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The NNN Gift Shop

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The NNN Medical Facility has opened up a brand new Gift Shop!
If you are interesting in purchasing a GH or L&L Tape
or you want to do some Swapping of tapes this is the place to be!

Look Below to see if you see a tape that you are interested in purchasing
or see if there is a tape that you have that you would like to swap for another.

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Get your Lucky & Liz Tapes Here!

Did you miss seeing Lucky and Liz during their early days?
Were you watching the show, but not keeping tapes back then?
Do you Wish you could go back and watch L & L and relive those days again?
Well GUESS WHAT?? You're In Luck!!

Contact for more information on Ordering these Tapes :


For ONLY $15 per tape you can order any or all of the following tapes:

Go Back to the Beginning - The Meeting!
Lucky and Liz Tape #1 Aug 1, 1997 - Feb 26, 1998 -8hrs

The first tape contains all of both of their scenes from when Elizabeth first arrived on the show, including the rape, and covers the first 7 months of their storyline! This is an original edit from my original episodes, I edited on SLP on a T-160 (8 hr tape). This is the only original edit of their early scenes that I know of so if someone else offers you this edit that sounds similar to this in time frame and content it may be a copy of my tape

Click Here to get a more detailed description of: Lucky & Liz Tape #1


The Aftermath of the Rape
Liz & Lucky #2 Feb 25 - June 29, 1998 -8 hr original edit

Grams denial of the rape, Bobbie supportive of Liz, Lucky helping Liz go to Rape Crisis meetings. Lucky finding out from Nik that Luke Raped their Mother. Lucky confronting Luke and then later Laura. The Bacchanalia Ball, L & L's first dance. Moving into the Boxcar, "Iris" Montage.

Click Here to get a more detailed description of: Lucky & Liz Tape #2


The Summer of Love
Liz & Lucky #3 June 29 - November 3,1998 - 8 hrs, T-160 SLP

This is tape has a very long description (2 pages worth). There were alot of things happening during the Summer of 1998. Liz trying to find her rapist, L&L's growing feelings for each other. The No Name Date, TK 1, The Fab Four's trip to NY, Finding out who the Rapist was are all included on this tape.

Sit Back, Relax and get ready for a detailed description of: Lucky & Liz Tape #3


Lucky & Liz Celebrating Their Love
Liz & Lucky #4 November 4, 1998 - March 10, 1999 -8 hrs

Lucky & Liz Celebrate her Birthday, Lucky & Nik learn to trust and even like each other. Luke kidnaps Lucky, they argue and then Luke gets caught in a trap! Lucky asks Elizabeth to be HIS GIRL - Officially, Tom's Trial comes to an end. L&L Celebrate Christmas together, exchanging gifts and words of Love for each other. Ruby passes away, and all of PC Grieves. L&L start planning for their Future and share a Romantic Valentines Day Together.

Click Here to get a more detailed description of: Lucky & Liz Tape #4


Liz & Lucky from Love to Loss
Lucky & Liz Tape #5 March - June 1999 8 hrs
Lucky & Liz make plans to move to New York. They travel to NY to deliver Liz's paintings to the Art School, they make a decision on whether or not to Make Love. Back in PC they happily plan their future, carefree and happy just being together. Tragedy strikes PC as everyone believes Lucky is dead. Heart wrenching scenes as all of PC grieves the loss of someone so young.

Click Here to get a more detailed Description of: Lucky & Liz Tape #5


More Tapes to Come - Check Back Again Soon!

Also, In The Gift Shop!!!

The Following Tapes are Priced at:
$10 per tape for single tape requests
two tapes for $17
three for $25
four for $32
five for $40, ect.

Take a Stroll down Memory Lane :



Go back in time to ~ 1993
Early Lucky #1 - The Arrival Oct-Dec,1993 - 2 hrs 40 mins

This is the Return of The Spencers return to Port Charles. It starts off with Luke & Laura at the Triple L Diner in Canada. It deals with Lucky's Return to Port Charles......

Click Here to get a more detailed description of: Early Lucky Tape #1


Go back in time to ~ 1994
Early Lucky #2 - Dec, 1993 - Feb, 1994 - SP 2 hrs 40 mins, T-160

Visit Port Charles and see what made Lucky & GH so Great.

1994 was a tremendous year for writing and story telling. There is lots of action, drama, humor. Also, it helps remind you why Luke is so nice to Tony. Tony was responsible for saving Lucky's life when he was shot.....

