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Liz & Lucky #3 June 29 - November3,1998 - 8 hrs, T-160 SLP

As Liz and Lucky are walking toward the docks, Lucky asks her how her sessions with Gail are going. She admits that they are going very, very slowly. She discloses that she feels like she can almost trust Gail, but she wishes it didn't take so long. Lucky tells her that Gail is a "shrink" and not a fairy godmother, even though Liz would prefer her to be one. Liz wishes she would just wave a magic wand and everything would go away. But she admits that she knows it will take time, just like it will take time for Lucky to get over learning that his dad raped his mother. Liz wishes that they could just skip over all of it and get there already. She confesses that she is sick and tired of living like this - that she wishes it would all go away. She then tells Lucky that if he tells her to be patient, she will punch him. He laughs and tells her NOT to be patient - he suggests she bite her nails or pace the floor or scream about how unfair it all is - and see if that works. At his advice, she sarcastically replies: " thank you, oh wise one". Lucky wonders why she is so hard on herself. He tells her she is doing great - that she is so much better than when if first happened. She tells him she doesn't feel that way. He reminds her of the fact that she was unable to get out of bed back then, ready to bolt if someone looked at her at Kelly's. She admits that she still feels these things, but he tries to encourage her by telling her that she gets out of bed, she doesn't run away, she even performed at the Nurses Ball in front of half the town. Liz admits that even though she was able to sing and dance in front of people, she is still a "basketcase", afraid to walk down the street by herself, afraid of being touched. She tells him she is afraid that she will never have a normal relationship , but also tells him that she refuses to accept this as her fate. She then gets an idea in her head. She asks Lucky to help her and he agrees. The help she asks for: she asks him to kiss her, somewhat embarrassed and unsure of what his response will be. Lucky's eyes reveal a combination of surprise, desire and fear at her request. She tells him he is the only guy she can trust and if she does what she is most afraid of she will might be able to get past her fear. Lucky begins to touch her hair, then caresses her face. They both lean in for the kiss. They barely touch noses and Liz freaks out, gets up and walks away. Lucky then gets up and goes to after Liz. He catches up to her and apologizes. She says he wouldn't have tried to kiss her if she hadn't asked him to. He tells her he has wanted to kiss her for months! She's surprised. She tells him she had a crush on him long before the rape, about buying the new dress for the Valentine's dance when she thought they had a date. They run into Mr. Murty and he offers to tutor Elizabeth during the summer. Lucky hates the idea, but he sees it as another chance to prove that Murty is the rapist.

Liz and Lucky meet outside Audrey's. Lucky says he needs to leave to keep a promise to himself. Lucky visits Nikolas and asks how Nik knows about Elizabeth. The blinking neon "Rape Survivor Group" sign at the hospital was his first clue. Nik says he won't talk. Nik goes to see Liz and assures her he won't talk. Liz is glad, but Lucky comes upon them and is furious. Liz tells Lucky Nik was being nice and made her feel better. Liz tries to talk about Luke with Lucky but stops when she gets a dirty look. She's chipper and Lucky is glad she's happier. He mentions Nik going over and telling her he would keep the rape a secret. He critisizes Nik for doing such a thing but Liz thought he was just trying to be nice. Lucky says she's missing the point. Liz says that everytime she faces someone who knows about the rape it makes her stronger. Like with Nik, and his mother -Lucky is surprised. She went the night of the incident in the park with Murty. After Lucky left her house she was wound up and she just wanted to talk to someone who had been there. She wanted to know that all the bad things would go away. Lucky doesn't think she sould have gone to see her. She needed help, she said. She married the man that raped her, he said. But she got past it! No she didn't, he said, she made excuses."But she made me FEEL better! Doesn't that count for anything??" Lucky should know how much she appreciates him. She doesn't know where she would be without him. But SHE got raped and if she said that Laura made her feel better then that's what she did. Lucky tells her Laura is sick, and so is Luke. But she said she had her reasons and Liz says maybe he doesn't know Laura as well as he thought he did. And she does after one meeting?? he asks. She knows that they have somehting in common and that one days maybe they can be friends. He doesn't think Laura deserves Liz's friendship. She doesn't agree and thinks maybe she should go. When she gets no response from Lucky, she leaves, leaving a very upset looking Lucky.

