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Liz & Lucky Tape #3 - Description Continued

Laura runs into Liz at Kelly's. They sit down and Liz once again shows remorse for stabbing Lucky. Laura tells her it isn't her fault. Liz still feels if she had gone to the police, none of this would have happened. Lucky appears and Liz asks him to stay. He pulls up a chair, not looking to happy. Liz talks about the rape somemore, she said that she remembers the rapists eyes. Lucky takes another dig at Laura, she leaves. Lucky and Liz go to the police station to look at mug shots. Liz can't recognize any of them and they end up leaving. Liz and Lucky are playfighting because she wants to hear the tape he made her. The phone rings and it's Taggert, telling her they have a rape suspect they'd like her to see. She goes down and can't identify her rapist at all. She says she wanted to say number 5 ,but it would be lying, because she can't be sure. Even if they have caught her rapist, she'll never know. Lucky apologizes to her and she says she just wants to go home. She sits down on the bed and Lucky tells her there will be other lineups. Liz says she doesn't think Lucky's ever lied to her before. She then tells him she's upset and saying things she doesn't mean so it'd be best that he goes. He leaves and tells her she doesn't have to be anything for him. She picks up her bear and throws it down. She starts clearing everything off every table, knocking over chairs, throwing things around. She eventually takes something and launches it at the mirror, which shatters. Lucky has come back to the window and witnessed this whole thing. As she turns around stumbling, he hides so she won't see him. She falls on to her bed sobbing as Lucky looks in the window..

(This is the first of several excellent scenes in which Rebecca does some of her best work)

Liz lies in an exhausted fetal postition, surrounded by broken glass, strewn clothes and the other shards of her room, which she trashed in a rage. Audrey knocks and comes in, then exclaims over the mess. Liz looks at her , distant and a little numbed-out, and says in a small voice "I got mad." Audrey asks her why she didn't call her for help and Liz answers "I didn't want to call anybody. I just wanted to get mad". Liz asks Audrey if she is grounded for life and Audres shows warmth, compassion and humor in telling that she isn't. Liz turns a piece of a broken vase over in her hand and murmers that she has broken a lot of her grandmother's things. Audrey is kind. Liz tells her grandmother about being unable to pick out her rapist in a lineup. "I'm not going to find him Gram," she whispers. "He got away with it." Audrey tells her that God takes care of monsters like the rapist, and that it would be easier for the criminal to deal with man than God. Liz lifts her eyes and says, "God, if you're listening, get this guy good". Liz sinks back onto her pillows, holding her teddy bear. Audrey soothes her and tells her that she has been wanting to ask if would be alright for the two of them to go to counseling with Gail together. "I'd love that." Liz whispers. Liz is sweeping up broken glass from the floor, when Lucky taps at the window and comes in. She looks subdued, as though she'd be embarrassed by the mess but doesn't have the energy to be. Liz explains that she got mad and tore her room apart, and Lucky admits that he "kind of watched her". (She gives him a priceless look over her shoulder--kind of a "what did you say scowl). He hastily explains that he could tell when he left that she wasn't herself and he just had to come back and check on her to make sure she was okay. He tells her he watched until he was sure that she wouldn't hurt herself and asks if she's mad at him. She shrugs, admitting that she'd had done the same thing if it had been him. They sit on her bed and she tells him that she always thought that, if she could look her rapist in the face and tell him what he did to her, she would be free and could get past it all. Now that she knows that she can't do that, she has to find another way. She tells him that she and Audrey are going to counseling together and that she thinks that it might help her--something has to. Lucky puts an arm around her and draws her close, telling her that there is still a chance for her to catch the rapist, but she pulls back, reminding him that he was there at the line up and that he knows she doesn't have a clue what the rapist looks like. It's really hard, she tells him and he hugs her again, comforting her. She is sitting apart from Lucky on the bed, and seems more cheerful. She tells him that she wants to get better and will get better; if she just sits in her room her whole life because of what happended to her when she was 15, the rapist will have won and she won't let that happen. I want to heal, she says, and moves forward to put her head on Lucky's shoulder. "Then that's what you'll do," he says, stroking her hair. "I know you". As always with these two, the scene is very sweet and real.

