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Liz & Lucky #4 November 4, 1998 - March 10, 1999 -8 hrs

Stefan questions Nik about his "sudden friendship" with Lucky. Nik tells him it isn't about friendship that Lucky is his brother! Lucky brings Liz a brownie with a candle in it, they share it. He also gave her a bracelet. He wanted to get her something more expensive, but she said expensive things didn't mattered. Liz made here birthday wish. Just as the two were about to kiss,Bobbie called Liz to tell her the results of her blood test were in. Then Liz told Lucky about taking the test. Bobbie came by with her HIV results, they were negative. Liz told Bobbie the story of catching her rapist. Bobbie was very supportive, and was glad Liz didn't shoot Tom. Bobbie left. Liz and Lucky were getting ready to go give their statements to Mac. Just as they were about to leave the room they kissed. The song, "Elizabeth" started to play with a two minute montage of Liz & Lucky scenes.

At the PD, Nik invites the group to his birthday the next day. Lucky actually agrees to go, after all Lulu will be there. At the party, they celebrate their triumph over the bad guys. Laura is thrilled when she arrives and finds Lucky there. Robin, Liz, Em, and Lulu talk. Lucky tells Nik he is a "Standup guy". Laura beams at the sight of her boys together. Stefan though is not at all happy having heard the tales of their escapade. He disprovingly tells Laura that Nik & Lucky stalked a sexual predator. Laura is proud of the courage of her sons and thrilled that they worked together. Stefan is disappointed at her reaction, he doesn't want Nik to become reckless (the insinuation being like Lucky is). Nik blows out the candles on his cake and opens his presents. Stefan thanks the guests, his speech of a new begining and bonds being formed is heard as a voice over as the scene fades to a shot of Luke on the docks having just arrived back in PC.

When Liz & Lucky return to the Webber's, she realizes she has lost her bracelet. He goes back to the docks to search for it. Lucky runs into Luke who convinces him to go for a ride, they wind up in a mountain cabin. Meanwhile, Liz grows worried over Lucky's disappearence and calls Nikolas. He goes to the docks and looks for NIK, reports to Emily that there is no trace of him. Next am, Luke and Lucky woke up in their armchairs. When Luke goes into the storeroom for breakfast food, Lucky looks him in. Lucky fished a cell phone out of Luke's bag. He called Liz to tell her he was ok while Luke pounded on the door and roared like a grizzly. A frightened Liz asked Lucky about the racket.Lucky told her his dad was "having trouble adjusting to their situation." Lucky hung up as Luke crashed into the room, blasting the door completely off its hinges. Lucky paid scan attention to the old man's outburst. Later, Luke told Lucky to let go of his hatred. The longer Lucky stayed angry, Luke said, the closer he was tied to his father. Nik showed up to tell Laura that Lucky was missing. Concerned for the safety of Nik, Liz and Emily, Laura picked up the phone to call Jason. Before she could dial the number though, Liz arrived to say that Lucky was with his father. Laura calmed their fears by insisting that Luke would never hurt Lucky. She called it a "family matter" and asked them not to say anything to the police.

