doesn't think Liz should go back on the street. Audrey talks to Liz. She will try, but she needs rules and respect in return. Liz tells Lucky she's staying. Lucky and Liz dished over finals; he brought her to see his new, humble abode. A boxcar. They set about making it more homey. Extremely homey, with blue paint and trompe d'oil to make up for the lack of furnishings. They celebrated with a paint-fight.

At the hospital, Bobbie tells Audrey she hasn't seen that much of Lucky. Audrey says that Elizabeth has. Audrey doesn't know how concerned she should be, after all, they are unchaperoned. Liz comes in and Bobbie leaves. Liz claims she left early in the morning but but Audrey knows she spent the night out. Liz tells Audrey she, Liz, will do as she darn well pleases. She can't pretend she was never raped. Audrey explains that this is how SHE was raised. Audrey is most annoyed about the lying. "Upset me! Let me be upset! That's the thing I do best! But I get over it." She suggests dinner to Liz. However, Liz is going out. Lucky and Liz talk about Audrey and about her staying out. He's found out a little more about Mr. Murty. Murty and his wife were fighting and she was saying "No, I don't want to, don't make me!" Liz is determined to stop Murty. Maybe he'll admit it, or try again. They set up a trap. Liz and Lucky discuss their plan to trap Mr. Murty into confessing, IF he's the rapist. They first must take their English exam,which involves pages and pages of writing and isn't over until 3:45. Then Liz pretends to be concerned about her results, and asks Murty if he'll have the tests graded that night. He claims he will. They arrange to meet in the park at 9:00 that night to discuss her exam grade.

Later, in the park, Liz and Lucky wait for Murty. Lucky goes to hide in the bushes with a bat, in order to save her if things get ugly. But then there's a hand on his shoulder. A car alarm goes off, and then we see Mr. Murty coming toward Elizabeth. It was a policeman who grabbed Lucky, and he wants to know why the boy is lurking in the bushes. Murty, meanwhile, confronts Liz, who doesn't realize her backup is not back there. Liz is standing by the fountain, waiting for Mr. Murty to show up. She looks into the distance and sees a hazy Mr. Murty coming toward her. Her mind goes back to the night she was raped - it’s as if she is reliving it again. The cop decides to haul Lucky off to the police station, because maybe if they do it enough his parents will step and take responsibility for him. As he is getting dragged away by the cop, he yells to Elizabeth to get out of the park, but she doesn’t hear him. Murty asks her why she asked to meet him, that it’s not really about the final. While he is talking to her, her mind is going back to the night she was raped - she doesn’t hear anything he is saying. She just stares at him, fear and panic in her eyes. The only thing she can manage to say is: “I can’t do this” and then runs into the bushes looking for Lucky, wondering where he could be. She then runs out of the park, leaving Mr. Murty standing there, confused.

A cop is leading Lucky into the station to talk with Taggert. Taggert tells Lucky to sit down, but Lucky demands that he send someone to check on Liz in the park. Taggert wonders what Liz and the baseball bat could have in common and Lucky is furious at this point. He yells that she is out there alone and that he told her he would protect her. Taggert tells him again to sit down and when Lucky tries to get up to leave the other cop forces him back into the chair. Taggert insists that he can keep him at the station. Lucky is seething and distraught over what could be happening to Liz in the park. Liz makes it home, hurriedly opens the door, gets inside, locks the door and runs to the safety of the sofa, rolling up in a ball. She lays down, breathing heavily. She is still visibly afraid after facing Murty alone. Lucky is now handcuffed to a chair, the look on his face is one fear and dread. It is obvious that he is worrying about Liz and the fact that he isn’t there to protect her from Murty, like he said he would. Lucky comes out of his daze when Taggert tells him that he sent a unit to the park to check on Liz and she wasn’t there. Now the look on his face is even more scared and really worried that Murty has done something to Liz. At this point, Laura walks in, sees Lucky handcuffed to the chair and questions Taggert about it. Taggert asks her snidely whether she was dead or in Switzerland this whole time. Laura ignores Taggert’s remark and tells him to release Lucky. Taggert tells her that it will cost $100 since Lucky wasn’t very cooperative and they issued him a citation. Laura agrees to pay and Taggert takes the handcuffs off of Lucky, telling Laura that she should consider investing in a pair to keep Lucky at home. Laura gives Taggert a nasty stare at this remark and then Lucky jumps up to leave. As Laura tries to stop him, Lucky tells her that Liz may be in trouble; that unlike her, Liz wants to punish the guy who raped her. Lucky says this within earshot of Taggert and the other officers and Laura looks at them, clearly embarrassed.