Liz is in the park, and has a flashback. Lucky takes her hand. She thought it would help to go there, even in the daylight. "What if I never know? What do I do then." Lucky tells her she doesn't have to change for him. Luke comes up. He and Lucky have words. Luke tells Lucky that Luke and Laura have talked about the rape and that they're moving beyond it. He's come to ask Lucky not to take it out on his mother any more. Lucky asks if he's Luke's way of getting Laura to forgive him. Luke gets mad. He's been gentle, but he has a daughter to think about. Lucky is not a product of rape, but of love. "My wife and I have something complicated. It's called a marriage. It's who we are." Luke is through asking Lucky's permission to love Laura. He walks out. Lucky is on the verge of tears. Liz brings drinks and asks if he's OK. He looks tired. It's cost her so much energy hating the guy who raped her, and she doesn't even know him: it must cost so much more hating someone you love.

Liz shows up to talk with Laura. Laura tells her that she is always welcome, and not just because of Lucky. She shared with Liz the fact that some good things came from her last visit. Liz tells Laura that Lucky really does love her - but that there are a million things he feels, that he can't show. She tells Laura about Luke and Lucky's run-in in the park - that Lucky looked as if he was going to explode. She tells Laura that she can't stand to see him hurting. She thinks that Lucky is waiting for one of his parents to say something that will make it OK for him to come home, something that will make it all better. Laura tells her that even if Lucky was around to hear it, she's unsure what to say to him. Liz shares an idea with Laura about how to get them all together.... Liz tells Laura that Lucky is teaching her everything there is to know about fishing and tells her that if she and Luke happened to be taking a walk by the docks tonight, She and Lucky would be there. Laura thanks her for the idea and Liz replies: "There isn't much I wouldn't do for your son." Laura tells Liz that she can see that Lucky clearly feels the came way about her. Liz tells her that there is another reason she wants Lucky to be reunited with his family - it is like a story that she needs to know the ending to. She tells Laura that she is still struggling to get over being raped - it invades her thoughts and, even when she's not thinking about it, it affects how she interacts with people, how she dresses, where she feels free to go. Liz thinks that, by watching and listening to Laura, she could learn how to move on with her life, since Laura was able to. Laura tells her that what happened to Liz - being raped by a stranger - is a person's worst nightmare. Liz replies that being raped by someone you love must be worse. Liz then feels like she may have been be out of line with her comment. Laura tells her that her observation is correct. Laura explains to Liz that her behavior around Luke - being near him, wanting to comfort him - stemmed from her inability to deal with her growing feelings for him. She wanted to be the woman in his life, even though she was married to Scott. Liz thinks that Laura is blaming herself for being raped, but Laura reflects that if she had known more about herself and what she had wanted back then, it wouldn't have happened. She tells Liz that their experiences were very different. Liz remarks that there is another difference - it was Liz's "first time" and Laura was married. Laura reassures her that she is still a virgin - she hasn't made love yet. Liz says that she likes Laura's definition, but Liz still seems worried about it, so Laura comforts her.

