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The No Name Nurses

Roster Page

On this page you will find a Roster of the NNN Nursing Staff.

Some of the Nurses decided awhile back to adopt a MASH character that went along with the Brigade Rankings. As you will see, some of the Rankings will match, and some won't. We soon found out that we had more Nurses then we had MASH Names, so some of the Nursing Staff chose a Nurse Name that they liked.

Some of the names chosen reflect the personality of that person. Other Names.. well they were either chosen for that person or that name was all that was left over (LOL). We had a lot of fun choosing these names and we hope that you enjoy them as much as we do.

Here's what you'll see:

* Each Nurse's name

* A Picture of who they chose

* Their MASH or Nurse Name

* Their History with GH and the L&L Brigade

Captain Dsara

"Cprl. Radar O'Reilly"

Captain DSARA joined the Brigade in August of 1998 when the Battle of Boo Cry was first heard. She said she has been watching GH since she was in kindergarten. She would come home from school and watch it with her mom (Dsara say's it has been about 22 - 23 years that she has been watching). When asked the reason she chose her MASH name she replied "I believe it was one wacky all night goof off session with my fellow Nurse Galor! Remember Gayla?? And somehow we started referring to one another as Corp. Klinger and Corp. Radar...So I became Radar and for the life of me I can't remember why? Oh yeah - cos I wear glasses I remember". She says her Favorite L&L Moment would have to be the Promise of Forever that they just shared AND the tickle fights afterwards! Her Favorite web sites to visit are GH's Next Super Couple (a Web site she herself created) and Dreams of Lucky and Liz. She works at Ameritech (a phone company near where she lives)... And in June she is Planning on going back to get her Masters Degree. In her Non - L & L watching time... she keeps herself busy by sometimes rollerblading, or shoveling herself out from under all the snow. She enjoys cross stiching but currently is having fun building her own website and creating cool graphics for it....

Lt. galor5

"Crpl. Klinger"

Galor joined the Brigade in September 1998. She has watched GH for 22 years. Her Favorite L&L moment(s) are Liz's Birthday and the "ILY's" on Christmas Eve. She chose the character of Klinger because of her quirky sense of humor! Her Favorite places to visit on the web are ABC soaps Message Boards, Port-Charles Online and the LandL Brigade Club at Yahoo! She enjoys spending time with her family and works full time (which keeps her away from what she really loves - watching GH and chatting with her L&L Brigader Buddies) In her spare time Galor can be found Surfing the Net and chatting on AOL Instant Messenger. She says that she can't believe all the Wonderful, Fun and Caring People she has gotten to know over the Internet! Right now she is currently counting down the days to September for SSW4! She is holding out Hope that Dear Sweet Lucky will Return one Day to sweep his Elizabeth off her feet and head off into the sunset together.

Lt. Gator618


Gator joined the Brigade in August 1998. She remembers the thread on ABC that started it all, which prompted her to join to help in whatever way she could. She has watched GH since April of 1993. She has a lot of favorite L&L moments, but some of her favorites are TK1, the ILY episode, the paint fight, almost TK 1 at the docks,Lucky sniffing Liz's hair the last night in the boxcar, and the day Lucky was tripping all over himself at Kelly's. of course, Gator can not forget the date at the No Name. Her favorite websites to visit include the Brigade club at Yahoo!,, Callen's scoops, and The University of Florida Athletic Association site. Gator has a bachelor's degree in accounting from (big shock) the University of Florida, and is currently a graduate student at the University of Central Florida. In her spare time (Gator is saying what spare time?) she works on this website, chats with all her friends, visits her many UF friends on weekends, watches sports, and even cross stitches.

Lt. dentonj

"Major "HotLips" Houlihan"

