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Liz & Lucky #5 - March 15 - June 8, 1998 - 8 hrs

Liz drops by Nik's new place with a new lamp. Next, Liz takes Lucky to Nik's to start her painting of him. She tells him about interrupting Nik with Kat when she delivered the lamp. She asks if he has fantasies of being with an older more experienced woman. He answers by saying that it is he Lucky, who is the "Lucky dog" as he has found the one that he is going to be with right out of the gate and Nik hasn't. Liz tells him she loves him and kisses him. To losen Lucky up from posing, she puts on Cher's new song and tries to get him to do some aerobics.

Back at Lucky's, Liz is still working on the protrait. Laura arrives and she loves the painting. Laura tells Lucky that her and Luke are considering divorce. Laura shares that she just wanted to give her children security that she and Luke didn't have as children. When Lucky tells her she has, she begins to cry. He assures her that he knows they love him, that he is secure and that Lulu will know they love her as well. Lucky encourages Laura to move on with her life, to be happy. After she leaves, Lucky asks Liz to promise to always be honest with him. She agrees and mentions how she wants to raise their children, he is touched by the thought of her as a mom. Lucky plays the song that Luke and Laura used to dance to in the diner, he and Liz dance and kiss.

Next at GH, Laura runs into Liz. She thanks Liz for being there for Lucky and says that Liz has changed Lucky. Lucky has invited Luke up to his place, to talk about the possibility of divorce. Lucky shows so much maturity here, he assures Luke that he won't lose Lucky's love and that he will be there for him. Luke tells Lucky about Robert Scorpio and their past. Liz goes with Emily to give Nik a housewarming present.

Liz has prepared Lucky's apartment with lots of candles and take out food and she says it's to celebrate their first April Fools' day together and she'd rather be a fool for love than just a fool. She shows him her paintings which are all done and she's happy with them. he's sure she'll get into Art School. She gives him a necklace with a NY subway token on it and she's had the words "Liz and Lucky Today Forever" engraved on it.

Emily show up at Lucky's to meet him and the gang for pizza. She and Lucky reminisce about their past adventures and what good friends they are and how much she'll miss him when he goes to New York. He tells her he will miss her too. They both agree that Port Charles became home for them. She tells him she is going to have a hard time finding "the guy" for herself as she will compare them to Lucky and that it is going to be hard to find someone to live up to him. He assures her that she'll fall in love someday. Liz, Lucky, Emily and Nik eat pizza and talk about New York and Liz's paintings. Emily asks Nik about his feelings when he found out about Stefan being his father not his uncle and she rambles about the Michael situation. Nik says he was mad at first but not now and they tell he just to love Michael and that will help him. She apologizes for being a downer and they say not to worry.

Though Elizabeth feels pressured by the deadline for submitting her work to the Art Institute, Lucky assures his nervous girlfriend she'll have the portrait done in plenty of time. Laura hesitantly informs Lucky that she and his father seem to be heading towards a divorce. Trying to comfort his weeping mother, Lucky assures Laura that despite everything he has mostly happy memories of his childhood and their family. Laura thanks Elizabeth for helping Lucky deal with her news about the divorce. Across town, Lucky asks his father if his marriage is really over. Luke assures Lucky he has no regrets about the twenty years he spent with the mother of his children. Later, Luke is deeply touched when Lucky thanks him for everything he's done and promises to be there for his father whenever he's needed.

A giggling Emily and Elizabeth deliver a housewarming gift to the cottage. Elizabeth suggests to a hopeful Emily that Nikolas' relationship with Katherine is probably not going to last because it's based on sex and sex alone. Elizabeth surprises Lucky with a special April Fool's Day dinner, complete with candlelight and romantic ambiance. When Elizabeth grows nervous about sending her paintings through the mail, Lucky suggests that they go to New York and hand deliver the art work themselves. Later, they share a rib dinner as Liz sits on Lucky's lap. Then they have a water fight as they do the dishes, ends in a tender kiss that grows passionate. Elizabeth confides to Emily that she finally feels ready to take a leap and make love with Lucky. Nikolas admits to his brother that the only reason he got the job at Deception was because he is sleeping with the CEO. Lucky tells Nik about the trip to NY and asks to borrow his car. Nikolas advises Lucky to be prepared just in case he and Elizabeth decide to get more involved in the future.