At General Hospital, Lizzie and Lucky show up and Lizzie thanks "Gram" once again for coming to her therapy session with her. Lucky says she has his vote for Grandma of the year. Audrey asks why and Lucky and Lizzie exchange a guilty look. They try and fake it, he's not at all convincing. When they walk away, he mutters to Bobbie that he's a jerk, and he blew it. Bobbie asks how he found out and Lucky tells her about overhearing Sarah and Lizzie's conversation. Bobbie and Lucky then have the familiar arguement over his resentment towards his parents.

In therapy, Lizzie is being given pretty mild advice from Gail. things like "don't think of your feelings as poison, think of them as a stain". Lizzie's not buying. Audrey is squirming in her chair. Audrey apologizes for being a distraction. Lizzie presses her to participate. Gail turns her attention towards Audrey, asking her to share. Audrey admits she's thrown that Lucky knows about her rape. She states that she was sure that Lucky will be discreet, it just shocked her. But go on, she presses. Lizzie nearly has to beg Audrey to open up, but when she tells Audrey not to censor her feelings, Audrey breaks down, angry at herself for not being more emotionally available to Lizzie and for making her feel ashamed -- since that is how she felt. She's not sure she can forgive herself. Audrey cries and Lizzie comes over and hugs her. Lizzie makes a very sweet speech to Audrey about everything that she's done for her. She lets Audrey know that she now realizes that she had her own pain and she was too focused on her own stuff to see it before. Audrey tells Lizzie that she is much stronger than her. Lizzie denies it, and Audrey reflects that the feelings she has from the rape are still there and they still hurt.

At Kelly's, Lizzie is gushing to Lucky about Audrey calling her strong. Lucky points out he's been saying that for months. They argue about who is stronger, who is a better friend, who is more important to the other... Lucky tries to convince her that she is just as good a friend to him as he is to her. Lizzie states that all she knows about being a friend is what she learned from him. Lucky looks downright touched and smiles ever so slightly.

No Name Resturant. Lucky and Liz walk into an elegant restaurant, having arrived by limo. They are all dressed up - Liz in a long gray dress w/ spaghetti straps, Lucky in black shirt and pants and a royal blue blazer. The maitre'd is expecting them [addresses Lucky as Mr. Spencer] and leads them to their table. He tells them that their dinner is courtesy of Jason and that Jason's orders were to "make sure they eat a lot. " Liz is thrilled that Jason is treating them -- Lucky says Jason is a good man to work for. Liz wonders why the restaurant is called "No Name", Lucky tells her it's to discourage unwanted customers. She realizes that it must have mob connections - Lucky thought they would have more fun if they went somewhere no one knew them. Liz raises a toast 'to fun' and they clink their empty glasses. They can't seem to keep their eyes off of each other.... The maitre'd asks to take their picture, Liz agrees. First they keep their chairs where they are and lean in toward the center of the table, but the maitre'd keep telling them to move closer, They finally move their chairs closer and closer together until they are side by side. They lean into each other, both smiling nervously. They smile for the camera, then laugh nervously and move apart a bit and look at each other....

