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Memory Lane:

The First Almost Kiss: June 29-30, 1998

Well, this is a favorite moment of mine since it was the dawning of my obsession. Don't get me wrong, before this I loved L&L but only as best friends. I was worried that the story of Liz's healing would be rushed somehow by it being turned into a romance, but on this day, I saw that it wouldn't, and officially became obsessed with L&L as a couple. After the two words Liz uttered after going on about wanting to be normal and healed I was glued to the television. Those two words? Kiss me. I could not get over all the emotions in these scenes. The embarrassment at first when she tried to get him to forget about it, and he's asking for a chance to answer. Then Liz feeling awkward for asking Lucky something that didn't "sound right" after he questioned that she was only wanting to kiss him as an experiment to find out if she could kiss someone she really wanted to kiss. After Lucky's "I could think of worse things" you have got to love how protective Lucky is when he asks her if she is sure. I loved Lucky brushing Liz's hair aside. He was so tender and sweet since he really wanted this to be a kiss that just wasn't a test for Liz. I was so disappointed when Liz jumped up and ran away from Lucky. It was like she was scared for a brief second of the one person she could trust the most, when all she was trying to do was "be normal." But the apologies and the following truths made my disappointment go away. First it was Lucky admitting that he wanted to kiss Liz "a hundred times" then Liz admitting she had a crush on him before she was raped. It was so real how feelings just get admitted like that and then like Lucky said, "I can't believe I said that." I can't believe that was all it took for me to become obsessed!
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