In New York City, the sexual tension between Liz and Lucky grew when they were forced to share the same hotel room. Lucky told Liz about the time he visited Tammy and explained that their conversation had made him realize how much he loved Liz. Liz and Lucky then kissed and seemed to be on the brink of lovemaking. They decided to stop and agreed that they weren't ready to take that step. They decide that the timing and location isn't quite right. They want their first time to have a more special location and to be sacred. Music montage (including Photo Booth pics) to 98 degrees "Because of You".

Liz and Lucky returned from New York City and looked forward to a happy future together. They expect Audrey to be furious butr she is very excited about hearing all about their trip and the art school. Audrey trusts Lucky now to take care of Liz. Lucky and Nikolas made plans to have dinner with Emily and Liz. Lucky told Jason and Mike about his plans to move to New York City with Liz. Lucky tells first Tony then Bobbie that Lucas loves his father no matter what has happened and admits that even when he hated Luke he still loved him. Lucky asked Bobbie to consider allowing Tony to spend time with Lucas.

Laura walks in to find her three children playing happily with an old turban of Lucky's, then gets teary when Lucky presents her with a picture Liz drew of the flowers she donated to Valentine's day. They also have a touching exchange about how Lucky learned about love from her and Luke. Lucky told Laura that he had never stopped loving her and they grew closer. He also tells her the reason he has a loving relationship with Liz is that he knows what love looks like as he saw it every day between Luke & Laura.

Lucky, Emily, and Nikolas arrive at for a private dinner at Kelly's. Liz was cooking so they bring extra food, expecting another disaster. Liz fools Lucky into thinking salad was the entire meal, then discloses she knew about the food all along. After dinner, they talk about always being friends and where L&L will live in NY, as Liz brings out fresh pretzels. For dessert, they have brownies as Emily's mom used to, giving each other the first bite along with a wish. Lucky and Liz clean up after Liz's dinner party. Liz saved some NY-style pretzels for Lucky and they horse around as Luke looks on from outside Kelly's. As he passes by Kelly's, Luke smiles to see Lucky and Elizabeth enjoying a giddy moment together. Luke begins to leave but is stopped and invited in by Lucky. Liz goes to the kitchen so Lucky can bond with Luke. Lucky tells Luke about the plan to move to NYC. Luke is happy for the kids. Upon learning of his son's plan to move to Manhattan, Luke congratulates Lucky on finding a good woman to love and a new direction in which to travel. Lucky makes a touching speech giving Luke credit for the person Lucky has become and the person he will be. Lucky tells Luke that Lulu needs him. Luke and Lucky complete their bonding with Luke's telling Lucky that he is Luke's role model. Lucky urges his dad to be there for Lulu as she grows up. Liz and Lucky say goodbye to Luke. Lucky tells Liz he has forgiven his parents and credits her for his personal growth. Lucky says that he loves his parents.

Liz and Lucky shared a romantic dance and reaffirmed their love. Lucky takes Liz to Audrey's. Liz makes her touching speech about how Lucky saved her. They share a final goodbye at the window to Liz's bedroom and kissed at the window. They agree to meet in the morning and Lucky leaves. Back at his apartment, Lucky calls saying he can't sleep. Lying in bed as he talks with his girlfriend on the phone, Lucky lights a candle to remember Elizabeth's lingering fragrance and they hang up. Lucky falls asleep with the candles burning. Later that night, flames engulf Lucky's room above the bike shop. While sleeping Liz dreams of dancing with Lucky but then the dream is disrupted by visions of a siren wailing. She goes back to sleep. The scene cuts to Lucky's inferno of an apartment.

Awakening again, Elizabeth listens anxiously to the wailing of sirens as fire trucks speed past in the night. She rushes to find Lucky's apartment in flames. Liz is devastated when Taggert informs her that Lucky was trapped and did not survive the fire. Bobbie tries to comfort Liz while Luke is informed of his son's death by Nikolas. Elizabeth is horrified to see a body being removed from Lucky's apartment. Choking back tears, Nikolas relays some devastating news to Luke. As Mac tries to comfort Bobbie, Elizabeth hysterically insists to Marcus that the charred remains could not have been Lucky's.