Lucky is trying to teach Liz everything he knows about fishing, explaining the different kinds of fish there are, while Liz is holding the fishing pole. Lucky cuts his finger on a fishhook. Liz refuses to catch any fish if she has to eat them. Lucky tells her that he will clean them. He tells her that they can build a fire on the beach and she won't believe how good they will taste. Luke and Laura are walking toward the docks. Luke thinks that it is better if they just keep walking, but Laura wants to talk to Lucky. She doesn't want him to be the one who decides whether they talk or not. As they approach, Lucky hears them and turns to stare at them. Laura tries to make small talk with Lucky by asking him if the salmon are running, but Lucky tells Liz that they should move on to the breakwater. Liz tells him she will go --he has something to say to his parents. Lucky pleads with Liz not to leave him "with them". Laura asks Lucky if he feels that he can't talk to them at all. Then she notices that he is bleeding and gets a worried look on her face. He tells her to give up the worried mother act - she tells him that she will never give up on him and wants to know if this makes him angry. She tells him she is angry too, and so is his father and his poor little sister doesn't understand why she is at home and Lucky isn't. At the mention of Lulu, Lucky pleads: " You want to keep it above the belt, huh?" Laura tells him that, as far as she can see, he is the only one that doesn't have anything to be angry about. He was never neglected or mistreated or abused. He retorts that his parents have only been lying to him his whole life, that's all... Luke suggests to Liz that they get a cup of coffee at Ruby's, presumably to give Laura and Lucky some privacy, but Lucky doesn't go for it. He tells Luke: "No, I think she's fine, dad. Yeah. She's here with ME. You were just passing." Luke gives up and sits down. Laura realizes that seeing Lucky was hard on Luke. He tells her that she protects him like a "mother bulldog". Luke knows that Lucky feels he needs to accuse Luke , because Laura hasn't. Laura worries that Luke loves his son so much that he will not defend himself to Lucky and he just lets his son keep hurting him. Lucky can't believe that his mother is defending his father, no matter what. Liz comments that Laura isn't afraid of Luke. Lucky thinks that Laura is trying to get to Liz, to make an impression on her. He tells her that he knows his parents better than she does. Liz replies that she knows that they are not his enemies, yet that his how he treats them. She can't believe that he can have a civil conversation with Nikolas, but not with his parents. She tells him she knows that this is hard for him, but if he had to pick one of his parents to really listen to, even if he didn't always agree with them, who would he choose? His answer -- his mom. Liz suggests that he give it a try -- go and talk with just his mom. Or at least to think about it. She asks him to do this -- for her, then decides that it's not fair to put it that way. His response: "Well...for you, you know - [he smiles] - I'll think about it." Liz then goes to the payphone nearby to check in with Audrey. Audrey tells her that Mr.Murty called and that he made her promise to send Liz to see him tomorrow -- alone.

Liz & Murty meet in the classroom alone. She has her tape recorder in her purse ready to gather evidence against him. Lucky is outside the window, he ducks as Murty closes it. Liz freaks out about being alone with Murty, flashes back to the rape, she doesn't see Lucky at the window and leaves in a hurry. Liz meets Lucky at a restaurant. He mentions Sly in passing, saying his cousin now has a rock band, and Lucky's been hanging out with them and got a cassette recorder from one of the members, which he has used to make a tape for Liz. He gives her the tape. Liz confesses to Lucky that she told his mother they'd be at the pier the night Luke and Laura "happened upon them" fishing. She wants him to understand why she did it, he's always doing sweet things for her, and he seems to know what she needs before she even does. So she wanted to return the favor. "What's the one thing you need most and won't ask for?" Her answer is a reconciliation with his parents. As Lucky listens to Liz's confession, he goes blank, (a very chilling and realistic acting choice by JJ). He doesn't frown, he doesn't show anger, his face is just drained of emotion. He isn't happy, that's for sure. "Elizabeth, this isn't good." He says he has to think about this development, and leaves.

Lucky appears at Liz's bedroom window, and she lets him in. He is concerned about the tape he gave her-- seems he mixed up his tapes and gave her the wrong one and wants to retrieve it. They get involved in a friendly struggle over the tape, and Liz winds up "pinned" on her bed, making them both suddenly self-conscious. He pulls away, checks the tape thinks it's the right one after all, and turns to leave. Liz turns on the tape, and it's apparent that he has given her the wrong one after all. He is stopped in his tracks as his voice pours our of her tape player, singing a sweet lullabye he has written: "Elizabeth." Liz is touched as she listens to it but Lucky is embarrassed. "I'm not a singer or a songwriter." ELizabeth disagrees. "I've never heard anything so beautiful." Lucky didn't want her to hear it until it was perfect, and she figures it already is. They come VERY close to kissing, there's a lot of standing very close and looking deeply into each other's eyes as they talk but no one ever closes that last bit of space. Lucky crawls back out the bedroom window an Liz clutches her tape and smiles.

Liz comes up to Lucky at Ruby's. Is he avoiding her? There are things she wants to tell him... he's convinced she hates his song. She loves it. It helps her sleep, and it's so perfect. He offers to walk her home. After Lucky sees his mother he tells Liz it wasn't so good -- in a way because of her. He wanted Liz to be there to help him explain. Liz says he needs her, too, just a little.