They are now eating dinner, Liz talking about what she wants to do with her life. She wants to be an artist, she wants to paint oil portaits that people hang over their fireplaces. Lucky is surprised - he thought she would be more into the wilder stuff. She wants to do that kind of art too, but she'd like to paint portaits, because they become part of a family and that would make her happy. Now it's Lucky's turn. His dream -- music, specifically writing songs. Liz is convinced he would be successful at it. The song he wrote for her - it was one of the best she'd ever heard. Lucky thinks she's biased, but she admits the song made her feel special - as if "someone looked into the real" Elizabeth. Lucky says he did. She smiles as he remembers when he wrote the song. They were sitting in the boxcar, it was sundown. She was painting another picture for his TV, she brushed her hair out of her eyes and a melody came to him. She looked like an angel, just the way she looks tonight. Taking in Lucky's words, she nervously fidgets with her hair , saying that it turned out all wrong tonight. Lucky interrupts her - quietly telling her she looks beautiful, she is beautiful. Liz finally accepts the compliment and admits that when she was chasing him around, when they first met, her fantasy was that he would ask her out and take her to a fancy restaurant. And here they are. Lucky looks at her longingly, then asks her to dance. They walk to the dance floor hand in hand, and stand there a minute, before Liz takes his hand and they start slow dancing. Next song - they're dancing closer together, heads on each other's shoulders, her hand on his chest. In Lucky's eyes it is evident that he is overcome by his feelings for Liz; Liz is holding on to him tight, her eyes closing slightly -- she looks calm, relaxed, safe in his embrace. They are holding right hands near his shoulder, his arms is around her waist. His arm moves down her shoulders and to her back. Liz decides to pull back from his embrace, they are face to face, their lips centimeters apart. She moves her hand toward his shoulders [as if she is about to reach for his face and kiss him]. It's too much for Lucky -- he pulls away, his breathing labored. Just then the song ends. Liz asks him what's wrong -- he smiles and admits that he needs to get the limo back to Jason. Liz thanks him for taking her to dinner -- she had a lovely time. They head toward their table where Liz picks up her purse [while Lucky catches his breath] and takes the red rose from the vase at their table. "Another souvenir..", she says as Lucky smiles and they leave, hand in hand.

Lucky goes to see Tammy the Hooker. She tells him he's a little too young for her services but he flashes a $100 bill to get into her room. Tammy tells Lucky that he's young and a minor. Lucky tells her he'll go to someone else then. She relents and asks him what he expects. He tells her he's a virgin. She tells him he reminds her of someone she knows, a local club owner. She realizes he's Luke's kid. Lucky starts to think his dad is one of her clients, but she assures him he's not. Back to business. Tammy asks him if there's another girl involved that will be testing Lucky later, and he tells her that he does have girlfriend of sorts. He tells her that he wants to get rid of his sexual feelings with Tammy to avoid hurting Lizzie. As he tells her about Liz, this is a very sweet scene - Tammy's heart is just melting. He leans over to kiss Tammy, but then backs off and tells her that he doesn't want to get rid of "it," that he wants to keep "it." She is so touched by his caring for this young woman, that she tells him not to ask for her car keys or life savings! Tammy gives him back his $100, which he leaves for her on the table. Lizzie asks Lucky how his appointment went; he says it didn't. He invites her to the carnival and they leave.

At Kelly's, there is an awkward moment when Liz sees Emily sitting at a table (remember their confrontation at the Nurse's Ball?). Liz jokes with her while trying to take her order about putting arsenic in her drink - not in a mean spirited way but to break the ice between them. They declare a truce. Lucky comes over and joins the truce. The group is chummy, then Nik shows up and Lucky turns cool. Nik tells Lucky how much Lulu misses him and Lucky doesn't appreciate hearing this info from Nik. They go their seperate ways.

Next -For all of us Lucky and Liz-a-holics, this was The Day. After faithfully following every heartbeat of the developing relationship bewteen these two, we got the Big Payoff.