At the cabin, Luke asks Lucky if he still wants to leave, and adds that he 'fixed' the truck... it won't hot-wire. Lucky is dubious: "And I'm supposed to believe this because?..." Luke invites him to test it, but Lucky declines. Luke then asks Lucky to help him repair the door, but Lucky seems uninterested in the task. Luke asks if would just hand him the screwdriver, but Lucky's attention is waylaid by an ominous-looking bear trap, hanging on the wall: "I'd rather get my hand caught in this thing," he says, and removes it from the wall for a better look. Luke drops the door and grabs the trap: "These things are dangerous!" he admonishes, "animals chew their legs off to get out of them!" "I know how they feel," Lucky replies. Later, Lucky's starting a fire and Luke chides him for using too much paper: "You know, considering the lack of progress we're making, we might be here til late spring... we might need a little reading material by late winter." "All right!" Lucky replies, "You wanna chew this thing out?" and goes on to suggest that Luke talk to Gail Baldwin, "because I'm not the one with the problem," Lucky says, "I'm happy with the way things are." Luke nixes that idea. "It's no more stupid than kidnapping me," Lucky says and adds that, if Luke is really sincere in his desire to forge a relationship with his son, he'll visit Gail... like Liz did after she was raped. She didn't like dredging up all those awful memories, "but she was desperate... are you?" "No, I guess I'm not," Luke replies, "Back to nature! Fresh air and good conversation. That's what works for me!" He then says that the only reason Lucky's suggesting it is so he can leave, and that Lucky would no more want to visit a shrink than he would. Luke goes on to say that he never intended Lucky to use the survival skills Luke taught him, against him and that he wasn't willing to give Lucky up. "Do you even hear yourself?" Lucky asks, "it's all about you and what you want. Just like when you raped Mom." Lucky adds that Luke raped Laura because he thought he was going to die... and he wanted her. "It's all about you," he repeats. "How could you say that?" Luke replies, "This last nine months has been all about *you*!" Lucky counters with the argument that Luke left because Laura testified for Stefan and Luke discovered she had lied to him. "What did you do when you found out what Mom did to you?" Lucky asks, "You walked! Just like I did when I found out about you... Don't like it? Where do you think I learned it?"

Luke doesn't like what Lucky's saying but is glad that he's at least talking. Lucky continues, claiming every lie Luke tells is laced with the truth: Stavros didn't rape Laura.. Luke did. "You don't want a son, you want an ally... because Stefan's making headway with your wife." He can't believe anything Luke tells him anymore. "You want truth?" Luke asks, "Just ask for it. You asked me about the rape and I told you." "It's too much mental effort to wonder what I'm not asking!" Lucky replies. "You want to know effort?" Luke says, "*this* is effort... this constant inquisition... this trying to reach you... it's effort! What makes you think you're entitled to every last corner of my life? You're my son and you'll always keep things from me, and I'll always keep things from you... and that's the way it is!" In frustration, Luke grabs the trap and throws it down, saying that he feels as if "I'm stuck in that thing and I can't even chew my leg off!" Lucky eyes the trap: "That's what's supposed to happen to me if your little plan doesn't work out?" "You win," says Luke, and unlocks the door. He gives him the car keys and Lucky leaves. Luke turns around and steps into the bear trap. He screams in pain, but Lucky doesn't hear him.... Luke is in serious trouble after being caught in the wolf trap. He cries out in pain and things are starting to look very grim when Lucky comes back in and takes charge of the situation. He gets his dad's leg out of the trap, and realizes that he can't stop the bleeding by himself. He has to get Luke to a hospital. Off in the woods 40 miles outside of Port Charles, Lucky was tending to his sick father. It seems that Luke had come down with a fever. Lucky said that he was going to take his father to the hospital, but instead, he went to the ranger station for some aspirin. In the meantime, a delusional Luke was dreaming about the night in the disco when he raped Laura. The disco scenes were interspersed with the same scenes acted by present-day Luke and Laura in which Laura talked about her relationship with Stefan rather than her relationship with Scotty. In those scenes Lucky was off in the distance looking on disapprovingly. Luke kept waking up and saying, "please don't let me hurt her." Lucky kept promising that he wouldn't. Luke's fever finally broke and Lucky went off to make soup saying, "I don't care whether you eat it."

Lucky and Liz were reunited after Lucky's ordeal and he gave her back her bracelet, sweet moment. The four teenagers of Port-Charles are in the police station talking to Taggert about Em's and Liz's case. Liz expresses how much she hates that it is her word against Tom's and Em explains why she has to continue modeling, (because her agent will sue Edward otherwise). Taggert lets her know that she should lay low, because in fact, due to Tom's crime, her career has skyrocketed. Therefore, she should stay focused on not letting the public forget how Tom made her suffer. We all know that Liz won't be able to testify about the rape during Emily's trial due to insufficient evidence. Taggert promises he will keep looking for evidence, However, in the meantime Liz says the only way to get him is for her to talk to Tom alone. Obviously, Lucky does not agree. Liz says she can handle it, but Lucky says he doesn't want Tom on the planet with her. Liz tells him to trust her, she has to do this, that Tom took something away from her, and that she has to take it back. Tom once had all the power, now she wants to have it. She has to do it on her own, and she says she's strong. Lucky has no doubt she is strong, but he adds that she's stubborn. Liz meets with Tom, and she's scared but strong. The jerk talks to her about how she looked the night of the rape, in her red dress, and basically tells her she asked for it. Then, two seconds later, denies the whole thing by using the infamous "Not a Word" line. Liz later tells Lucky that she's going to nail Tom no matter how long she has to fight. Lucky tells her they'll fight together.