The Police Commissioner's Wedding...Lucky is counting money. Liz walks over, apologizing for being late, and comments on the cash. "It's a drop in the bucket," Lucky says. Liz asks him what the cash is for. "It's a secret," he replies, and then asks what time the wedding starts. The discuss the details and Liz seems less-than-enthused. She's worried about Mac's co-workers being there, staring at her: The Poor Rape Victim. Lucky offers to go with her. Liz looks relieved. Outside the sanctuary, Lizzie is with Audrey, reluctant to enter. Lucky arrives and she relaxes. Audrey leaves the two of them alone and Liz and Lucky enter the sanctuary together. (I didn't include the entire wedding but did include Mac and Felicia's declaration of love to each other as it affected Liz & Lucky). At the reception, Liz and Lucky are sitting at a table together, laughing about the strange wedding they just attended. Liz tells Lucky that she thinks Mac & Felicia's story was the most romantic thing in the world, even though she didn't really understand it all. Lucky tells her she is a sucker for "goopy stuff". She retorts that she is a very edgy cynic! They are both glad they came to the wedding (together).

Audrey tells Liz that Mr. Murty called before they left for the wedding and asked if they could have the next tutorial at their house, instead of at school. Audrey wants to know why she is taking private tutorials from Mr. Murty.... Liz and Lucky decide to step outside to get some air. They run into Nikolas who tries to avoid them. Liz thanks Nikolas for keeping his promise to her about not telling anyone about her rape. He tells her that it is no one's business. Lucky is even big enough to tell Nikolas that he could've made things harder on Liz and he didn't - he tells Nikolas he won't forget it. Nikolas just nods his head [astonished by Lucky's words???]. Lucky takes hold of Liz's hand as they walk outside. Felicia rounds up all of the single ladies - time to throw the bouquet. Lucky encourages Liz to take part - she's single, right? Liz catches it, well actually it sort of lands in her hair...Liz is laughing and Lucky watches her, smiling. Felicia and Mac thank all of their guests for sharing their day with them as they head off for their honeymoon in France. Murty comes to the Webbers to tutor Liz, she is scared when Audrey leaves them alone. Lucky asks Jason for a job, he gets one detailing the limos. Mr. McMurty and Liz Discuss, "The Great Gatsby".

*7/30 Insert description - description for this episode missing. Laura and Lucky in the park: Lucky comes upon his mother in the park, near THE bench. She tries to get through to him and express her concern for him. When she tells him he looks like he isn't sleeping well, he tells her that he dreams of having the face of a rapist, the face of his father. Laura tries to reassure Lucky that he could never commit rape, but rather than pointing out his loving reaction to Liz in the wake of her rape and his righteous indignation at the act even before he learned about his father, she talks about having seen his soul when he was first born. She tells him he has a light within him. Lucky gets around to mentioning that he'd seen the pictures of her beaten body after the rape, and that he didn't believe his father's claims that they were doctored photos. Laura goes ballistic when she learns that Helena showed him such pictures. She tells Lucky in no uncertain term that they were manufactured and that she had never been beaten. She then talks about how evil Helena is, and how Lucky must not ever believe her. "the woman is the devil." Helena is poison, she tells her son, and you do not take your truths from Helena Cassadine.

After Murty leaves, Garcia shows up and tells liz that her case has been closed. Audrey joins them and tries to calm Elizabeth. Liz vows revenge, causing Garcia to ask if she has someone in particular in mind. Liz denies it, Garcia asks "Do you know something I don't?" and Liz does not answer. After Garcia leaves, Audrey wants to hang out with Liz, but Liz begs off, claiming she has to work at the diner. She takes off. Lucky shows up afterward, and Audrey comes to the door conveniently holding the letter from Murty about Liz's grades, which he conveniently mailed from home rather than school. Lucky knows instantly that something is amiss, checks out the return address on the envelope, and takes off.