Liz leads Lucky by the hand in the dark toward the boxcar; his eyes are shut and he playfully protests--she just wants him to fall down and break something, doesn't she? Liz tells him that have to do it this way--it's a surprise for him and if he opens his eyes, he'll see it. Lucky, who is clearly loving every minute of this, grumbles that he'll see it eventually anyway, but Liz tells him that she wants it all to be the way she wants it. After she checks to see that everything is perfect, she tells him to give her his hand and she helps him up into the boxcar. "I won't let you fall," she assures him, hoisting him up. As he stands beside her, eyes shut, waiting, Liz takes a split-second to just look at him and then takes a little breath, half-closing her eyes, as if she's breathing him in. She tells him to open his eyes. She has placed votive candles all around, and the boxcar is lit with a warm, soft glow. Lucky is speechless as Liz holds out an acoustic guitar, offering it to him. The guitar is polished and gleaming, and decorated with different stickers with 1960's motifs, including a peace sign and the ying-yang symbol. Lucky's face is a mixture of shock and delight, while Liz is flushed with success; his reaction is just what she hoped or. "Mine?" he asks incredulously. "As in, I don't have to borrow my cousin Sly's guitar anymore?" "Yours," she replies with a smile. Lucky can't believe how cool she is to buy him a guitar and Liz explains that it used to belong to her Uncle Tom, who left it behind when he went to Africa. She describes how she got it restrung for him and how she put the stickers on it because it looked so plain. They sit across from each other on boxes as he strums a few chords and checks out the stickers. "Me, with twenty-four hour a day access to a guitar," he muses, then smiles. "This is...this is the greatest present anyone's ever given me." Liz is bursting with pride that her gift has gone over so well. Has he always played an instrument?, she asks. Lucky tells her that music was always just really important to him. Because of a teacher or someone like that, Liz guesses. "Because of my dad," Lucky replies evenly and Liz is embarrassed to have led him to thoughts of his father. It's okay for Lucky, though; he will give credit where it's due and his father has the greatest taste in music, with enough CD's and records to start a radio station. Lucky remembers how his father taught him about music the way one learns about the alphabet, with a different style of music and a different artist every night. "Just two guys bondng over the blues," Liz says softly, and Lucky wistfully tells her that Luke's place was supposed to be about that. It wasn't always a place famous for car bombings and shootings; it was once a place for great music, and B.B. King even played there on opening night. "Back then there wasn't any place as cool as Luke's," Lucky says quietly. "And no one else was half as cool as the man". Liz looks at him with tenderness--she's sorry she brought it up because those old days seem so far away now. Lucky looks straight in her eyes. "I never thought I would feel as close to another person as I did to him. Then you happened." Liz lets this wash over her as Lucky begins to play a melody, then she asks him "What if someone had a request?". Lucky smiles sweetly. "If it were you, I think she could ask for just about anything right now." Liz asks him to play the song he wrote for her and Lucky tenses a little. She has the tape, she can play it anytime, but Liz persists. She doesn't have the tape right now, she only has him, and besides, he has always said he could do it better. She doesn't believe that's possible, but here's his chance to try. "Remind me to learn how to win an argument with you," Lucky says half-pleased and half-nervous at her request. He bends his head over the guitar to begin strumming the opening chords of "Elizabeth".

(This live performance is beautifully nuanced and tender; you must see the play of emotions on Lucky's face to fully appreciate it.)

As you kneel beside your bed tonight,
Keep a little prayer for me in sight
Know that I'll be there when you call,
Know that I will catch you when you fall
Elizabeth, Go to sleep
I want to watch you breathe,
I want to feel God's peace
All I want...(whispered)
is this...
(Lucky looks into her eyes as he whispers this)

Elizabeth looks a little dazed as she tries to respond. "That was... thank you". Lucky is still looking at her and the intensity between them shimmers. "I don't want you to go," he murmers. "But I don't want you to get in trouble either." "I hope you don't freeze tonight," Liz replies ruefully. Lucky just smiles, looking at her with what can really only be described as love. "You know," he tells her, marveling a little at his own insight. "Eveything about you is the best. The best there is." His words hang in the air, and then he gets up to go, carefully placing the guitar on the floor. He jumps to the ground and turns, as Liz struggles a little to get down. "Help me, she says," laughing lightly as she jumps down, and then stumbles into his arms. Their face are inches away as they have been so many times, but this time, as easily as taking a calm breath, they move together and their lips touch. Liz looks up at Lucky and gives a barely perceptible signal with a flick of her eyelashes. She wants to do this. Their lips meet again and move softly together. Lucky's lips caress Liz's bottom lip, then her upper lip, then back. They move slightly away, and Liz's lips curve into a little smile, while, with his face still close to hers, Lucky breaks into a smile that both reassures her and expresses his obvious delight. They turn and walk off, hand in hand. (It was the perfect first kiss for them--tender, yet sensuous, and absolutely true to the development of their relationship)

Lucky and Liz get playful outside Ruby's (and I might add, it is awful cute to see it!) Laura meets up with Lucky, and finds out about Lucky's new school year. She tries to convince him to come home, but Lucky assures her that he is making out alright on the streets. He has a place to eat, sleep, wash, and is going to school without anyone yelling at him to do so. He also doesn't blame anyone anymore, and is finally convinced that he is not like his father.