Liz & Lucky sneak into Luke's while it is closed, he gives her a rose and makes chees fries, Lucky asks Liz "Will You Be My Girl, Officially?!" Lucky starts to sing and they dance to "My Girl".

Dara is briefing Lucky, Emily and Nikolas on their parts in the trial, when Liz wants to know where she comes in. Dara gently tells her that they won't be needing her testimony on her rape. Liz begs to be put on the stand and Dara tells her that it would open up the case to all sorts of objections. Taggart tries to help by saying that Tom's going to be put away and that's the important thing, right? Even Lucky tries to tell Liz to move on later at his room. Liz is painting a mural and will hear nothing about it. She tells Lucky that he obviously doesn't understand what she's been going through. They wind up making up. Liz is not happy when Lucky tells her it might be easier for her if she isn't in the courtroom during Tom's trial.

Lucky promises to tell everything he can when he testifies. Tom's lawyer grills Emily on the stand about maybe she put the nude photos of herself on the net to bring more attention to her modelling career. Liz, unable to bear her friends getting hurt, screams out that Tom raped her. His lawyer immediately calls for a mistrial !!! Nikolas and Lucky try to calm Elizabeth down after her court room outburst, But Elizabeth is afraid there will be a mistrial and Tom will be freed. Tom's Lawyer tries to rattle Emily on the stand, but she holds firm and nails Tom to the wall. Later Emily says she would be eager to testify again if there is a mistrial. Dara, Ned, Alexis and Nikolas all tell Emily what a great job she did testifying. Tom comes out of the courtroom during a recess and sees Nikolas, Lucky, Emily And Elizabeth together. He calls them the four Musketeers. Tom then looks at Elizabeth and tells her that he hopes she has a better Valentines Day next year. Lucky lunges for Tom's throat, but Nikolas pulls him off. Tom says he wants to press charges, however Taggert says he didn't see anything - score big points for Taggert today!

Later in Lucky's apartment Elizabeth tells Lucky that, after seeing how Tom pushed Lucky's buttons to get him mad, Tom no longer had any power over her. She said she would no longer react to Tom, thus freeing her mind of him. After Lucky and Elizabeth leave, Dara leaves a message on Lucky's answering machine saying that Tom has pled guilty to third degree larceny and is on his way to prison. Lucky and Elizabeth return to the park where the rape occured, Elizabeth says she can see the beauty in the park again. The show ends with Lucky and Elizabeth sharing a kiss.

Laura is surprised to find Lucky babysitting Lu Lu instead of Nikolas. Laura tells Lucky that she just had a fight with Luke about Nikolas babysitting LuLu and that the two of them have never been so far apart. Lucky tells Laura that it is OK with him if Nikolas spends time with LuLu and that Luke would just have to get used to the idea. Laura says she is happy Lucky and Nikolas have come to an understanding. Lucky then leaves and goes over to Kelley's. He runs into Luke. Lucky tells Luke that Nikolas isn't Stefan, and that he isn't Luke. Luke responds that he will protect his family from danger by any means necessary, and that danger is the Cassadines. Also, he won't change just because Lucky has been duped into brotherhood with one of them. Lucky says to him that he won't hate someone just because Luke does. Luke responds by saying the Cassadines will give Lucky plenty of reasons of his own to hate them.