Click Here to get a more detailed description of: Early Lucky Tape #2


Go back in time to ~ 1994
Early Lucky #3 Feb 7 - Sept 13, 1994 - 5 hrs 17 mins - SLP T-120

Laura & Lucky attend Mac & Felicia's 1st Wedding (Where Ryan tried to blow up the place and Jenny & Paul end up marrying). Fun scenes with Luke & Lucky acting like game show hosts for Laura. Laura is pregnant with Lesley Lu and gives Birth with Luke along side her. Scenes from BJ's Birthday Party, and then Luke going to tell Laura about BJ's death and them telling Lucky & Sly. Foster meets Annabelle :)

Click Here to get a more detailed description of: Early Lucky Tape #3


Go back in time to ~ 1994 - 1995
Early Lucky #4 Sept 13, 1994 - January 23, 1995

Luke decides to open a Blues Club. Halloween 1994 has Lucky & Sly dressed as Power Rangers (LOL!) Lucky is worried about Luke and all that happened in Puerto Rico. Luke Returns (Happy Reunion time for the Spencer Family). Lucky is thrilled to learn Foster is going to be a Dad!

Click Here to get a more detailed description of: Early Lucky Tape #4


Go back in time to ~ 1995
Early Lucky #5 - Jan 23 - June 2, 1995 - 2 hrs 40 mins, SP

Luke's Club Opening (with BB King), Laura and Lulu are in hiding at Beecher's Corners. More scenes with Foster & Annabelle and the birth of their baby, Edward Q going to the Cave and breaking his leg. Lucky meets Emily and they bond over the puppy. The montage of scenes as gunmen shoot up Luke's club, shoot at Brenda in the shower at Sonny's penthouse, they hit the Spencer house as Laura sings a lullabye to Lulu.

Click Here to get a more detailed description of: Early Lucky Tape #5


Luke & Laura's Return!!

There are seven tapes from the time of Luke & Laura's return in 1993. These aren't the original edits but the quality is good. The original source is not set up to duplicate at this time. Each of these tapes is 2 hrs 40 mins.

Luke & Laura's Return 1993 #1 - Oct, 2 hrs 40 mins - T-160

1993 Emmy's - Susan Lucci announces return of Luke & Laura
Home made L&L montage, Hard Copy announcement of their return, and Pure Soap - Michael Logan and Shelley Taylor Morgan talk about the press conference for L&L's return......

Click here for a Detailed Description of: Luke and Laura's Return - Tape #1


Luke & Laura 1993 #2 - Oct, 2 hrs 40 mins - T-160

Luke and Laura hit town in a pink cadillac, to the song of the same name. They are speeding thru town and are pulled over by a cop. Both are in disguise, Laura as a very pregnant woman and she pretends to be in full labor. The officer provides them with an escort to GH.......

Click here for a detailed description of: Luke and Laura's Return - Tape #2!


Luke & Laura 93 - #3 - 2 hrs 40 mins, T-160

Luke makes a deal with Damian to be able to stay in Port Charles. He shows up at Bobbie's for Thanksgiving. Tony and Laura have a heart to heart and catch up. He tells her about BJ's death. Scotty shows up at the brownstone. Great scene as looks fly between him and L&L.

Click here for a detailed description of: Luke and Laura's Return - Tape #3


Luke & Laura 93 - #4 - 2 hrs 40 mins, T-160

Scotty is shattered by Kat's lies, Laura comforts him. Luke tells Laura about the job working with Sonny for Frank Smith. Laura and Lucky talk about the birds and the bees. A Pregnant Lucy is carjacked. Laura tells Lucky about his grandmother Lesley. Kevin Collin's appearance in PC, shocks the town folk.

Click here for a detailed description of: Luke and Laura's Return - Tape #4


Luke & Laura 93 - #5 - 2 hrs 40 mins, T-160

Laura and Tony discuss Bobbie. Lucy goes into labor in the cabin, with Scotty right by her side when Serena is born. Lucky and Felicia shadow box. Laura tells Luke she has gotten a loan, L&L and Lucky talk about the new house. Lucy in the hospital with baby Serena and Scott.

Click here for a detailed description of: Luke and Laura's Return - Tape #5


Luke & Laura 93 - #6 - 2 hrs 40 mins, T-160

Laura tries to show Lucky his dad's old disco moves. As Scotty leaves the brownstone, he and Serena are kidnapped. Luke, Laura, and Lucky move into the new house. Luke and Lucky play cowboys :). Scotty leaves town with Serena. Marco, Sonny, and Luke head to Toronto. Laura and Lucky bring in the Christmas tree, Laura wants to wait for Luke. Dr. Steve Hardy tells the Christmas story for the children at GH.

Click here for a detailed description of: Luke and Laura's Return - Tape #6


Bone Marrow/Cassadine Return Tape #1
Jun 14 - Aug 28, 1996 - 7 hrs, 35 mins - edited from original episodes

This tape starts with Leslie Lu's illness and covers the first 2 hrs showing how desparate L&L were for a donor, the next hour is Stefan's introduction when Laura finally approaches him regarding Nikolas, who appears at the begining of the third hour. It is an 8 hour tape edited from my original episodes to L&L/Stefan/Nikolas scenes.