Emily is modeling for the wedding shoot, she's sad as its the day of Brenda's funeral. Emily recieves the phony nude photo of her - its her face from the wedding shoot with someone else's nude body. Jason comes by the boxcar to tell Lucky he has retired from the "business". He gives Lucky a large bonus, after all he could have been hurt as one of the cars he took care of just blew up (it killed Reynaldo). Liz gets a bit snarky at the thought of Lucky still being in danger because of Jason. Jason assures her that Lucky isn't at risk for having detailed cars for Jason. Before he leaves, she apologizes to Jason for being rude. He tells her its okay, his girlfriend acts the same when when she feels he is in danger - he thinks it's sweet.

Emily asks Nik to borrow money (she wants to pay off the blackmailer), he whips out his wallet saying sure - till she tells him she needs $20,000! Finally she spills it out being blackmailed. She refuses to go to the police, she's too embarrassed.

Liz and Lucky snuggle under blankets in front of the radiator Liz painted, she has lit a candle to give it a realistic warm glow. They fall asleep, she's freaked when she wakes up the next am and realizes she spent the night and never called home. Taggert shows up looking for her, tells her Audrey wants her home and that they are both trespassing. The railroad is going to lock up the boxcar and Lucky will have to move on. After Taggert leaves, Lucky tells Liz this has been the best summer of his life. Nik & Em go to see Tom the photographer and she tells him she is researching the business for a report. Em realizes how many people had access to her pics and negs and she wants to pay the money. Nik refuses, saying he will start researching on the internet.

Liz sheepishly goes home, gets blasted by Audrey who was worried. Liz sincerely apologizes for worrying her. Audrey asks if Liz has been intimate with Lucky, Liz truthfully tells her she isn't ready for that. Nikolas and Emily ask Lucky for help to prove who is blackmailing her. Lucky puts aside his feelings for Nikolas to help her. While Lucky and Nikolas try to figure our who fixed the picture, Emily and Liz become friends. Nikolas and Lucky find the nude picture that had Emily's face superimposed on it, and they try to track down who did it. They decide there's nothing more they can do tonight, and Emily and Nikolas go home. Liz and Lucky are star gazing on the lawn, and their feelings start to show. Liz lets it slip that her No. 1 hobby is to watch Lucky, and Lucky tells her he loves her mouth, and as he's about to kiss her, Gramma Audrey pulls in the yard. Suddenly, the romantic star gazing for two, turns into milk and cookies and a movie for three. As Emily thanks Nikolas for helping her, with everyone, BUT Nikolas seeing the crush she has on him, he kisses her brotherly on the head, and says goodnight.

Next day outside of Kelly's, Lucky and Nick are using the laptop - Lucky has hacked into police files and found a similiar pic of Maggie to the one sent to Emily, the same nude body is superimposed over Maggie's. Emily remembers that she works for the Platinum Triangle Modeling Agency, but payroll records show that she never worked for them. Nik & Lucky continue to verbally spar, they are very funny. Laura comes upon them and is amazed and pleased to see them working together and being civil! The look on her face is priceless in its pleasure and surprise. She goes over to say hi to them, Lucky is rude while Nik is inviting. Laura decides not to stay (considering Lucky's attitude towards her), and goes inside. Nik tries to shame Lucky for hurting Laura. Meanwhile, Laura asks Liz about Nik & Lucky.

Lucky arrived for his first day of work at Jason's bike shop and told Mike and Jason he wanted to computerize the shop. Jason offered Lucky the spare room above the garage and Lucky accepted. Lucky is happy with his new job, his own place to live, Liz in his life, and perhaps even working with Nik on the investigation. Lucky tells Liz, "You make me feel like I'm finally living up to my name!". Lucky shows Liz his new place, when she first sees the condition of it she is less than enthused. She uncovers a brass bed, and offers to help him strip the wallpaper, clean the walls and will paint different murals on each wall. They share a moment of closeness and he kisses her softly. Nik arrives at Lucky's - the look on his face as he arrives is pretty funny, though he is careful not to say anything derogatory about the place to the proud Lucky. The lead on Maggie requires a trip to NY, which Nik offers to finance. Lucky objects then agrees to it but insists on paying paying Nik in full for himself and Liz.

