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Sparkle And Fade

The albums are rated on a scale of 1 () to 5 ().
The first Everclear album I bought was Sparkle and Fade. After hearing Santa Monica on the radio a couple of times (a few months before MTV "discovered" it) I decided that I had to buy the album, whether Santa Monica was the only good song on it or not. The first time I listened to the album I didn't pay it much attention and it took it's place in my collection. Over the next few months I occasionally put the CD in, but rarely listened to anything other than Santa Monica. Then, sitting in the car on a 3 hours trip, I decided to pop it in, and free from distraction, I truly heard the full album for the first time. What I found were songs of anxiety, rage, and sadness. Songs like "Summerland" and "Santa Monica" droned on about a perfunctory life and wanting to get away from the past. There are songs filled with both rage and sadness, which Alexakis' manages to convey into one emotion to blast through the speakers. These include the first single "Heroin Girl," which tells what is actually the story of two deaths close to Alexakis' heart, and "Nehalem," the story of one person leaving a realationship because of a saddening situation. Alexakis manages to suck the listener into the songs and to care about the characters that he is telling aboout. This album is one of the standards by which I compare all others, and if you don't own it, well, too bad for you.
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