The doorbell rings, startling Liz who is still lying on the sofa. She is panicking, thinking that it may be Murty. Lucky calls to her through the closed door. She hears his voice and runs to open the door. Lucky takes her into his arms, telling her he is sorry, asking her if she is alright. Liz asks what happened to him, as he caresses her face. He tells her that, in the park while he was hiding in the bushes, a cop mistook him for a mugger and he didn’t have time to think. Lucky asks her what Murty said to her and if he hurt her. Liz replies: “No..I don’t know..I don’t think so..” They walk over to the sofa and sit down. Liz continues: “There was this noise in my head, like a big wave breaking, and I can’t even tell you..what he told me. It was like someone took me and threw me backwards into that night - and I did what I couldn’t do then - I ran...before I could find anything out. I’m such a coward!” Liz gets up from the sofa and starts walking away from Lucky, upset with herself. Lucky tells her: “ I’m glad you ran..” Liz turns to look at him. Lucky continues: “ Elizabeth, if anything hadhappened to ou...anything...I...” He takes her into his arms, as tears stream down his face and he holds her, saying: “ I’m sorry...

Spencer House. Lucky walks in the door, finding Nikolas playing with Lulu. He walks over to her and picks her up, asking how she is and telling her that he has missed her. Nikolas tells him that Laura just left and that it sounded like it had something to do with him. Lucky, still holding Lulu in his arms, replies that he saw and tells Lulu that mommy had to pay for his bad behavior. Putting Lulu down, he walks over to the table, takes money out of his pocket and put it on the table, telling Nikolas that he thought he would pay her back. Then Lucky asks Nik if he has moved into his room yet. Nik tells him that he doesn’t want to fight with him. Lucky thinks Nik is paranoid and goes on about how, since Stefan could be in prison for a long time, Nik may need a new place to live. Nik retorts that it is because of Luke that Stefan is even in jail. Lucky pretends to be surprised: “ Really? My dad framed your uncle? Oh!” Then he reverts back to his usual self and tells him: “You don’t see me arguing , do you?” Lucky tells Nik that his Sherlock Holmes routine is in vain, because charges don’t stick to Luke. Nikolas then starts in on Lucky about Laura, wondering why Lucky is upset with Laura when it is Luke who raped her. Lucky wonders why Nikolas cares. Nik responds by saying: “’re the one she picked, you’re the one she made room for in her life, [Lucky is giving him a steely glare at this point] but because she’s not in excruciating pain, you want to hurt her, is that it..?” Just then Laura walks in the door. Lucky hands her the money and walks out the door without a word. He stands out on the porch for a bit, taking in Nikolas’ words. Laura tells Nik that he can come back anytime he wants to visit Lulu or her. She has been trying to please everyone and it hasn’t worked, so she decides she is going to please herself now. The doorbell rings, Laura goes to answer it. Liz is at the door, but Laura doesn’t know who she is. Laura asks her if she is looking for Lucky, she shakes her head and then tells her that she wouldn’t say that Lucky is everything to her, even though it might be true; he is smart and generous and respectful and gentle and honest, etc. and that is how she knows that Laura is all of these things too. Laura asks Liz inside and Liz tells Laura that they have something in common - her last name and Laura’s maiden name. Laura realizes who is standing before her and then Liz tells her that they have more than a last name in common. Laura reaches out to Liz and hugs her. Liz tells Laura that she needed to be with someone she wouldn’t have to explain to and that she has been thinking about her a lot. Laura admits that she has been thinking about Liz too. Laura tells Liz that Lucky talks about her in a way he has never talked about anyone before. Liz tells her that she couldn’t have survived without him. Laura tells her that Lucky was very worried about her. Liz than tells Laura: “Sometimes I scare myself. I get so angry I could make someone bleed, I really could -- but then something will happen and...” Laura asks her if something happened tonight. Liz admits that something happened that took her back into the night she was raped, hard and fast and she could barely breathe. She asks Laura: “Has that ever happened to you?” Laura looks at Liz with tears in her eyes and reaches out to hug Liz again.