dentonj joined the Brigade in August 1998. It all started when Kueken posted her Boo Brigade anthem, Jess posted right after saying, "What is the Brigade?!? I want to be in it!" It snowballed from there when Boo realized people would seriously get involved. She says that she can't remember a time when she didn't watch GH. Mainly watching during the summers and other breaks and when she would be home from school sick when she was little. She can remember old stuff with Robert and Anna and Sean and Tiffany. She started taping GH everyday in the Fall of 1997, and started SAVING tapes when she became obsessed with L&L around January of '98 (before the rape!). When asked to choose a Favorite L&L Moment her answer was "There have been so many! She thinks the "I Love Your Mouth" scene is right up there (as a Favorite) because it was the first time Lucky made a blatantly flirtatious comment, and Elizabeth was more than happy about it! It was a shocking episode because it was almost out of character for them. Definitely something out of one of our fanfics!! Here is a listing of Jess' Favorite places to go when Online: The Internet Movie Database ( - you can find ANY movie, TV show, actor, actress, director, ANYBODY on that thing!! E! Online ( - this is where she gets most of her entertainment news for the show every morning. Magic 96.7 ( - She put together this page, she likes to see how many people have visited :) (Everyone MAKE SURE to Visit it!!). This is the Scoop on Jess our Nurse/DJ - she graduated from Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC with a degree in Communications (broadcasting). She had double minors in English and French. She is now a Graduate student in the Film/Video/Digital Motion Imaging department at Georgia State University in Atlanta. She is hoping to work behind the scenes in television or the movies someday (hmmmm...wonder if GH is hiring??). Right now she is the co-host of the "Magic Morning Show with Uncle Rich and JD" on Magic 96.7 (WMKJ) in South Metro Atlanta. Jess admits that in her small amount of spare time she looks up L&L stuff, reads (Stephen King rocks!), sings sings sings, draws, goes to the movies, watches TV, and chats with her L&L buddies! AND You'll Never Guess What Else.... She also does craftsy stuff, like make wreaths and cross stitching. She Calls herself a Dork.... Well she's in the right club!

Pvt. dvida

"Captain BJ Hunnicut"

Dvida joined the Brigade in August 1998. She says that in May of '98 she discovered the abc message boards, and towards the end of June she began posting to the L&L section of that board. In August, the Brigade was formed...thus, she is one of the original members. Dvida says that her mom was a lifetime CBS soap watcher, but as soon as she was old enough (and got access to another TV set), she rebelled and switched over to the NBC soaps. DOOL and Santa Barbara were her faves. When Santa Barbara ended, she switched over to GH. Basically, only watching it because nothing else was on. It wasn't until the arrival of the Cassadines that she became hooked on GH. Dvida says that she LOVED STEFAN & NIK and the threat that they presented to the happy Spencers. Here are the reasons why she choose her MASH name B.J. Hunnicutt - because B is for Becca; J is for JJ and "Honey Cut" refers to her 'surgical' nursing skills. (Good Choice!!) Dvida says that she was a Liz supporter from the very start. Liz was fiesty, flirty and funny. She couldn't wait to see Liz interact with Lucky. L&L2's first scene together ranks amongst her favorite, but her all-time L&L2 scene is a tie between the night of "I have wanted to Kiss you a hundred times." ( BTW... that's her keepership) and The Tape episode. The set-up for both scenes were so innocent and real. And watching Lucky battling with himself to keep his growing emotions for Liz under control and away from Liz was thrillingly romantic. These are Dvida's Favorite L&L sites to visit: The Lucky & Lizzie Zone - best pictures & transcripts; Callen's page - best spoilers; Brigaders site - home, sweet, home; abc message board - home away from home; and PC Online Fanfic - because she loves reading Brigader buddy, Hey Becca's wonderful fanfics. Her Non L&L site faves include The Weather Channel - - because she travels alot; - easy to follow investment advice; - she says she orders from here waaay too much; and - keeps her knowledgeable of the 'coolest' sites on the web. Dvida works as an account executive for a publishing company selling advertising for both print/online products; traveling frequently. When she's at home, she loves to cook, read, learn about her computer, play the piano,hang out with friends and family and obsess over Lucky & Liz!

Pvt Irish90

"Dr. Sydney Freedman"

Irish90 joined the Brigade in September 1998. She says that she has watched GH since Birth (that long huh?)LOL just kidding Irish!! she says that her Favorite L&L Moment would have to be TK1. Here is where Irish enjoys ging online: For Non-Brigade L & L pages, her Favorite is The Lucky and Lizzie Zone at For Non-L & L pages, her Favorites are: at, Nick (to find activites for my daughter), Beanie Mom at, The Cure Homepage at, and The ATP Tour Online at Wonder what Irish does when NOT online?? Here is her story: She's a 31 year-old, stay-at-home mom who plays the cello, plays tennis, cross-stitches. She is an avid reader, and attends Parent/Tot activities with her daughter (they're in gymnastics now). She enjoys Photography, loves Music, collects Beanie Babies, and follows College Football, Pro Hockey, and Pro Tennis. Besides GH, she watches Dawson's Creek, Felicity, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, ER, and Friends.