Arriving on the scene, a grieving Luke lashes out at Sonny for failing to protect his boy. Later, Luke delivers the tragic news to Laura, who wails in pain to learn of their terrible loss. Taggert blames Jason and Sonny for the mob undertone of the fire, while a heartbroken Luke breaks the news to Laura that their son is dead. Luke comforts Laura over Lucky's death and they go to identify his body together. Elizabeth collapsed after seeing the subway token that Lucky was wearing around his neck. Taggert told her that they found it on the body. Sonny bends down and wraps his arms around her and just holds her as she grieves. After helping her up, Sonny tells Bobbie that she nor Liz needs to be there. He offers to have his driver take them home. Bobbie says she will take Liz home herself. Taggert tells Liz that they need the necklace back for forensics. She looks at him, pulls it back,and says NO. Switching to Luke and Laura, they are still reeling. Laura won't believe it is true. She tells Luke that there's been a mistake, and that it's not Lucky. He tells her that the fire was at Morgan's garage, and that Lucky was upstairs, already in bed. He says that Lucky inhaled the smoke, otherwise he would've been out the window. Laura is hysterical at this point, screaming NO! over and over. As it begins to sink in, she falls into Luke, and cries, "Not my baby!" The scene closes with Luke holding Laura, as they face the death of their child.

Laura then asks Luke if he has actually seen Lucky, because it still could be a mistake. He says, no- because I had to get to you first. She gets up, and starts calling Lucky's name out. Luke grabs her, and makes her sit down. As she calms down, she starts asking how the fire started. Was it an accident, or something to do with Moreno? Luke says he doesn't know, but he will find out. They leave together to go to the morgue to identify the body. Taggert asks Liz what is on the chain. He says it looks like a subway token- it must be something important. She tells him it was from their trip to New York. Taggert tells her that he needs it just for a little while, and he promises to get it back to her quickly. She gives it to him. He then starts asking her when she last saw Lucky, etc. She tells him about their dinner, and then about Lucky calling her. Taggert walks by Sonny, and tells him that he & Jason will need to come down for questioning. He said, "If you dissappear, I will never stop looking for you." Luke & Laura are at the morgue. Luke goes in to view the body. He sees that it is in fact Lucky. Laura comes in and begs to see "her baby" one more time. Luke finally agrees to let her. She sees Lucky, and passes out. Luke catches her as she falls to the floor. As they are walking out of the morgue, Sonny & Jason walk in. Laura gets this look on her face of total devastation, and calls Sonny a murderer. She reminds Sonny about the promises he made her, about his violence never touching her family. She yells some things at Sonny, and blames him for Lucky's death. Then she blames Jason for letting "an innocent little boy" live in a place targeted for "his kind" . Luke tries to get her to leave, and she turns on him. She tells Luke that he started all of this, by teaching Lucky to trust people like Sonny. She says that Luke made Lucky believe he was safe with people like Sonny, and that is why he never came home. Luke throws back that he didn't have a home to come back to, just a house of lies. She slaps him. Taggert steps in, and has an officer take Laura home. Luke walks out, leaving Sonny & Jason alone.

Bobbie talks to Liz, telling her that the last words you say to someone when they die aren't what's important- it's that you showed them you loved them. Audrey comes in and tries to comfort Liz. She leaves the room, and Bobbie shares a close moment with Audrey. Laura gets home, and tells Nikolas that Lucky is gone. They share a very touching moment, and she asks him not to leave her alone. Nikolas starts to cry, telling her about their dinner, etc. Laura tells him what a gift it was to have been able to see he & Lucky become brothers. Leslie Lu came downstairs. Laura tells her that Lucky went up to Heaven with the angels. Luke ends up at Kelly's. As he looks through the door, he remembers doing the same thing just hours before, when he saw Lucky & Liz together. He goes inside and starts remembering Lucky. They show some touching scenes, such as: Luke & Lucky scaring Laura on Halloween, Luke meeting Foster, Lucky finding out Laura is pregnant with Leslie Lu, Lucky holding Leslie Lu as a newborn, and the last talk Luke had with Lucky. Bobbie walks in the door, and Luke finally breaks down in her arms.

