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Top Ten Lists

The Top Ten Lists originated from the thread started at the ABC boards by gator. She was inspired one day after counting the similarities in her life to L&L. Other lists were created that specifically relate to the L&L story, as well as inspiring some new authors. Gator started a tradition that llcbear and Zebrafan have continued.

We hope that you enjoy the top ten lists.

gators top ten lists

Top Ten Lucky Lines
(this list was created shortly after Liz's birthday)

#10. A man can dream can't he?
#9. Especially, no offense, when it's just you and me, you know.
#8. You make me feel like I'm finally living up to my name.
#7. I never thought I would be this close to another person, then you happened.
#6. You are the best thing that has happened to me, too.
#5. I have wanted to kiss you a hundred times.
#4. You looked like an angel, Elizabeth, kind of like you do tonight.
#3. I still like how you look up close.
#2. Everything about you is the best, the best there is.
#1. I love your mouth.

Top Ten Lucky and Liz Scenes That Could Result in a Kiss
(this list was sometime during the Christmas season and gator was hoping for a lot)

#10. Lucky coming into Liz's window
#9. Christmas caroling
#8. Christmas shopping
#7. Giving each other Christmas gifts
#6. Christmas tree decorating at Lucky's
#5. Snowball fight
#4. Mistletoe
#3. Making Christmas cookies with a flour fight
#2. Christmas Day together
#1. When they finally say "I love you"

Top Ten Reasons Gator is Having a Merry Christmas (baby)
(what a Christmas season with our L&L it was)

#10. All the Christmas cards I have received from Brigaders in the past week.
#9. L&L are supposed to be at the annual GH Christmas party together.
#8. Lucky and Nikolas are finally getting along like brothers.
#7. L&L decorating the tree together.
#6. We got to see Lucky sing on Wednesday, one of the two scenes I actually got to see so far!
#5. Those adorable picture scenes on Friday with Nik, Lulu, and Lucky.
#4. Those three words, "Our first Christmas."
#3. The bed scene on Friday with the stockings with fingers.
#2. JJ is staying on GH!
#1. The most important three words we have all been waiting to hear, "I love you."

Top Ten Next Charm Choices for Liz's Bracelet

#10. a brownie (for all the brownies they have shared)
#9. a boxcar (for the best summer of their lives)
#8. lips (for I Love Your Mouth)
#7. a flower (for the flower Lucky gave Liz at the docks and the one Liz took from the No Name)
#6. a camera (for Liz's budding photography skills)
#5. a teddy bear (for Boris)
#4. a Christmas tree (for L&L's first Christmas together)
#3. An angel (for all the angel comments made, I specifically remember the reference at the No Name)
#2. a heart (for the I Love You's coming soon)
#1. a paintbrush (it would most logically match the palette (sp?) already on the bracelet)

llcbear's top ten list

Top Ten Reasons to Rewatch the MCB Episode

#10. That incredible bear hug
#9. To see Lucky in that shirt
#7. To hear him sing "Deck the Halls" while sitting on his bed
#6. Three words--" MERRY CHRISTMAS BEBE!
#5. To see Lucky get jealous
#4. To get a taste of Nik and Lucky banter
#3. To see Alan FINALLY get rapid detox (just like the baby in ER!)
#2. To see the ILYM look again!(my personal favorite)
and the number 1 reason to watch the MCB episode all weekend long is...........
#1. The Look on Lucky's face when he says, "Our FIRST Christmas."

Zebrafan's top ten list

Top Ten Reasons We All Watch GH Everyday

#10. To stay in the "in" crowd of obsessed fans
#9. To have something to obsess about
#8. So that we don't cause a sortage of choclate
#7. So we don't go throught L&L withdraw
#6. You can only rewind so many times before you wear the button down
#5. Its the best show ever
#4. To see Liz
#3. to see Lucky
#2. To watch Lucky love Liz's mouth
#1. To see Lucky being the best thing to ever happen

If you would like to submit your own top ten list,
Please send your list to Gator618

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