Liz climbs in Murty's open window with the knife Lucky gave her in her hand. She hides in the closet as she hears Murty come in. Classical music is playing from somewhere. The closet is huge, and she finds a ski mask on the floor of it, which causes her, of course, to flashback to the rape and to freak out. She exits the closet, feels a hand on her shoulder, spins around, and in the process stabs the knife into the body behind her. Problem-- it's not Murty standing in his living room, but Lucky, who clutches his wounded side and falls to the floor. Lucky has a stunned look on his face and Liz's face looks even more afraid than before. Lucky crumples to the ground, and Liz kneels beside him. She touches his wound as he flinches, and he says he's alright. Murty comes in the room and asks what's going on. Liz jumps up and points the knife at him, telling him not to move. He tells Liz that she doesn't want to hurt him. Her response: "It's all I think about." Murty says he's going to call 9-1-1 to get help for Lucky but Liz tells him, no, that will just bring the cops which is what he wants. She turns and asks Lucky what Bobbie's number is, and he tells her he's allright again. She asks again, and a door opens. "RICHARD??" Murty calls. Richard answers that it is his and Murty tells him to get his medical bag and his first aid kit. Liz asks what he's doing but Murty says he's a doctor, and to let him help. Richard comes in and stops in mid sentence as he surveys the scene. Murty asks Richard to help Lucky and Richard asks what's going on. Richard asks if this is the student that he told him about to which Liz says "You told him?" in disbelief, thinking he told Richard about the rape. Murty said he did. Liz tells him how disgusting he is, and that he's not going to get away with what he did. Murty seems really confused and asks Liz what he did. Liz tells him plain and simple: "You raped me." She starts telling about the night in detail. How she didn't want to go to the dance and went to the park. How he grabbed her from behind. How he ruined her new dress. Throughout this entire monologue, Murty doesn't say a word to Liz. At the end of her speech, he tells her he's "sorry." She can't believe he would think an apology would cut it. He tells her he didn't do it, but she tells him to stop denying it. At this point, Lucky, who is being cleaned up by Richard, sees a picture of Richard and Murty together. He puts two and two together but doesn't say anything. Richard says that it's impossible for Murty to have raped Liz. She asks him if he can believe what his friend is like now. She tells Murty she just found the ski mask he wore in the closet. Richard points out that a lot of people have ski masks, in fact, he thinks that the one in the closet is actually his. She tells him about the soap he uses that makes her want to vomit. Lucky tells her that it's probably not possible and she looks at him in shock. He tells her that Murty and Richard aren't just friends. She looks at him still confused to which he says "Elizabeth, they're a COUPLE." Murty pipes in at this point and says "I'm Gay." to which Liz looks uterlly shocked. She asks him about his wife. She asks why his wife is so afraid of him then. She knows about the domestic violence call -- her and Lucky investigated it but his wife wouldn't talk. Murty then tells her that they got married right out of high school, and as she can see, he had a lot to learn about himself still at that point. They were getting separated when they bought the house together, but they needed both equities in order to get the house. She moved in with a boyfriend, and he thinks it was a good thing that he partially owned the house, because it allowed him to help get the guy evicted for what he did to her. She pressed charges against the GUY and he was convicted. The guy is now serving an 8 year sentence. They can call her if they want to verify it. Richard says that it is impossible for Murty to have raped Liz because he was with him all night. Murty chaperoned the Valentine's day dance and then Richard picked him up. They went to a gay function after that with some friends. Again, they can check their alibis if it would help. Liz falters, and Lucky takes the opportunity to tell him to put down the knife. He tells her a few more times and finally she does put the knife down. Richard says that Lucky needs stitches so to get to a hospital. Murty asks if he can do it and Richard says he can, so he sews Lucky up. Liz apologizes to Murty for her accusations, and he tells her that he failed her. She reminds him that she got a passing grade and he says that's not what he meant. He realized something was wrong with her. She was usually spunky but then suddenly she changed. She stopped handing in assignments, she failed her midterm. She failed her final. He thought that she knew his secret. He thought she was afraid of homosexuals and that's why she seemed so terrified to be in the same room as him. He feels so bad about letting her down. She tells him that she's the one who should feel guilty. She just accused him of raping her and she could have killed him. Lucky says he's guilty too, and Richard points out that none of them are as guilty as they're feeling. They just all made mistakes. Liz asks if Murty passed her to buy her silence. He says he may have done it unconciously, but that isn't what he intended on. She asks why he told her grandmother she had a crush on him, and he said he did it as a cover up. Richard says he'll drive them home, but Liz says they'll get home on their own. She already caused them enough trouble for one night. Murty says it's no problem, and he and Richard go to get the keys to the car. Liz apologizes again to Lucky who says it was an accident. She then realizes that they're back to square one -- they still don't know who the rapist is. Liz is afraid that now she'll never get any closure.