Emily is shattered by the news of Lucky's death. Jason prevents Carly from confronting AJ after she hears the news about Lucky and believes AJ started the fire. Nikolas goes to see Liz. He finds her in her room, still in disbelief. He brings her a shirt that Lucky left at his house when they took Lulu rollerblading just days before. He and Liz try to make sense of what has happened. She goes in to take a bath, and asks Nikolas to stay until she gets back. Then she decides to try and take a nap. Curled up with Lucky's shirt, she says it is almost like he is still there with her. Nik stays until she falls asleep. Emily knocks on Liz's bedroom door and wakes her up. Nik is at the window looking out. As Liz wakes up suddenly she cries out Lucky's name. Lesley shows up at the Spencer home and comforts Laura. She explains that she caught the first flight to Port Charles. As they hug Laura cries to her mother saying she doesn't know how to not have Lucky as a son. Luke and Sonny are in Luke's in the back room. As Luke fingers a gun he insists that Sonny tell him who set the fire at the garage if it wasn't Moreno. Sonny informs him that it could have been A.J. When Luke questions Sonny in shocked disbelieve, Sonny explains that it was A.J. that torched the coffee warehouse. Luke realizes that it would make sense that it was A.J. because Moreno would not have made the messy mistake of killing Lucky just to get to Sonny. Immediately after he comes to this epithany, however, he bitterly tells Sonny that it is still Sonny's fault. Sonny once again apologizes for what has happened. Luke, glaring at Sonny, replies that there are no apologies and no excuses. He explains that he is mad because wasn't told of the danger and either was Lucky no matter where it was coming from. Luke says that Lucky is dead because of Sonny's priorities. Luke grabs the gun and his coat from his desk and heads for the door proclaiming that he can take care of A.J. AND Moreno, after all it's about time SOMEONE did. Sonny stops him short by saying "What about Lulu?" He goes on to say that she still needs a dad, too.

Emily and Liz are sitting on Liz's bed as Emily comforts Liz. Nik is standing behind them listening. Emily says that it seems impossible that this is happening. Liz agrees saying that she keeps feeling like she should be calling Lucky because he would know what to do but then realizes she can't do that anymore. Emily relates the situation back to her mother's death say that she kept waiting and waiting for her mom to show up. She felt that if she just waited long enough her mom would come back. Emily offers for her and Nikolas to get some food for Liz. Liz accepts the favor but before the two leave Emily mentions that Laura would probably be planning the memorial service. As soon as Liz heard that she insisted that she had to see Laura right away. Liz, Em, and Nik arrive at Laura's. Liz finds the painting of the bouquet she did for Laura on the table. After Laura greets them she tells Liz that she was truely loved by Lucky. Liz replies that Lucky was her happiness. Laura then turns to Em saying that Emily was the best friend that Lucky had. They reminess about times when they were younger. They offer their help with food but Laura assures them that Lesley has taken care of all that. Nik offers to babysit for Lulu but Laura says that Lesley has that covered too. Laura goes on to say she doesn't really know what to do next as far as the memorial service is concerned but she does know it will be at the Mt. Heron Baptist Church. Immediately Emily says she can't! That's where Liz and Lucky spent Valentine's day.

Back at the club, Sonny warns Luke of the dangers of trying to kill Moreno OR A.J. He says that Luke would no doubt be killed, Lucky would still be gone, and Lulu would have no father. Revenge wouldn't bring Lucky back, Sonny explained, the only thing he can do is stick around and look after the people Lucky loved. Sonny then promises to take care of it. Luke askes why he should believe him when Sonny's "word doesn't mean spit" to him. As he walks out he says he doesn't need Sonny's help. Sonny is in the front room of Luke's and he announces to the staff that because the the tragic events last night the club would be closed until further notice. He says that they will get double their normal salary to cover tips. They all clear out as he grabs a fifth of alchol and sits at a table in visible anguish.