Pvt hilaro

"Father "Padre" Mulcahay"

hilaro joined the Brigade in August 1998. She started watching GH back in 1992, during the Jagger, Karen and Brenda storyline - back when Brenda was still AWESOME! hilaro says that her Favorite L&L scene was the ILYM Episode, she loves it when they are having fun and flirting with each other. Plus, Lucky looked so Cute that Day! Here are a couple of web sites that hilaro enjoys visiting: Callens GH Scoops and Matt's GH Top Ten Lists (Matt's Top Ten's are always Hilarious and she highly recommends it to everyone!). Hilaro is in her second year of law school, and works part time as a Document Clerk at a large law firm. In her spare time, she tries to study and says that she talks on the phone too much! Oh and she loves to shop! Shopping is one of her favorite relaxation techniques, next to watching L&L!

Pvt jjsjoy

"Major Frank "Ferret Face" Burns"

jjsjoy joined the Brigade in October 1998. She started watching GH in 1993 (hmmm...I wonder what Blonde, Blue-Eyed boy first appeared the very same year):o} She says that the L&L scenes keep getting better and better, but if she HAD to choose one moment as her Favorite it would have to be after Tom was captured and Lucky & Liz were back at Lucky's Apartment. When Lucky explained what he thought courage was. And when she realized it was her Birthday, and even with all she had been through that night, she was able to let Lucky kiss her. That showed how much she had healed. When asked what other web sites she visits besides L&L sites, jjsjoy answered "There are Other Sites??" All kidding aside, When online, she likes visiting the Atlanda Braves Web Page. jjsjoy has a Very Interesting job as a Programmer for an Auto Parts Chain. In the little bit of spare time that she does have, she spends a lot of it chatting with other Brigaders. They have become some of her best friends

Pvt CPappan

"Major Charles Winchester III"

CPappan joined the Brigade in July 1998. She says she has been watching GH for as long as she can remember. She used to watch the show with her Mom. As for a Favorite L&L Moment, she doesn't have just one she loves them all! Her Favorite places to visit are and Toukies Fan Fics.

Pvt Shyla471

"Col. Sherman Potter"

Shyla joined the Brigade in October 1998. She has been watching GH since 1993, when Luke & Laura Came back to town. Her Favorite L&L Moment was when Lucky & Liz said that they Loved Each Other! Her Favorite web page to visit is the LEA (Lucky & Elizabeth Admirers). Shyla is in college and her major is theater and Communications. In her spare time, she loves to ride horses, and spend time with her friends. When she's not in class, or watching GH, she is usually with her friends watching movies, or just playing on the beach.

Pvt randjluvr

"Lt. Col. Henry Blake"

randjluvr joined the Brigade in November 1998. She has been watching GH for over a year, but watches more religiously now. Her favorite L&L moment/scene would have to be dinner at the No-Name of course!!! She says "What kind of Nurse would I be if I didn't say that!!". She works at East Carolina University in the Philosphy Department for now, but has hopes and inspirations of becoming an actress someday. She has even gotten her headshots done and is getting in contact with some people who could help her achieve what she calls her "crazy" goal. Hopefully, one day, the Brigade can say "I knew her when...and she's still a Member!!". In her spare time, she Bowls on a League and does her best to keep up with friends, online and off, but her L&L tapes from the week always seem to come first. "Who woulda thunk it??!! Randi has many Favorite web sites that she likes to visit most of them are GH or L&L related like LEA, FFLL, LEPA and PC Fan Central, plus many Fan Fics pages.

Pvt. k2d/dobykato

"Colonel Sam Flagg"

dobykato joined the Brigade February 1999. doby has been watching GH since the Summer of 1976, and said that the reason she chose the MASH name Colonel Flagg, is because he is crazy and so is she (for L&L that is:)If you remember, he clearly was not operating with a full deck and always kept secrets. In fact, she mentions an episode of MASH and a direct quote about Col. Flagg out of the mouth of Dr. Sydney FREEDMAN.... He said, "Freud would have referred to him as spooky." She says that If she ever got into therapy her reply would be, "The real world doesn't get the joke, a Fishism." She says that no one in her life knows of her L&L obsession and the extent in which she keeps it hidden. doby says that her Favorite L&L moment has to be the look on Lucky's face at the end of the dance during the No Name Date Episode, her Favorite L&L Line was "What's Your Name?" "Lucky" "We'll See", and also the ILYM line. While surfing the "Net" she likes to visit Old GH Message Boards, The Official Star Wars Web Pages and BlackJack Game Rooms. She works as a Scientist for a biotechnology company and says her major in school was Biochemistry/Molecular Genetics. doby has been happily married for 11 years.