They are in Manhattan at the modeling agency (not on location). Nik pretends to have an interest in modeling and distracts the receptionist long enough for L&L to sneak in and grab the model's file. They track her down at work at a restaurant, but she isn't any help. Back home, the gang goes to Spoon Island to use Stefan's more powerful computer to continue their investigation. Lucky & Nik actually share a laugh, Lucky is curious why Stefan has such a powerful system - Nik jokingly retorts its because the Cassidines get an urge to take over the world every so often. The gang decide to penetrate Downtown Faces to try and get the dirt on the blackmailer. Lucky is to take $5,000 to the drop spot to try and appease the blackmailer temporarily to give them more time. Liz and Emily are having a sleepover, and Emily does Liz's makeup for her. They talk about how Nikolas and Lucky don't get along. They then get into a conversation about Liz and Lucky sharing deep secrets with each other. Liz makes Emily promise she won't spill what she's about to tell her, and Liz gets up and goes to get something. She pulls out the tape of Lucky singing, Emily is in happy shock. Emily then talks about her dreams, about finding her"prince". (We all know she's talking about Nikolas ;)) Liz shares her story of her first real kiss with Lucky. Meanwhile, Lucky is on stake out down on the docks. Nik shows up with two cups of coffee and joins him - much to Lucky's objections (again these two are funny together, great to see some humor!). They keep hidden behind some crates on the docks waiting for the blackmailer. Alexis arrives on the docks waiting for the boat, Helena talks with her- Lucky and Nikolas look on. Helena comments on how Luke and Alexis tried to kill her that night on the paraphet. Nikolas and Lucky think Helena is lying. Helena tells Alexis to get the net worth on Nikolas' estate and give it to her. Nikolas is about to jump out from the hiding spot in rage, but Lucky stops him. Helena then mentions a "plan" against Laura. This causes both Lucky and Nikolas to jump from their spot and head down to where Alexis and Helena stand. Lucky demands to know what Helena meant, and Nikolas makes Helena apologize to Alexis. Helena tries to get out of what she said about a "plan" against Laura, but nobody buys it. After Helena leaves, Nik and Lucky ask if and when Alexis finds anything out about a possible plan, that they want to be notified. She tells them she is sure Helena is bluffing, fortunately Lucky & Nik don't buy it. Alexis thanks Lucky and Nikolas and leaves on her launch. They then remember about the money (for the blackmailer) that was left in a bush, they look and it's gone. They missed the blackmailer. Lucky and Nik arrive at Liz's house (via window - also scaring the life out of Emily). They talk about how they didn't see the blackmailer.

Nik, Emily, Liz and Lucky break into Tom, the photographer's, studio. They are trying to prove that he is not involved in the blackmail scheme. They know he took the picture and if it's now in the studio, they someone else has it and it the blackmailer. While the guys examine the contact sheets, Emily does Liz's hair and make up and plays dress up in a formal gown. She looks incredibly beautiful - Lucky stops cold when he sees her. Em puts on a waltz and encourages Nik to teach Liz how to dance like he did with her at the ball. Lucky tells Liz to ahead, but after a few turns its obvious he can't stand seeing her in Nik's arms. Lucky dances with her, and they pretend they're in a fairy tale - sweet moment. While they dance, Nik finds the photo the blackmailer used. The gang back at the Webber's, Nik had taken the contact sheet with the shot that was used. Lucky and Nik head over to Spoon Island, they see a barefoot Laura coming down the stairs - she is wearing a flowing white gown. (she had come for lunch with Nik as she hadn't rec his message cancelling, she was stuck on the island due to the storm). She tries to explain but she looks so guilty, Lucky doesn't believe her and immediately leaves.