Click here for a detailed description of: Spencer -vs- Cassadine Tape #1


Luke/Laura/Stefan/Nicholas/Lucky Tape #2
Aug 28-Oct 30,96 8 hr edit from original episodes - in SLP

The Beginning of the Timoria Storyline. Laura calls Stefan and wants to see Nik. Bobbie defends Stefan to Luke which makes him furious. Nikolas disappears. Lucky & Nik get into a fight and Nik takes a fall. Luke makes Laura Choose between her two sons.

Click here for a detailed description of: Spencer -vs- Cassadine Tape #2

GH Music Tapes Are Now In Stock!

4 tapes are now available with various Clips and montages from GH Over the years. Everything from Luke & Laura's Early days through Ned/Eddie Maine and more!

Click Here to check out all 4 Music Tapes!!

The Featured Tape in the NNN Gift Shop

**In Honor of The GREAT Susan Lucci FINALLY winning her MUCH Deserved
Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress**

Susan Lucci Tapes!!

The following items are available for trade or for purchase:

If you are missing any of the following episodes please contact
to arrange to exchange/purchase a copy of these tapes
or to request extended descriptions of the tapes available.

General Hospital

Prior to 1996 (2nd gen): Many years of complete episodes & edits

GH - 1963 premiere

GH shown on Mystery Science Theatre from early 60's-B&W, GH-2 episodes 1967,

Late 1980 - early 1982 - 17 tapes which covers most of Luke & Laura's earlier storyline -

Left Handed Boy, Romance, Ice Princess, Robert's arrival, Tiffany & Robert meet on island & romance.
Luke & Laura's Wedding and Reception, the Haunted Star, Laura models and her disapppearence.

1982 - Some of the David Grey storyline, Luke meets Holly & Oil scam, Vancouver scenes.

1983 - disk storyline which covers tapes #1-9 (2nd gen)

1983 - Laura's return and Luke & Laura's departure #10-13, (2nd gen).

1984 - Luke's return in fall of 1984, brief appearences by Laura, Aztec storyline - early Frisco & Felicia, Sean Donnely, complete episodes (2nd gen).

1985 - Anna's arrival, Robin's arrival, Frisco & Felicia, Asian Quarter, (2nd gen).

1991 - Robert & Anna get together, Wedding, Mac's arrival complete episodes (2nd gen).

1993 - 7 tapes of Luke & Laura's return

GH Actors & Actresses work outside of GH

Tony & Genie Interview Tape #1

Genie Francis

Bare Essence - 4hr miniseries

Maurice Bernard

"Lucy & Desi", "To Face Her Past"

Vanessa Marcil

"To Love, Honor & Deceive", 2 episodes of High Incident

Rena Sofer

"Kerry Ellison", "Twinsitters"

Wally Kurth

"Final Embrace",

My Original Edits - GH(*indicates new edit)

*Lucky Tape - 1993 all his first scenes on GH 2 hrs 40 mins

*Tony & Genie #2 interview, appearence tape completed 2 hrs 40 mins

Liz & Lucky #1 - 8 hr tape from her first scene through rape

Liz & Lucky #2 -8 hr tape Feb - June

*Liz & Lucky #3 - 8 hrs - June - Nov

Brenda's Breakdown 1997 #1 - 8 hr edit Sept 97 - Jan,98

Brenda's Recovery 1998 #2 - 8 hr edit Jan - May, 1998

Brenda 1998 #3 - Sonny's return May - August, 1998 6 hrs

*Brenda 1998 #4 - The Departure - August - Oct, 1998 5 hrs

21 Ned & Lois edits from the very begining (from 2nd gen episodes)

2 Brenda tapes, Dec 93 - 94 (from 2nd gen episodes) - meets Lois, Eddie, L&B Records

Jason & Robin Edit #1 (includes accident & coma) 1995-1996

*Jason & Robin #2 - cont Jason wakes from coma, 1996 (from 2nd gen epis)

Early Jason tape 1994 #1 (from 2nd gen episodes) - 8 months of Steve Burton scenes

3 Cassadine vs. Spencer Tapes-edited to L&L, Luke, Stefan, Nicholas, Lucky (highlights return of the Cassadines, through "Laura's death", Twist of fate, Kat's shooting in 1996)

3 Jax edits - SP 7 1/2 hrs total

1991 R&A edit Valentine's Day seduction & Mac's arrival

1993 Week of Dominques death

Three GH music compilation tapes (Rick Springfield, Ned/Eddie 1st performing, Frisco, misc. montages, L&L)

*Wally & Rena - 3 tapes of interviews/award clips/promos - 8 hours worth!