Pvt. JSYG4077

Sergent Luther Rizzo

JSYG4077 joined the Brigade in March 1999. She says she grew up watching GH with her mother. The first thing she remembers about GH was when Frisco found Felicia under his bed. This is how she came up with her Screen name of JSYG4077: her first initial and the first three letters of her last name, and 4077 is for one of her favorite TV shows of all time, MASH!(Looks like she's in the Right Regiment!). When asked what her Favorite L&L moment was she responded with "Not a fair question", but if she had to choose, it would be Liz's Birthday scene with brownie, montage, and kiss. These are her favorite places to visit online... Dreams of Gold (one of the best L&L sites on the web), the PCO fanfic messages boards, and anything else with fanfic on it. Want to know what she does in her spare time? She is a college student at UNLV (Las Vegas). In her spare time she can be found riding her two horses, watching TV or movies, or reading Anne McCaffrey books. She calls herself a Sci-Fi freak, watching anything Star Trek or remotely Sci-Fi/Fantasy related.

Pvt. Carolineann

"Nurse Kellye"

Carolineann joined the Brigade in October 1998. She says that it is hard telling how many years she's watched GH, but that she used to watch with her mom when she was little. When she had to start to school, she never saw it again, until about 5 years ago, right before Stone and Robin's big storyline. That's actually what kept her watching! When asked about her screen name, this was her response... when Carly first came to town she was one of her favorite characters...she used the name Caroline, that's where Caroline came from, as for Ann...she says she's not really sure, she just kinda added it to the end :) Her Favorite L&L moment?? Well, all of them of course, but says she has two very Favorite moments...the day when they made brownies together and Valentines Day. Carolineann's Favorite Non-Brigade pages to visit are the USI school of Nursing and Health professions homepage so she can get her homework off the internet and not have to go to class :-) (ok, she "says" that was a joke:) She says that she doesn't surf the web too much because when she does actually have free time, she is either chatting in Ocala or in bed(chatting in bed Carolineann??). Carolineann says that she used to be an avid fan of the ABC boards, but is not so fond of them anymore. What does she do in her spare time?? She asks for a definition of spare time (LOL!) saying that she's not sure she has any...she goes to school...she's a, let's make that a senior now. She's in the Nursing program at the University of Southern Indiana, so that is where most of her time is spent...studying!!! She works 20 hours a week at one of the local hospitals, and notes that she "was" the vice president for her Local Chapter of Nursing students. She's on a "Young People's" committee at her church, which plans activities for all young people ages 18-30, She babysits for her baby cousins..who, she says are growing up way to quickly...and last but not least...she runs a small taxi service, taking her little brother anywhere and everywhere...from tennis practice to the mall, She usually runs him anywhere(and no one pays her for gas...what a rip off!) Oh, and the last few minutes of her spare time are usually spent emailing or chatting in Ocala.


Pvt llcbear

"Nurse Jessie Brewer"(GH)

llcbear joined the Brigade in November 1998. She started watching GH back in 1978. When her Teenage heart got one look at Scotty Baldwin that was all she needed to be Hooked! She Chose the name "Nurse Jessie Brewer", bc she fondly remembers Jessie and her Blue Cardigan Sweater! She says that there were many memorable scenes shared between L&L, but the ILYM Episode is one of her Favorites (which is why her keepership of L&L is "Subtlety is...that sweater ... looks pretty, when what you really mean is....I love your mouth.") She recently watched some old Episodes (ones she hadn't seen before) and was completely blown away by the Rape scenes! The transformation of Liz and Lucky was immediate and so evident. You COULD see the depth of pain in their eyes. It was most extraordinary! llcbear says she doesn't post on any other board, other than at HQ and ABC. She will occaisionally read messages at PCO until she gets too disgusted. On Visiting Other Web sites..... "Are you kidding," she says she is too busy e-mailing people! OK, she does admit to an occasional glance at eBay, and at some fanfics (Loved Heaven and The Charade).
It's hard to believe, she says, but she has a husband, 2 kids, a cat, a house, a fish and two cars! On top of that she is the Class Mom and works part time (AS A REAL LIVE NURSE!!) **Woo-Hoo! We have a real Life Nurse !!!** llcbear says that she has an Awsome best friend that she walks with every chance they get! She also LOVES music And LOVES to sing. One thing that she admits to though, is she can't hold a tune. Her Own Personal Quote she sent in: True love is: Your husband keeping quiet as you belt out all the songs you heard at Lilith Fair WAY off key! What a doll!