At the Webber's, Mr. McMurty drops by explainging that he received Liz's message about her interest in the internship. She convinces him to try and get her into Downtown Faces. Lucky storms into Laura's house and demands to know if she and Stefan are sleeping together. Laura tells him it's none of his business, and he has no right to ask her anything after ignoring her for months. After he insists a son has the right to know who his mother is sleeping with, she informs him that he hasn't been acting like her son. She eventually tells him that she has never been unfaithful to his father.

Liz goes to GH to get an AIDS test, she doesn't tell Lucky as she doesn't want him to worry. Nik arrives to see Lucky, they talk about Laura and agree not to have the adult's drama determine how they relate to each other. L&L start their internship at Downtown Faces, they talk beforehand with Nik & Em outside - someone from the agency notices. A male model comes in, flirts with Liz, Lucky gets jealous and rams the mail cart into him. Next day, when Nik & Em come in - L&L pretend not to notice them, the girl from the agency notices - rings false with her. The boss comes out, his computer is down. Nik & Em distract him with the enticement of the Cassadine heir being interested in modeling. Lucky sneaks into the office to use his computer. He's well on the way to getting information when disaster strikes: the boss is heading back to the office! Liz, Emily and Nick go into overdrive trying to keep him out. The boss walks in, finds Lucky at his computer but Lucky tap dances out of this sticky situation by fixing the computer's problems. Now, he's a hero! He walks out of the office with the boss telling him to come by anytime.

Nick now is committed to doing a test shoot, and looks like he'd rather be eating glass. Tom the photographer is doing everything he can to get him to loosen up; even having Emily be in one of the shots with him. Emily is thrilled when Tom tells Nik to look at her like the girl of his dreams. (She's got it SOOO bad for him)Things are finishing up when Tom's assistant walks in. Emily recognizes her as having worked at the other agency. The Assistant tells Tom that she doesn't trust the kids that they know each other and are setting him up, but he shouts at her to shut up. He holds up a picture of Emily and says "I'll have her to myself"......oh oh!!!!!!!

Lucky and Nik go to the police station to see if they can get info from Fred (he's arrested and had just been fired from DF) on the blackmailer. He tells them that Maggie was tight with Tom, clicks for them too. Mr. Yergin suggests Liz try modeling and has her look at other models head shots that Tom has done. Tom has talked Emily into a special shoot alone with him. At the studio, Emily sees a nude photo of Nikolas and Tom tells her she knows too much. Meanwhile back at the office, Liz sees a photo of Maggie Christain (the other model who was blackamiled who is now a waitress)and figures it out! She's desperate to reach the guys but they are quizzing Fred, so she heads to the studio to warn Em. When she arrives, Tom says to her "not a word" and she realizes he is the one who raped her. Her eyes fill with tears and terror. He grabs her and locks her in the closet with Em but first is sure to tell her how sweet it was with her that night confirming that he was the rapist. Nik & Lucky arrive, rescue the girls from the closet - poor Liz is cowering in the corner. She tells him that Tom was the one who raped her - he is shaken with tears in his eyes (just brimming with his love for her), he asks if Tom raped her again and is relieved when she says no. Em tells Nik that Tom had done a nude picture of him to use for blackmail (ha! Stefan would have squashed him like a little bug! but then so would have Jason if Em would have gone to him). Tom arrives, pulls a gun on them and tries to get them all into the closet. Lucky refuses, overpowers Tom, Nik joins in - Liz grabs the gun and holds it on him while the others hope she doesn't shoot him. She tells him what a creep he is and she hopes he will find out about rape in prison.

Music montage - as Tom is lead off in handcuffs. Back at Lucky's, Liz tells Lucky about encountering Tom and flashing back to the rape - she thanks him for being there to save her. He sheds a single tear. Liz takes a shower to wash the smell of Tom off of her from when he grabbed her, she emerges feeling clean. Liz apologizes to Lucky for not being braver. He tells her how courageous she is, how proud of her he is. He reminds her she did get thru it and they caught the guy and got him off the streets. They tell each other "You are the best thing that ever happened to me." When Liz realizes its 1:00 am, she tells Lucky its her birthday and that this is the best present. She feels wonderful, like she has her whole life to look forward to and they kiss sweetly.

**End of Tape #3**
I ask you could this tape have ended at a more perfect moment?

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