Liz and Lucky decorate a Christmas tree in his apartment, he plays "Deck the Halls" on the guitar while she decorates. She gives him a silver sequined guitar to place on the top of the tree. They switch on the tree lights and marvel at their creation and share the joy of their first Christmas season.

Nikolas, Emily, Liz, Lucky, and Lulu had fun taking pictures for Laura's birthday present. Emily started to play Lucky's radio for some mood music. Oops. Guess what came out-the song that he wrote and recorded for Liz, "Elizabeth"! Liz and Lucky stopped it and Nikolas suggested that something with a quicker beat would be appropriate. Lucky and he exchanged glances. Liz is late getting home and Audrey reams them.

Happy Birthday to Laura!!! ALL of her children remember and give her the framed photo of the three of them. Laura is very touched by the gift. Christmas Eve, Lucky and Liz exchange gifts in a really touching scene. Liz gives Lucky an original oilpainting of his boxcar and Lucky gives her a ring. Liz is thrilled. Lucky and Liz say that they love each other. Emily and Liz exchange gifts and like typical guys, Nik and Lucky didn't get anything; but are saved by their women who shopped for them. The teens are enjoying their Christmas gifts. Nicky is wearing an ELQ baseball hat. Emily loves the music box she got from Nikolas. Dave Koz has arrived at the party at GH, Dave Koz's sax leads the kids to the party, and as Alan reads the Christmas Story; Luke shows up and says goodbye to Lucky and Bobbie. The episode ends with shots set to music of cast members opening gifts, sharing holiday cheer, etc.

New Year's Eve in Port Charles, Nik goes to Lucky's apartment and tells him and Lizzy that they've all got plans for the auction, even though Lucky tries to get out of it by saying he has no tux. Nick has thought of every contingency and has brought one along. He also asks Lucky if he can stay with him awhile (Nik has just found out Stefan is his father). Things wind up with the start of the auction. All of Port Charles' eligible bachelors are called down to the stage by Kat. Elizabeth draws Edward as a dinner partner, Emily is estatic to draw Nicholas, and Tammy draws Lucky. We now catch glimpses of these couples eating. Lucky tells Tammy how much Liz means to him; all the while stealing peaks at her dinner with Edward. Tammy offers to trade with Edward, so the teens can be together; at the same time Edward is telling Liz that Lila really is his better half. At Midnight, we see Lucky & Liz standing together, they kiss at as the clock strikes 12:00

At Lucky's, he tells Liz about the entire Nik story (about Stefan really being Nik's Father not his Uncle) and goes into how much Laura lies. Liz tried to explain Laura's motivation but Lucky still can't accept any motivation for her dishonesty.They kiss. Lucky interrupts Laura crying all alone in her big house. He asks his mother how she can live with all the lies, as he would choke on them. She assures him there are no more, but he is skeptical as she's said that before. Lucky confronts Laura over the latest lie that Stefan is actually Nik's father not Stavros. Lucky meets Liz on the docks and tells her about his confrontation with his mother. Next, a music montage to Brandy's song "Have You Ever Loved Somebody?". On the docks, Lucky quizzes Liz for a test. He tells her he has something important to do for their future. She tells him she likes the sound of being part of his future. Lucky goes to see Sonny and asks for a job. He sends Lucky on a trip to Canada to deliver a package. Lucky later meets Liz, she aced her test, he tells her he will be gone for a couple of days and she is just "too beautiful" and he loves her.

While he is gone, Liz visits Laura. Liz tells her about Lucky going out of town. Sonny shows up and Laura introduces Liz to him as "Lucky's girlfriend". Nik keeps company with Liz to keep her mind off of Lucky's absence. Lucky returns and brings her a key chain from Manitoba, and a coffee cup with her name on it. Then he gives her a brochure to a NY art school and encourages her to apply. She has doubts that she is good enough to be accepted. He assures her she is. Then she tells him she couldn't leave him to go to live in NY, he tells her she wouldn't be going without him! This is one of the reasons he wants to start saving for their future. Liz and Lucky were in Lucky's apartment, when Nikolas and Emily stopped by (separately). Nik wanted to take everyone to dinner. Lucky had other ideas for him and Lizzie and Emily wanted to do homework. Nik took Emily home, Liz told Lucky what she knew about the happenings at Em's birthday fiasco and then Lucky told Liz that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Very moving scene as they commit to each other and promise "ever, ever". Liz tells him she doesn't know who she would be without the other half of herself! They kiss tenderly. Lucky talks about needing a financial stake for her tuition, an apartment, ect. When she remarks how sensible he is, he tackles and tickles her, then they kiss again.