Pvt toukie

"Nurse Ratched"
(One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest)

toukie joined the Brigade in December 1998. She has been watching GH for 3 years. Her Favorite L&L moment was the Nurses Ball Performance. She enjoys reading the L&L Daily Recap sites and the "What Dreams of Gold are Made Of" site. Toukie said she chose the name "Nurse Ratched" because it was from her Mothers Favorite Movie. She is a certified Pet Groomer, and when asked about what she does in her spare time: What Spare Time? I'm the mother of three children, two new born twins? LOL.

Pvt fanatic aka vogtc

"Nurse Carol Hathaway"(ER)

pvtfanatic joined the Brigade in December 1998. She says that she has watched GH on and off over the years. She says that when she was in K-2 grade she lived in Japan, and the only station they received there was ABC, so all they watched were GH and Ryan's Hope. When she came back to the states, she drifted away from GH due to her Grandmother, who was an avid Days fan. She still watched GH, but only every once in awhile. When she went to college many years later she began to watch more and more of GH, as the more Days started to suck! She has been loyal now for about four years. pvtfanatic says that her Favorite L&L scene to date is when Liz gave Lucky his Christmas gift and she said "You're one of those!" It made her laugh so hard b/c she says she IS one of those! Of course a close second is the ILY in the same episode. Her Favorite line though is "You make me feel like I am finally living up to my name." (Now... she says she hopes she quoted that right, and Please don't strike her dead if she didn't). Pvtfanatic's Favorite places to check out on the web are Callen's Spoilers, and Dream's of Gold. She also LOVES to check out any Buffy the Vampire Slayer sites. It seems she really LOVES that show! Let's let her tell you what she does in her spare time - "I teach Kindergarten! I don't know what I was thinking LOL. Besides watching my L&L tapes, I watch a lot of movies and I love to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, yes I am strange, but I am very happy in my little fantasy world I have created." (LOL)

Pvt Zebrafan

"Nurse Grace Sullivan"(PC)

Zebrafan joined the Brigade in September 1998. She says she has watched GH all of her life. Her Favorite L&L Moment was when Lucky said "I've wanted to Kiss you a Hundred times". Other than L&L Brigader Pages she likes to visit The things that she does in her spare time include: taking dance lessons in tap and ballet, she's on the Cross Country and Track teams. She loves to paint her nails (98 bottles of nail polish), loves to listen to and Dance to the Spice Girls with her spicey friends (BTW, she is called Zebra Spice), and enjoys ice skating. Collecting everything "Zebra" that she can find and Cross stitching are some of her Hobbies. Zebra says that when nobody else is home, she likes to turn the radio on really loud and dance around the kitchen. Oh yeah and who could forget, she loves to shop, even though she says she has no money.

Pvt Jenn15525

"Nurse Bobbie Spencer"(GH)

Jenn15525 joined the Brigade in November 1998. She says that she has watched GH on and off for about 6-7 years. Jenn says that she Loves all of the L&L Moments, but if she had to pick one, it would be the Christmas Eve Episode when they said they Loved each other and had their first PDA (Public Display of Affection)! She doesn't have any Favorite Web Site to Visit, she just Loves Surfing the Web. When she has spare time, She loves to hang out with friends, go to movies, read and She LOVES to babysit(Toukie did you hear that??)

Pvt JJ7997

JJ7997 joined the Brigade in 1998.

Pvt Wolfie

Wolfie joined the Brigade in 1998.

Pvt LCiam

LCiam joined the Brigade in 1998.

Pvt CurlyQgrl

CurlyQgrl joined the Brigade in October 1998. She said that she has been watching General Hospital for the past 18 years. CurlyQgrl tells us how she got her screen name from - As a child, her cousin would call her CurlyQ due to her curly hair. When asked to choose her Favorite Lucky & Liz Memory, she responded by saying - "How cruel to ask me to pick just one??? What torture! I guess if you force me to pick just one it would have to be Valentine's Day at the church"(awwww now that wasn't so hard now was it? :) CurlyQgrl says that her favorite Non-L&L Web Page to visit online is Port-Charles Online (PCO). Ever wonder what she does in her spare time when NOT watching or rewatching GH and Lucky & Liz episodes? Well ... she Edits tapes, talks about GH and tapes, trades tapes, buys GH related pics from ebay... oh you mean her non-GH life? She manages a girl's allstar basketball team, and is a softball team mom.... She's also on the board of a girl's basketball league.. so girl's sports and GH are her hobbies, going to GH related events is always fun too. (LOL! glad to see she actually DOES spend some time away from GH from time to time!!:)
CurlyQgrl is ONE Dedicated GH fan.

