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Welcome to My Nursery

My niece got me involved in cyber-adoptions! There are alot of little beings out there who need good cyber-homes, and the love and attention only you can give them! Please don't take the critters from this page...links are provided for you to adopt a little something of your own!

Now...let's take a look around the Nursery...shall we?

This little Lady is Alura Kay!
She deserves a place of honor here...
and is dedicated to one of my two
very best friends... and more! *RRBS*
For a beautiful Fairy of your own, go to Ladyhipoo's.

This little fellow is dedicated
to my other very best friend...and more!
He is my Sweet Punkin! *RRBS*

I got him from Animation Grove.

This is Red! She's a little unsure sometimes...but she's all heart!
You can adopt a heart too, at Nicholas' Hearts.

These little guys go everywhere together!


From left to right they are: Phillybear, Brybear, and Eribear...and they are dedicated to my Little Sweeties! *RBS*

I found them at Wendy's Place.

Valara was given to me by my niece. Her tiny caduceus is in honor of my prfession. *G*
You can adopt a pony or unicorn for yourself at The Unicorn Friendship Center.

This is very special to me...

For an important message and to help this worthy cause by adopting a heart of your own, please visit Adopt a Heart, Love a Child.


This is my iguana, Quincy, and my little cow named Basil...he says "moo"!

You can find animals of all sorts at The ORIGINAL Adopt page.

This is Ziggy, my Pet Rock! *L*
Yes, yes...I'm a child of the 70's!

He comes from Billy Bear's Rock Collection!

This is Nibbles! He loves scurrying around and visiting with everyone!
Isn't he just the cutest little thing?
I found him at 'Pets from ŠJade's DreamPalace'!

These are my tropical fish...aren't the colors beautiful! Everyone in the Nursery loves to watch them swimming around!

You can get some fish of your own at The Ultimate Cyber Pet Shop.

This Pretty Pixie is Danon...
she's a bit shy!

You can find a Pixie at The Enchanted Hollow.


These are Flutter and Romeo!
Flutter brightens the days with her colorful wings and Romeo makes the girls swoon with his habit of bringing roses! *G*

You can find some for yourself at Colorful Pets.

This is Snoozie! She's just a baby yet... so she sleeps alot!
Would you like to a cloud of your own? It's easy at Adopt-A-Cloud.


These are in honor of the Spirit of The Site Fights.
Support the Spirit, the fun, and the friendship!

I've also adopted some dragons! Being kind of a bit larger...they needed a room of their own! Please come and visit them in My Dragon Room!