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Memory Lane:

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow Dance: March 24, 1999

The events and even the dialogue this day are sad now, but this was another great day of L&L for us. After Laura left Lucky and Liz alone, the talk of a future with no secrets for their children was the topic of conversation. A cute moment in this scene was when Liz went to the sink and Lucky stood behind her just breathing her in. Lucky then questioned where he learned to love, and Liz told him that he learned from his parents, but was perfecting it. When Lucky started naming off those songs, I knew we were going to get another dance. That dance was to the "especially cool mix" of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. Lucky described that as one of Luke and Laura's must dances, and then Liz proceeded to describe the scenario exactly as Lucky told it to her once before. As they are dancing, and Lucky is consumed by all he had just heard from Laura, he promises never to leave her, followed by a kiss. Liz of course, is worried about Lucky and asks him if he's okay and tells him she loves him. As they dance, they share one of the most passionate kisses at that point to end the scene.
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