At the Spencer's Laura apologizes to Liz saying that she didn't know about the church and that she would find some place else for the service. Emily says that there was another church she knew of that was really pretty. She knew because her and Lucky had broken into it once. Liz explains to Laura that in Mt. Heron's she and Lucky had made a promise to each other in front of God, she says that Lucky gave her back Valentine's day and her life on that night and that is where she wanted the service to be. She wanted to remember Lucky like that. Laura thanks her and hugs her. They discuss music to be played and decide to play Mary Mae's song. Nik says he would call the church to arrange the services. Laura asks Liz if she would like to speak at the service and Liz agrees to. Liz then askes Nik if he would like to speak. Looking uncomfortable Nik declines saying he's sorry but he can't. Luke is standing in front of what was the garage but is now just a burnt shell of a building. Mike walks up from behind and tells Luke it will be a while before the cops know what started the fire. Luke says that Mike knows what started it just as well as he does so don't pretend with him. Mike says he was sorry. But Luke in his own world stares up to what once was Lucky's room and laments that Lucky was simply sleeping. Nik explains to the group at Laura's that Luke hates him and Stefan. He and Lucky had choosen not to participate in the family fued and if he said that at the service it would be like a slap in the face to Luke. Lucky loved Luke just like he loves his father and he doesn't want to speak because it's what Lucky would appreciate. Emily shares that she had told Lucky not to give up on Nik. Nik asks Liz to speak for him. "I'll do my best," Liz replies. Em and Liz are back in Liz's room. Audrey has sent up milk and cookies. Em reassures her that even though the pain is unbearable now it will get better. Lesley is with Laura in the living room of the Spencer's home. Leslie says that she wishes she would have seen Nik and Laura says that she wanted her to meet Liz. Lesley suggests that Laura tries to sleep but Laura starts crying asking her mother why this had to happen. Leslie tries to comfort her but Laura tells her not to try saying she should be grateful for the time she had. Though Lesley says that Lulu still needs her, Laura sobs that she can't do it again. Mike tries to reassure Luke that it could have been anything that started the fire. Luke challenges Mike to think if it was Sonny that was killed because he had not been informed of the danger he was living with, wouldn't Mike hate the person too? Mike agrees that he would indeed hate that person too.

Lucky's funeral was Friday and heartfeat tributes were given by Luke, Laura, and Elizabeth. The church was filled with the love and tears of the Port Charles citizens mourning the tragic death of young Lucky Spencer. Luke told Liz that she was the best thing that had ever happened to Lucky. At the church, alone, Elizabeth finally broke down after reciting the vows that she and Lucky exchanged on Valentine's Day...Suddenly the scene was taken to a large anonymous room and eery music set the tone as the sound of someone picking a lock could be heard. A frustrated Lucky jumped to his feet and shouted "Why are you keeping me here?!" Lucky's alive!!!

Little Liz can't believe her Lucky is gone. She sits in the front pew of the church trying to spiritually reach out to her beloved. She can't quite believe he is gone. She asks Lucky to give her a sign. Nikolas walks in on Liz and they discuss how Lucky saved their lives. Nikolas tells Liz she needs to get some rest. She tells Nikolas that she is afraid to sleep because she might dream about the sirens. Nikolas tells her to recount the dream she had before she heard the sirens. Liz tells him that she and Lucky were dancing in her dream. Nikolas tells her that it is probable that she will have good dreams of Lucky, instead of the one with the sirens if she goes to sleep. Liz seems to be relieved by Nikolas' logic.

Felicia returns to town, and goes to see Luke at the club to offer her condolences. Luke pours out his heart to Felicia. He tells her that he blames himself for Lucky's death because he trusted Sonny and Jason. He is also worried that LuLu will forget Lucky. Felicia explains to Luke that he will have to help LuLu remember by showing her his pictures and telling her stories about Lucky. Laura is a wreck. She returns home to an empty house. She finds her way up the stairs to Lucky's room. She puts on one of his jackets and holds his teddy bear and lays sobbing on the bed. Laura looks at herself in the mirror and then finds a picture of her and Lucky. Laura loses it and breaks the mirror, she is shattering in her grief. She trashes Lucky's room screaming "I hate you!" to herself. She tears through the room, then realizes she has broken the glass in a framed valentine. She sinks sobbing to the floor. Stefen finds Laura on the floor, weeping uncontrollably. Laura tells him that everything is gone. Stefan reminds her that she still has people that love her and goes down the list. Stefan tells Laura he is taking her home, to Wyndemere. Lucky worked on the computer in his cell and was being secretly watched by someone.