Bobbie gets a call that Ruby has died. She calls Luke in Switzerland to tell him the bad news. Lucky shows up at Kelly's which is closed. Bobbie tells Lucky and Liz that Ruby has died. Lucky & Liz go back to his place to try to deal with Ruby's death. Luke returns to PC, he and Bobbie hold each other. Liz & Lucky head back to Kelly's. Luke runs into Laura on the docks and abruptly tells her that Ruby is dead. Friends and family gathered at Kelly's to share their grief over Ruby's passing. Lucky remembered meeting Ruby for the first time back in 1993. Laura sees Lucky outside and gives him a hug. Laura tells Bobbie she can't stay, she thinks it would be more painful for Luke if she was there. Lucky asks Luke if he will stay in PC, Luke says that PC will always be his home. Luke reminds Lucky how much Ruby loved him. Lucky tells his dad it was good to see him. After Liz & Lucky depart, Luke says his goodbye to Ruby (very moving scene). The next day, Liz and Lucky open up Kelly's. They offer a limited menu.

Luke tells Bobbie he wants to close Kelly's, she thinks its too soon and wants him to think about it. Just as he is pointing out how much he has lost: his wife, his son, Ruby, Lucky comes up and invites his dad to come down for a fresh cup of coffee. Luke is touched by this reaching out from his son and visibly softens. Downstairs, Lucky offers his dad a fresh start free of the past. Just as Luke agrees, Nik comes in and tests Luke's resolve. Lucky teases his dad that he is able to tolerate Nik for an amazing 35 seconds. Lucky is amused by the grudging acceptance Luke demonstrates - Lucky dares his father to drink the water Nik has served him (he helps out with customers too). Luke suspiciously smells it and tells Lucky "if you trust him so much you drink it". Lucky takes a sip and fakes poisioning, they both laugh and the ice between them thaws. After Luke leaves, Lucky thanks Nik for helping them to laugh. Lucky tells Nik he is going to start over with his father but that means Luke has to accept Nik as Lucky's brother.

Liz and Lucky at Kelly's, he tells her he has checked out the type of paintings she could submit to the art school. Liz is very nervous about having strangers judge her work. She points out Lucky is just as nervous to have anyone hear him sing "Elizabeth". Lucky goes with Liz for her next appt with Gail for the rape counseling. While they are waiting, she thanks him for helping her get through the past year. Liz tells Lucky that she has hope for a happy future because of him that she doesn't know who she would be without him, that he is the other half of herself. Now she is excited about her future. They kiss tenderly. Lucky tells her about needing a financial stake for their future, for an apt, tuition, ect. Luke has embezelled $200 million of the Cassidine money. Lucky all but tells Luke he is an idiot (Luke even admits Laura is the one most likely to be hurt by this) Lucky again shows that unusual maturity here. Lucky and Nik discuss the Cassidine vs. Luke and make it clear that the feud is between their fathers not them.

As Valentine's Day grew closer, Liz sees a poster for the Valentine's Day dance and she suddenly takes off. Of course Lucky follows her realizing she has been reminded of the rape. Lucky came upwith a plan to take Liz's mind off of the bad memories from the year before and try to make Valentine's the happy day it should be for her. Lucky then took Liz shopping at Wyndham's for a new dress. Cute music montage as Liz tries on different dresses. She looks gorgeous in each one but knows that she has found the one by the look of adoration and wonder on Lucky's face as she shows him the last dress. The emotion on Lucky's face as he gazes at Liz is heartfelt, she is touched by it and it makes her feel truly beautiful. Liz later tries to get Lucky to share his plans for V Day but no use he means it to be a surprise. Lucky showed up to give his sister a Valentine. Laura was touched by Lucky's feelings for Liz as she helped him find flowers for Liz's Valentine's Day gift.

