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Memory Lane:

No Name Date: September 7, 1998

The No Name date was not only a significant part of our regiment, it is one of the many moments I love about L&L. I love how from the moment they walked in the restaurant, it all seemed special. Lucky was saying he wanted to take Liz somewhere nice, and Liz was saying she was thinking the PC Grille, but how she liked the No Name better. How cute was the scene where they took the picture? That waiter knew that they had to be closer and he just kept shoving them together. Next was the talk of the future. Both Lucky and Liz put their thoughts about their futures (Lucky in music, Liz in art) into words spoken to each other, and they even admitted a lot, like Liz did when she always said she had dreamed of Lucky taking her someplace nice since she knew him. And the line of the day was in here as they were talking about the song "Elizabeth" and Lucky descibed how she looked in the boxcar the night he wrote it. That line was "you looked like an angel, Elizabeth, kind of like you do tonight." This was before TK1, so this was only more buildup for us as viewers and L&L in terms of their relationship. This was not only one of the moments that made L&L great, it was one of the bigger events in L&L history! Then there was the dance. I honestly thought they were going to kiss that day, especially since they got quite close during that dance. You all must remember how they started out dancing kinda apart, and it turned into them dancing very close. And when they broke apart, how cute was it that their hair almost seemed tangled together? Poor Lucky was so flustered since he was afraid of doing anything to scare Liz, but little did he know, that she was anything but scared. Liz didn't want that night to end either, since she grabbed that rose as a souvenir before leaving. I don't think any of us wanted that night to end, either.

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