Mac tells Liz and Bobbie that the fire was an accident, started by candles left burning on Lucky's bedside table. Liz gets a horrified look on her face, she flashes back to Lucky lighting the candles to honor her. Liz then tells Sonny that she was responsible for Lucky's death, but Sonny tried to convince her otherwise. Emily comforted Nikolas and offered him advice on how to grieve. A grieving Luke imagined seeing Lucky standing before him and Luke expressed his heartfelt pain about losing his son. Bobbie visits Liz, they grieve together. After Bobbie leaves, Liz sees the candles on the mantle and starts to flash back. We then cut to the "security-cam" view of Lucky and pull back to the back of his captor's head. Liz tearfully explains to Nikolas that she gave Lucky the candles, and this is all her fault. He helps to convince her that it's not anyone's fault. Nikolas invites Liz to go shopping with him and Emily this weekend, trying to distract her. She thanks him for humoring her.he says it's self-preservation, if he doesn't decorate soon, Katherine will do it! While they are talking, a package arrives.her paintings are back from the art academy with Lucky's picture inside. Liz doesn't want to open it. The door opens to Lucky's cell, and we see his captor's face yes it is Faison. He introduces himself to Lucky. Faison tells Lucky how he managed to make everyone think he is dead and that Luke in no way suspects him. When Lucky threathens to escape, Faison then threatens to hurt Liz if Lucky does not cooperate.

Lucky finds out that he is now dead and he is very upset after viewing the clip of Elizabeth he trys to phone her but she can't hear him but he can hear her. Liz was accepted to Art school and her and Nikolas discuss her oportunities as she shares her story with Nicholas about her trip with Lucky. Liz looking really sad on the docks. She flashes back to when Lucky came back from a trip Jason sent him on, and they greet each other. Cut to Lucky taking the switch plate off of the door to his "cell", and then walking to his computer to try to hack into the system and make the door open. Liz comes in asking Bobbie if she can work for a while to take her mind off of Lucky. A grieving Luke and Laura packed up Lucky's room but were still unable to reach out to each other. Overcome with pain and frustration, Luke started throwing Lucky's things out the window. Faison gives Lucky a little too detailed account of Luke and Laura's grief, describing the scene Faison tells Lucky to be careful or he will never get out of that room alive.

Laura comes in and sees Liz at Kelly's. Laura tells Liz that when she goes through picture albums, Lucky always seems happy, but he was happiest when he was with Liz. Liz tearfully tells Laura that she gave Luck the candles that started the fire. Laura tells her to stop talking that way, she doesn't need to blame herself. Liz falls asleep crying and thinking of Valentine's Day. A desperate Lucky continues to try to escape but is unsuccessful. Liz and Laura share their grief over Lucky's demise, while a clever Lucky is able to escape from his room. But Lucky's run for freedom is foiled by Faison, who warns Lucky that harm will come to Liz if he tries to escape again.