Vanessa & Maurice 2 interview tapes, award clips, promos - #3 in the works

Kimberly & Michael Sutton Interview/Clip Tape - 2:40 mins

* John J. York interview tape #

*GH Anniversary Tape w/ GH Primetime Special, promos, interviews over the years

Ingo interview tape#1 2hrs 40 mins interviews/appearences, #2 in the works

Steve Burton #1 interview tape in the works

*Jonathan Interview Tape #1 (in progress) - email for list

Many Interviews/award shows, appearences from GH stars from 1980-98. GH original epis from Mar 29, 1996 -present - 2 yrs of complete episodes

Want GH

*Complete episodes or edits prior to March 1984

*Jimmy Lee & Ceila affair - from when they first meet in 1982 (?)


*Wally & Rena, Vanessa & Maurice, Ingo, John York, Steve Burton, Rebecca, Jonathan - email for current have list.

Looking for: 1997

* Finola on Fox After Breakfast,

* Wally & Rena on Fox After Breakfast, 3/97 Nashville's midday newscasts K&T's Ace of Clubs performance

* One on One - Fall 95 - Kimberly

* 2-17-94 ABC Local LA News - on Genie, Vanessa, ect.

* Good Morning America 6/2/97 PC Premiere

* Maurice did a interview at his house for the Emmy's last year ???

* Playgirl issues- Steve Burton, Sean Kaanan, Steve Bond

(GH - can refer to great source for ORIGINAL EDITS of 20 S&B tapes, 6 Stone tapes, edit of all four Nurse's Balls edits, BJ's death - Joan is the original source for these tapes). I also have copies of these tapes for trading.

All My Children

Have- 20th/25th Annv, Erica in coma "All About Erica", Cinderella wedding, - originals

20th/25th Annviversary Cast of AMC interviews - Oprah, Jenny Jones Erica & Her Men - Oprah, other Oprah AMC shows, Donahue, To Tell the Truth,ect.

Daily Taping from April, 1998

*Susan Lucci interview tape -with many Emmy nomination clips, interviews

"Haunted by Her Past" - Finola & Lucci - 2nd gen

"Lady Mobster" - Lucci

Early 80's, especially Erica edits or complete episodes -esp Erica & Jack

Susan photographs (actual snapshots not magazine clippings)

Santa Barbara


* 1984 - Orient Express almost wedding & fire 2nd gen

17 tapes complete epis 1991 (2nd gen).

Eden's return from dead SP

Cruz & Eden -hunted on the island 1:15 mins SP

Days Of Our Lives


* Complete episodes Feb - June 84, May - Dec 1986, Few from 88 & 90


* edits or complete epis prior to Dec 21, 1983

One Life To Live


8 daily taping since May, 1996. - 2 1/2 yrs of episodes

Todd & Blair (edits) since they met till his death

8 Kevin & Cassie original edits (with Kevin Stapleton) - 2:40 mins ea, SP


**Max/Tina/Gabrielle1987/1988 -Tina presumed dead in Argentina, and tried to pass Gabrielle's baby as hers, edits or complete episodes

Tim Gibbs (Kevin) interviews and edits of him from Another World

Misc Have

...Original Tapes

* Unforgettable Love Stories

* Titanic Interviews/Clips tape - one original edit, one from Dee

* Mel Gibson Interview tapes - original edits

* A Daytime to Remember - all episodes

* Port Charles - first few months, 8 hr Frank & Julie edit

* Melrose Place - First 4 seasons, Babylon 5 - almost 5 seasons

* Rosie O'Donnell- episodes, several months

* Pacific Palisades - first 8 epis or so

* Sunset Beach - first few months, Ally McBeal

* Donny & Marie Osmond shows/clips - ask for list (some original, some copied)

* John Travolta interview tapes

* Matthew McConaughey interview tape (in progress)

* Melrose - Rena's appearances 1998

* 90210 - Vanessa's appearances 1998

* Ally McBeal - Season 1 and 2

Misc Wanted:

* 1987 Oprah - Mel Gibson & Danny Glover guests (many other Mel Gibson interviews wanted),

* Early shows of Osmonds specials, Donny & Marie show from 70's

* Port Charles promo posters.

* Will also trade for pictures of GHer's (especially Vanessa, Maurice, Wally, Rena, Kristina & Jack Wagner, Kimberly, Antonio Sabato, Michael Sutton, Jon Lindstrom, Lynn Herring), Susan Lucci, and Tim Gibbs (OLTL)

Once again Please contact
if you have any questions at all about the Wanted or Needed Items

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