Pvt Sunshine

Sunshine joined the Brigade in 1998.

Pvt. LvLuckyJJ

LvLucky joined the Brigade

Pvt. LandL24eva

"Nurse Audrey Hardy"(GH)

LandL24eva joined the Brigade in January 1999. She says that she has watched GH all of her life (23 years). After much decision making she decided on Nurse Audrey Hardy, because she is Liz's Grandmother (good choice). She says that her favorite L&L scene was when Lucky was trying to convince Liz that the room was full of lasers and he could see them with his sunglasses. Besides L&L web pages, this is her Favorite web page to visit: . This is what she does in her spare time.... She is an "actual" Nurse and when she's not watching and rewatching Lucky and Liz scenes she's always wondering when the next free time she'll have so she can watch them? LandL24eva was able to attend the SOD Awards on February 26th 1999.

Pvt. Dryan

"Nurse Laverne Todd"(Empty Nest)

Dryan joined the Brigade in February 1999. She says that she has been watching GH for 16 years (since she was 4) and hasn't missed an episode since 1993. She says that her parents used to compare her to Laverne, because she was such a perfectionist, although she says, they also tell her that she is more of a perfectionist than Laverne. Dryan says that her favorite L&L episodes keeps changing, and that right now her favorite episode is when Lucky and Liz were discussing whether or not to have Sex. These are her favorite web sites to visit on the World Wide Wide:, The Orioles Homepage, Music Blvd . Let's find out a little bit about what Dryan does in her spare time. She works at a hotel, and says that when she is not checking someone in or answering the phone, she can be found on the computer, writing. She is a member of a fanfic writing list (which has nothing to do with L&L). She plays any sport you can think of from baseball to rollerblading and fencing. Next Fall she will be entering college to study Broadcasting & Production Technology. If she isn't watching her L&L tapes, her TV won't be on, but says that her stereo is playing 24 hours a day.

Pvt. Ilovelucky37

"Nurse Agnes von Kurowsky"(In Love and War)

Ilovelucky joined the Brigade in February 1999. She has been watching GH since the Summer of 1993. She choose her Screen Name because .... well she LOVES LUCKY ! She says that her Favorite Lucky & Liz memory is the Valentines Day and the Vows. When NOT visiting other Brigade web pages, This is where you can find her PCO,, Club Cerasoli, The official Jonathan and Richard fan club page, , . This is what she does in ALL her spare time... she watches her other fave shows (Friends, Dawson's Creek, Caroline in the City, Will & Grace, Frasier, ER, etc.), she watches movies, reads (mostly soap magazines!), goes to school, chats w/ her friends, checks her e-mail, and sleeps!!

Pvt. lnlforever aka danceire

lnlforever joined the Brigade in March 1999. She has watched GH all of her life, and says that she Loves all the L&L scenes. Wonder how she came up with her screen names?? Well I think we can all figure out the first one (Lucky and Liz forever :) The second one stands for 2 of her favorite things.. Dancing and Ireland (she takes Irish Dance lessons). These are her Favorite places to check out while she is online.... (Her own webpage), (Where Lucky and Nicholas can be one);; and Luckyland: When not in school, she enjoys ballet, tap, irish dance, and jazz, plays the violin, horseback riding, and many other activities.

Pvt. 4everlucky (JB167)

4everlucky joined the Brigade in

Pvt. emily_cassadine

Pvt. emily_cassadine joined the Brigade in May 1999

Pvt. waybackfan

"Nurse Terri Alden"(Threes Company)

waybackfan joined the Brigade in April 1999. She has been watching GH since .... well...way back (sometime between 1978-1979 when she was 6 yrs old). When asked what her Favorite Lucky & Liz Moment was, here was her response.... So many! When they first met, the paint fight, humor me, the dance in the studio, the night they spent in the dept. store, when they said NY pretzels would be their new "memory food," it just goes on and on... These are just a few Non-Brigade places that she likes to visit when Online... Fr. Andrew Greeley's page, Movie List - List of release dates (they have the trailers on line), Facade Tarot, The Onion, Ask Jeeves (very helpful),The Chicago Fire page (soccer), E!Online Frontdoor, USAToday Bookshelf (they let you read the first chapters of new books), and the ABC GH page. Now when she has some spare time... This is what she likes to do... Reading, seeing movies, seeing local bands, listening to music and singing (calling herself a lousy singer though), writing, talking on the phone, swimming and running (but not often enough!). Looks like she keeps herself pretty busy!!