Laura and Liz shared a painful moment, trying to explain Lucky's "death" to Lesley Lu. Laura felt lonely and drowned herself in Lucky's memories and photos. Hannah and Liz chat a bit at Kelly's. Nikolas wants to give Liz a job. He wants her to look over some art layouts for Deception. She doesn't think she knows enough to be helpful. She thinks Gail sent him over to spy, and lays into him about not needing a grief counselor (and later says that maybe she does). Liz decides she's going back to Gail after all. Nikolas covers her shift at Kelly's while she does. Liz drops by the hospital, sees Audrey and finds that out Gail isn't in. She schedules a appointment. Liz sees Laura who's walking around like a zombie.Liz asks why, and Laura is worrying about how she let Lucky live on the streets knowing full well what they can be like. Liz tells her that nothing could have kept Lucky at home. Liz tells Laura stories of how good the times were in the boxcar with Lucky. Laura is comforted, but acknowledges that Lucky was happy because of Liz, not because of circumstances. Taggert drops by Kelly's to give Liz back Lucky's subway token necklace. They have a sweet moment together. She thanks him for being good to her. Later, alone in Kelly's, Liz plays a sad song on the jukebox and looks sad. Flashbacks of her and Lucky. Laura visits Lucky's boxcar, climbs inside, looking around with a flashlight. Music montage as Laura imagines the life Lucky's never going to have: his wedding day with Elizabeth, the birth of their first child, she imagines Lucky holding his baby. Laura grieves, then envisions a surprisingly sweet scene of Liz and Lucky and their son putting the angel on the top of a Christmas tree. Laura cries and begs Lucky for forgiveness. Lauras tumbles zombie-like on the train tracks. She collapses, sobbing, and as she gets up, sees a train headed right for her. Stefan arrives in the nick of time to pull her away from the oncoming train, saving her life. An emotional Luke runs into Liz. He thanked her for loving Lucky. Luke has a vision of Lucky, telling him he and Laura are the only ones who can help each other. Luke talks about getting on with life, that he's trying to honor Lucky by moving on. He smiles softly at his son, and my heart breaks as his smile fades as the vision of Lucky disappears. Luke flashes back to him and Laura dancing in the diner, he works his wedding ring off of his finger, brushes it across his lips, almost but not quite kissing it, stands up and in one fluid motion, tosses it into the water. Faison gave Lucky a picture of Liz standing in front of Kelly's, to prove that he has her under surveillance. He also brought Lucky a chess board and told him for every time Lucky won a match Faison would answer one question truthfully. Then Lucky day-dreamed about Liz, he imaines her begging him to come back. He tells her he can't as it would put her life in danger. He tells her to go on with her life, that she will learn to love again, that he has to let her go, they kiss one last time. He looked at the picture of Liz and started to cry.

Meanwhile at Kelly's, Liz was talking to Nik about art school and how she didn't want to leave PC without Lucky and pictures she drew in her life would be for him because he found the artist in her. Nikolas feared that Lucky's death had made Liz abandon her dream of being an artist. While Faison is monitoring Lucky he is joined by a woman. Emily asked Liz to attend AJ and Carly's engagement party to help her get through the evening. Liz arives at the Q's for the party. Carly tells Liz how moves she was by Liz's words at Lucky's funeral. It ticks Emily off as Carly didn't know Lucky. Em & Lucky go up to Em's room and talk about how much they miss Lucky. Katherine caught sight of Nikolas having fun with Liz and Emily at the party, she wasn't too pleased. Kat also did not get Emily's sense of humor.

Helena was revealed as Faison's partner and she warned Faison not to underestimate Lucky. Laura apologized to Sonny and said that she no longer blamed him for Lucky's death. Laura was touched by a visit from Liz, who gave Lesley Lu a painting of Foster. At GH, a vicious Helena taunted Laura about Lucky's death. After finding Nikolas waiting for her at the hospital, Liz warned Nikolas that he couldn't take Lucky's place in her life. Liz, however, later apologized for her outburst and Nikolas asked her to design the T-shirt for the Nurses Ball. Laura physically attacked Helena, who had been taunting her about Lucky's death. Stefan was forced to restrain Laura when she lost control during her encounter with Helena. Laura was unable to calm herself and had to be sedated. She kept asking, "Where is Lucky?".

Faison visits Luke, he proposes that LUke smuggles his diamond inventory into the states and sell them for him. Faison tells Luke that this project will be "Lucky" for him. Liz goes to GH to see Audrey, she runs into Nik who tells her about Laura's breakdown. Touching scene as he gets tears in his eyes over how helpless he is to help Laura. Kat comes along just as Liz hugs Nik. Liz goes to see Luke and tells him Laura is better. Liz showed her sketch for the Nurses Ball t-shirt to Bobbie. She still misses Lucky being there when she leaves a session with Gail. Then Nik and Em arrived at the hospital. Emily hurt herself in a hip-hop class. Em tells them about the documentary she is doing for the Nurse's Ball. Liz showed them her drawing for the NB 1999 t-shirt, they all liked it. Then Liz and Nik went to the PC Grille, showed the sketch to both Kat and Lucy and amazingly they actually both agreed on something, they liked the design!

**END of Tape #5**

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