Valentine's Day for Liz & Lucky was magical. Lucky arrives at the Webber's to find it decorated like a school dance. It started off beautifully with Lucky's eyes still transfixed on Elizabeth. Liz had her surprise so well planned: punch, CD player and all and then confidently asked "Will you dance with me?" Liz was so radiant, and sure of herself. Talking about them not being together at last year's dance, she says to him " ....Or maybe I just didn't know him yet..... But I knew if I gave him a chance he'd never want to look at another girl again....And he'd take me in his arms and never let me go." They kiss and Lucky tells her "I'm sorry...for what...because I didn't know you yet."

Next its Lucky's turn to surprise Liz. He takes her to a church, filled with candlelight. He tells her that when he looks at her he sees his future and he wants to say those words before god. The vows that Lucky and Liz said to one another were pure poetry and fit them perfectly.

Lucky: "I can't even imagine who I used to be without you. How I walked around in this world not knowing you were in it, waiting to love me...I never want that again. I never want to know another day that doesn't include you. (But I lost it when he said) "I don't even know how it happened. I couldn't tell ya the exact day or the moment when I realized that I love you, but when I did, it happened Big. You've got my heart. And that's a permanent lock. Everything I am is in love with you. My Soul. My Mind. My Body. My Spirit. That will never change. I pledge myself to you Elizabeth. Today. Forever."
Lucky had crocodile tears.

Elizabeth: "This is so amazing that you and I would be standing here and you'd be saying these things to me. I am so honored to be who you love. This time last year I never thought that I'd smile or laugh again. I couldn't find a way out of the pain and the shame..but then I looked up and you were there. And you took my hand and made me walk right back into the rest of my life. All the way to here...a place that's good and pure amd safe. And I am so full it hurts. You have my heart. That's a permanent lock. Everything I am is in love with you. My Soul. My Mind. My Body. My Spirit. That will never change. I pledge myself to you Lucky. Today. Forever."
Tears big tears. Liz tells him that after the rape "..but then I looked up and you were there. And you took my hand and made me walk right back into the rest of my life." Lucky switched her ring ring from the right hand to the left. She then tells him, "This was so wonderful. I don't even know how to put in words how much this means to me. Do you know what you did? You wrapped up Valentines Day and gave it to me as a present. You took the worst night imaginable and like a magician turned it into the best. No one in my life will ever do this." When they prepare to leave, their car is snowed in due to the blizzard. Lucky calls Nik, and Nik and Emily head out to give them a ride, they wind up back at the PC Hotel.

Next, Liz starts sketching Lucky for one of her art submissions. Nik and Lucky on the docks with Lulu. They run into Helena. Nik warns her to never approach his brother and sister without his permission. Then Lucky meets Liz and gives her the application for art school. He teases her over her middle name "Imogene" as she starts to fill it out. She jokingly asks if she can list "Kissing Lucky" as a hobby. Back at Lucky's, they share chinese food. They discuss the ickiness of Kat and Nik sleeping together. Then she asks him if he thinks about sex, if he would want to if she was ready. He tells her he is afraid of it, because she is so beautiful and he feels so much for her. But he believes them having sex would change their relationship and he doesn't want to risk messing things up between them, he realizes she needs more time. She tells him he is such a safe place for her as she doesn't constantly have to worry about sending him the wrong signals.

Nik, Em, Liz and Lucky join up at Kelly's. Nik tells them he is ready to find his own place. They offer to help him. They pour over the vacant ads and wind up looking at Brenda's vacant place, Nik is overwhelmed at the idea of furnishing it. Liz offers her services as his own personal decorator. Nikolas and Kat walked together to the PC Grill, in the sight of Lucky and Liz. Liz then felt the obligation to tell Lucky about Emily walking in on them.

**END of Tape #4**

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