Back at the Webbers, Liz takes Lucky up to her bedroom and takes care of him. When Audrey comes home, Liz insists on telling her about what happened to Lucky. At Lulu's birthday, Nikolas leaves after telling Laura that he hopes Lulu will get her birthday wish. When Nik is out of earshot, Luke asks what that wish was. "That both of her brothers would come to her birthday party," Laura replies. Luke doesn't think Lucky's going to show up with him there, and offers to leave. Laura tells him to stay, and we see Lucky and Liz approaching the house. Lucky tells Liz that he just wants to put in a quick appearance and leave. They enter and Laura is thrilled! Liz and Lucky give Lulu her gifts. There's some awkward conversation between Lucky, Luke and Bobbie and then Liz apologizes for wounding Lucky. Laura and Luke accept her apology. Luke and Laura are sitting on their porch, talking about LuLu's birthday party. They are excited that they spent almost an entire day as a family (since Lucky showed up), the first time since Laura returned home. Luke tells her that she won't see much of Lucky, though, as long as he is around. They talk about how much Lucky has grown up - how he's now handling himself in a crisis - that they taught him well. Laura is glad that Lucky has Elizabeth to help him. She comments that they are sweet together - protective of one another. Laura comments that Lucky is just like his father.

Liz and Lucky are talking about his family. Liz comments that his house feels like a home should feel. Her family is serious - and blonde. She feels like she would have fit in better in the Spencer home than her own. Liz wonders if Lucky misses his home - he tells her that he misses seeing it the way it looks to Liz. Lucky thinks that Liz believes he is too hard on his parents. She tells him that everyone hasa secret and that doesn't make them a bad person.

Murty walks out of Kelly's and sees Liz and Lucky, who looks embarrassed and unsure of what to say to him after what happened at his house the other night. Murty sees their apprehension and approaches them, he wants to clear the air between them. Murty wonders if he needs to go to the cops to clear his name. They admit that he was their only suspect . They try to reassure him that it was just a bunch of coincidences that they strung together that led them to believe he was the rapist - not anything that he did or said to Liz or any other girls in school. Murty tells Liz she will have a great life - the thing she'll remember most about her sophomore year is that she made a friend for life - Lucky. Lucky smiles at Liz, taking in Murty's words.

Liz and Lucky are sharing an ice cream sundae. They talk about what to do, now that they are all out of suspects. Liz tells Lucky that the police have closed her case and that is why she went off in a rampage to find Murty. Lucky is sorry and looks worried about her. Liz is still determined to find her rapist - she'll keep hounding the cops about her case - she owes it to the next girl to try. Bobbie sees Lucky and Liz sharing an ice cream sundae. She tells them it was nice to see them at LuLu's party and tells Liz that she looks great. After Bobbie leaves, Lucky tells Liz that his aunt Bobbie was right, she does look good...Liz looks embarrassed. He tells her that she looks like "something got fixed" - she says it's certainly not her hair. Lucky agrees and gently strokes her hair as they look into each other's eyes.

Liz is serving breakfast to outdoor diners--a couple of young lovebirds who spend the rest of the episode kissing and making googoo eyes at one another in order for the main characters to have an excuse to talk about love and romance. Lucky appears and they talk about the couple kissing at the restaurant. Then we learn he has his first paycheck from Jason, and is back living in the boxcar after his stay at the Hardy's. They talk about him having been nursed back to health by a great nurse-- Audrey, not Liz,he jokes. He teases Liz that she must be glad to have her mattress back, and she says she sleeps better with a roommate or a patient. Perhaps, he suggests, she should shoot him next time, since recuperation would take longer. Lucky has an idea for some of the money from his first paycheck. "My nurse rates a five course lunch at the new Chinese restaurant." "My grandmother?" "No, you." Liz agrees to go to lunch later that day. She tries to act like it isn't a date, he acts like it is one. Then he takes off to get ready, she looks over at the still-kissing couple. Liz is now waiting on Bobbie, who is also interested in the the make-out couple. Liz winds up talking about love with Bobbie. At first it's light stuff, with Bobbie telling Liz "people in love don't eat" and Liz asking, semi-seriously, "is that a classic symptom?" It gets heavier as Liz says that "I can't even let myself be kissed. Even by someone who's incredibly...." she cuts off, starts rambling, Bobbie tells her to relax. She tells Bobbie of her plans to go to lunch with Lucky, Bobbie notices that talking about Lucky makes her tense up, she denies it. "Lucky and I have been joined at the hip" for months, Liz tells Bobbie, so why is she suddenly "weirded out" about being with him. Bobbie suggests that it's because her feelings for him have changed from like to love, from affection to romance. Liz says "we're best friends," that's all. Bobbie points out friends do fall in love, but Liz insists, "It can't happen with me and Lucky." "Why not, because it's not what you want?" "What you want and what you can handle are two completely different things." Ruby comes out, fusses at Liz affectionately and lets her go early to get ready for her lunch date.