Pvt. Krystal

Pvt. Krystal joined the Brigade in June 1999, and has watched GH for 4 years. She says picking a favorite Lucky & Liz moment was hard, but decided on the Christmas ILY's as her All-Time Favorite Moment. The L&L web page that she enjoys visiting the most is the Lucky & Liz Recap Page. This is what she likes to do in her spare time, Watching GH and L&L. She enjoys going to movies, hanging out with friends and chatting online.

Pvt. jgfitz3

"Nurse Amy Vining"(GH)

Pvt.jgfitz3 joined the Brigade in September 1998. She says that has been following the Brigade since the old ABC boards days. She has been watching GH faithfully since 1980, right around the Ice Princess storyline. She remembers watching a little before then, when Edward faked the heart attack with Tracy refusing to give him his pills. And has very fond memories of Robert Scorpio, falling in love with GH the first time she saw him; when he ran into Tiffany on the island. That was awesome! Choosing her Favorite L&L moment was tough, but she loved the dance in Tom's studio. The scenes of Lucky taking care of Liz right after the rape were unbelieveable. Her Favorite all time line would have to be,"I love your mouth." She says she literally fell off her chair when he said that! When not visiting L&L web sites, she likes to visit, PCO (though she says that she would never dare post there) mostly family sites and kid's educational. In her spare time, She is raising 3 girls. (Yes, what spare time). She is also working on writing a children's book, and loves to read. She does a lot of stuff with the kids and their schools. She used to be a teacher. Right now, she is enjoying spending time at home, and online with friends.

Pvt. Jackie51277

"Nurse Ruth Martin"(AMC)

Pvt. Jackie51277 joined the Brigade in June 1999, and has watched GH since she was 8 years old. Jackie proudly tells us that she shares the exact same Birthdate with Becky! She has loved every moment Lucky and Liz have ever spent together, but her two favorite moments were the valentine's day vows, and the episode when Lucky told Liz that if she stayed just the way she was then it would be more than fine by him. She says that she wished everyone in the world could be that accepting towards others. The only web pages she looks at are Lucky & Liz ones, or other GH ones. Besides the Brigade pages she does like to visit the Daily Recaps, Dreams of Gold, & Callen's scoops. When she's not watching Lucky & Liz scenes, she used to be a full-time student, But since she graduated, she has been looking for a job and doing volunteer work.

Pvt. Robyn

Pvt. Robyn joined the Brigade in June 1999

Pvt. Benni

Pvt.Benni joined the Brigade in June 1999

Pvt. Vennin

Pvt. Vennin joined the Brigade in June 1999

Pvt. LuckyNLiZz

Pvt. LuckyNLiZz joined the Brigade in July 1999

Pvt. Angel

Pvt. Angel joined the Brigade in July 1999.

Pvt. Moose35

Pvt. Moose35 joined the Brigade in July 1999

Pvt Jane2

Pvt. Jane2 joined the Brigade in July 1999. Her first experience with GH came in the early 80's at college when the Luke and Laura storyline was becoming famous. Everyone would practically stop whatever it was that they were doing and turn in to watch GH. She remembers that the school (BYU) newspaper even did an acticle about why everyone was obsessed with this soap. After getting married and starting a family, she says that she became to busy to keep up with GH. In November 1998, She was stuck at home for six weeks from back surgery and began watching GH again. This was when Luck had kidnapped Lucky and took him to the cabin. Jane says that she was hooked on the L & L storyline along with her 5 kids. They all enjoy watching the show together. She says she felt so lost not knowing the whole story behind Lucky, and got on the internet and couldn't believe what resources there was. She now has all back ordered tapes from 93' until now. She is amazed at the talent of JJ. He is an exceptional role model for anyone at any age and especially likes his firm belief in God. He seems to have one of those personalities that draw people in like a magnet. She mentions that what she likes about the Brigade is that there are other people out their that feel the same way she does and finds herself getting a kick out of communicating with them. Jane is a school bus driver, and her family likes the sport soccer and enjoys music. She says that she feels young at heart being a member of the Brigade.

