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Corps Human

Principal ¦ Pagina 2 ¦ Naturaleza ¦ Lista 1 ¦ Lista 2 ¦

Old and rare book of 1853. Author: Dr.Galet, chief of Clinic of Medicine´s Faculty of Montpellier.

Man´s Body
More 400 lithographies colored, by Lemercier (lithographer). All from the natural models. Two Vol.

Atlas D' Anatomie Descriptive de Corps Humain. por los doctores: C.Bonamy, Paul Broca y M.Émile Beáu. Paris, Masson, 1844-1866. 4 Tomos. Ilustrados con 240 planchas en colores.

Principal ¦ Pagina 2 ¦Naturaleza ¦ Lista 1 ¦ Lista 2 ¦

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