Liz meets Lucky at the diner. She's wearing a cute gray slip dress. They are color-coordinated-- he's wearing a gray shirt. He has brought a menu so she can be sure she wants to go to the restaurant he's chosen. They engage in small talk about food, standing very close so both can read the menu simultaneously. Both realize how close they are to one another, grow quiet, stare into one another's eyes, sort of lean in, but no one moves that last few inches-- again. Lucky and Liz are still in their "not even close to an almost kiss" moment and break apart. Boy comes up and asks for the check. Liz says she already gave it to him but he doesn't have it. She goes to print another one. Girl comes up and asks how long they've been together. Liz comes out and Girl tells her she's really pretty and glad she's with Lucky. Boy and Girl say they're going up to a cabin, and there's only 2 bedrooms but they know they can share.. Lucky says he has to work. Boy takes Girl away who is asking what she did wrong.. Liz says if they only knew how long they'd been sharing a bedroom. She also says she doesn't mind what they think about them. Lucky says he minds. Liz looks upset and goes in. Later, after they go to lunch, Liz gives Lucky some money for the lunch. Their hands touch and they both stop for a second. They laugh and go off with each other.

Nik goes to Lucky and tells him about Laura testifying for Stefan in his trial for Kat's murder. Laura's testimony gets him off and Luke is furious. Nik is worried about what Luke might do to Laura. Luke confronts Laura, he is jealous over the affair she had with Stefan. He realizes that Stefan is Nik's father and storms out in disgust. Lucky waits outside till Luke leaves the house, then checks to see that Laura and Lu are ok but quickly leaves without so much as a smile. He doesn't show her any warmth but did care enough to check on her. Luke & Lucky meet up in the park, Luke has tracked him down to say goodbye, he is leaving PC.

Liz is painting another picture for Lucky's "TV" when he knocks at her window. She asks him where he's been, he says just working... He tells her that he still finds himself in the park sometimes, near the fountain, and sometimes it's just a fountain and other times he can see her sitting there in her red dress, all alone, unprotected, and it kills him all over again. Liz tells him she didn't realize the park affected him this way. He tells her that tonight he was in the park, when his dad found him. He told her that his father is leaving town and he doesn't know if he is ever coming back.

Later Liz brings in a plate of brownies. She tells Lucky that she took some over to the boxcar yesterday - he wasn't there, but she saw the newspapers, the trial coverage. He admits that he has a morbid curiosity about it. He's tried not to make it matter, but Nik came by, worried that Luke would hurt Laura because she testified for Stefan. Lucky tells Liz that he went to check on his mom, that his parents had a fight, but his mom seemed OK and his dad hasn't been home since. He tells Liz that his father told him he was proud of him and that he's taken credit for teaching Lucky how to find his own way - as if the whole nightmare was just supposed to be some growth experience for him. Liz wonders what bother him the most about his dad leaving. He says he won't miss running into him at the docks or in the park, but with his dad gone, the whole thing feels unfinished. Liz understands; he won't have anyone to hate anymore. She feels the same way. She tells him that when they thought Murty was her rapist she could just focus all of her anger and hate in one place and now her rapist is some anonymous guy who she'll never find. Lucky thinks it is good that his dad is gone, especially for his mom. Liz thinks Laura could some support from Lucky right about now. He tells her she is relentless.... Lucky tells her he needs to go, then as he approaches the window, asks if she could maybe crash in her room again. She tells him she always keeps his bedding handy, just in case.

**END of part one of Tape #3**

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