Lucky and Liz gave us peak of their upcoming Nurses' Ball performance, practicing moves to an Elvis number "Jail House Rock". As they were attempting to puff up each other's confidence for the show, Robin wandered in looking for Alan. Musical montage to Kool & The Gang's "Celebration":, showing off the various outfits the Ball-goers will be wearing. The couples we see are: Brenda and Jax, Lucky and Liz, Justus and Robin, Taggert and Dara, Nik and Alexis, Mac, Felicia and Georgie and then Luke and Jerry

At the Nurse's Ball: Lucy says the theme for this year's ball is 'hope'. It's a celebration of everything they've achieved, yet they need to remain mindful of all the work that still needs to be done. Meanwhile, Audrey approaches Liz and says that she's proud of her... and that Steve would be proud of her too. Audrey turns to Lucky and thanks him for performing with Liz, and supporting her. She wishes them both luck.

Lucy introduces the first act: Jailhouse Rock starring Dara, Taggert, Lucky and Liz. It's a cute role reversal with Dara and Marcus playing the inmates and Lucky and Liz playing the cops. Afterwards, Lucky and Liz walk by and Luke tentatively congratulates them on their performance. Lucky accepts his compliments and Liz thanks him. Liz and Lucky come walking out to the terrace and interrupt Nik & Emily talking. Their interaction begins with Lucky saying hello to Emily and Nik saying hi to Liz and complementing her on her singing. He tells her it is too bad that Sarah isn't there to see her performance. Liz is angered by his sudden interest in her sister, since he did break up with her. Nik can't understand where Liz's attitude has come from, all of a sudden, and Emily jumps to Nik's defense, telling Liz that Nik was just trying to be polite. This only angers Liz more. She wonders why he wants to be polite now. He treated her sister badly, in spite of his wonderful “manners”. Now Emily is very upset: "Well , maybe if the two Webber girls hadn't thrown themselves at every guy in this city, Nikolas would have realized that he didn't want to date your sister in the firstplace. ” Now Lucky is angry at Emily's attack on Liz and yells at her to back off, that she is starting to sound like Nikolas - a spoiled rich kid. Then Nik jumps in to defend Emily. He tells Lucky, “I don't care what your girlfriend has been through, Lucky. That doesn't give you the right to insult Em...” Just then Nik's first sentence registers in Lucky's mind and he physically goes after Nikolas. Jason comes outside with Robin just then and breaks up their fight. Jason asks Em how she is and then tells Lucky that this isn't the place to fight with Nik. Nikolas then goes back inside with Emily. Lucky collects himself and he and Liz leave the NB.

At the boxcar, Lucky is writing and watching Liz, who is painting. Liz has painted a picture for Lucky's "television." He wants to know what she's avoiding by hanging out at his place. She admits she didn't want to go find out how she did on the English final. Lucky has checked out her posted score, and confirms that she did awful. She blames the distraction of wondering if her teacher is also her rapist. Liz thinks everyone knows about the rape, based on Emily and Nik's remarks at the NB. Lucky says Emily was just sticking up for "Prince Nikolas," 'coz she's not a cruel person, despite how it sounded, and would never have made such a remark if she had known about the rape. He thinks Nik figured things out from seeing Liz at the counseling session at the hospital but isn't sure what to make of it. "He HAS no friends. There's no one he could tell who would be interested." Liz is upset that she will always be branded "the girl who was raped." Lucky takes her hand and rubs it consolingly. Liz is saying, "Sometimes it's good to cry; it relieves the pressure. I'm sorry you had to watch." Lucky is supportive. Liz doesn't want him to fight with his brother because of her. "Nikolas is NOT my brother. He is my mother's other son, and I hated him long before you came long." Liz frets that she needs to move to the next step, whatever that may be, the one that lets her get past the rape.

Next is a well-done musical montage, set to "Iris" by the Goo-Goo Dolls. The beautiful moody lyric works very well. "I'd give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow." We start with a shot of Lucky and Liz side by side, being quiet together. He's reading, she's drawing. "You're the closest thing to heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to go home right now."

Gail (Dr. Baldwin) is talking with Liz after their session. Then Lucky shows up to pick her up. He asks her if she is OK. She replies that she’s better now.

**END of Tape #2**

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