Pvt. Alicia

Pvt. Alicia joined the Brigade in July 1999

Pvt. Denise

Pvt. Denise joined the Brigade in August 1999

Pvt. LuCkYzQtPi

Pvt. LuCkYzQtPi joined the Brigade in August 1999

Pvt. Anne

Pvt. Anne joined the Brigade in August 1999

Pvt. JackieS197

Pvt. JackieS197 joined the Brigade in August 1999

Pvt. JediBritt

Pvt. JediBritt joined the Brigade in August 1999

Pvt. Jul

Pvt. Jul joined the Brigade in August 1999

Pvt. JL

Pvt. JL joined the Brigade in September 1999

Pvt. heather01

Pvt. heather01 joined the Brigade in September 1999

Pvt. Kimmie

Pvt. Kimmie joined the Brigade in October 1999

Pvt. LuckyLuvsLiz

Pvt. LuckyLuvsLiz joined the Brigade in November 1999


Honorary Nurse - M.I.A. / A.W.O.L.


"Captain Hawkeye Pierce"

Kreyn joined the L&L Brigade in August 1998. As soon as it started in August. She says when she saw Lt. Kris's post on the ABC boards about the Boo Brigade, which was planning to storm ABC because our beloved L&L were missing in action she knew she had to join in the fight. Kreyn has been watching GH off and on since '87, during Summer Vacations,and semester breaks. She has been watching everyday since mid-February of '98. Her Favorite L&L moment/scene is the Dinner@No Name, because of all the wanting, Lucky's Blue jacket and the way it was redeemed that night, their dinner conversation "You're are", how the rape was the farthest thing from their minds, feelings were revealed and especially the dance to "The Very Thought of You". She says she'll never forget that back caress and the look on Lucky Spencer's face. He was so in love and it was scaring him half to death. Her Favorite Web Sites to Visit are "What dreams of Gold Are Made of", Blu's Grand Central Station, and the Lucky & Lizzie Zone. Kreyn has a degree in Chemical Engineering and she's taking some courses in manufacturing engineering. She also tutors in Algebra, Geometry and Pre-Cal. In her spare time, Kreyn loves music of all kinds, but R&B and Jazz especially. She also likes to dance, claiming she's no dancing queen like Zebra but she likes to learn. Right now she is learning the latest hustle and is now learning how to ballroom dance, Bop, and The Chicago Step.

Please submit any updates or changes to your Name, to Galor5.

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No Name Nurses Regiment

Who’s Who

Screen Name Real Name Yahoo Name (if any)

Captain DSARA Doris DSara_98

LT Galor5 Gayla CrplKlinger/LTGALOR5

LT Gator618 Reca Gator618

dentonj Jessica dentonj22

dvida Joanne dvida

JJ7997 Jacky JJ7997

Irish90 Lisa Dancinirish90

Hilaro Hilary Hilaro

Zebrafan Jill Zebrafan

CurlyQgrl Stacey n/a

jjsjoy Jackie Jjsjoy98

Cpappan Cindi CPappan

Shyla471 Courtney Shyla471

Jenn15525 Jenn pvt_jen

randjluvr Cristie randjluvr

LCiam Laura LCiam

Toukie Marysa Toukie

****honorary members – Toukie’s Children*****
Tommy, Jonathan Lucas and Rebecca Elizabeth!!!!

Sunshine Melissa Msunshne

Vogtc Carolyne pvtfanatic

llcbear Claire llcbear

Carolineann Rachel n/a

KiriazsChk Amina TorresChica

LandL24eva Deanna LandL24eva

Dryan Trish n/a

Ilovelucky Nancy Ilovelucky37

k2d Terri dobykato

Rosered Meryl n/a

Newfriend Tasha Scoobydoo6374

JSYG4077 Jaime JSYG4077

Erica Erica n/a

waybackfan Mila waybackfan

Emily_Cassadine Courtnay emily_cassadine

sobj Jenn sobj

kar678 Karen karbear678

LuckyLiz_99 Angela LuckyLiz_99

Robyn Robyn n/a

Jackie jackie n/a

Vennin jen vennin

Krystal Krystal n/a

Jgfitz3 Judy jgfitz3

Benni Kathy Benni2

LuckyNLiZz Stephanie n/a

Pvt Angel Andrea pvtangel

Moose35 Frances n/a

Pvt.Jane2 Jane n/a

Pvt.Alicia Alicia n/a

Pvt.Denise Denise n/a

LuCkYzQtPi n/a

Pvt.Anne Anne n/a

Pvt.JackieS197 Jackie JackieS197

Pvt.JediBritt Brittany JediBritt

Pvt.Jul Jul n/a

Pvt.J L J L n/a

Pvt.heather01 heather n/a

Pvt. Kimmie Kimmie n/a

Pvt. LuckyLuvsLiz/Rachael luckynliz4ever

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