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World of Noise

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World of Noise was the second Everclear album I heard. I went to buy this shortly after "discovering"
Sparkle and Fade. When I first heard it I was a bit disappointed. But like Sparkle and Fade I learned to love this album more that any other. From the hard driven octave riff of "Your Genius Hands" to the head banging quality of "Evergleam," World Of Noise is an all encompasing album that has truly touched my heart. The song that has truly come to define my Everclear experience is "The Fire Maple Song." This song about the death of Alexakis' brother and his need to return to thier childhood escape with their grandmother. The chorus line to this song, "I can't smile," has become sort of my theme in life. While the sound quality of this album is below par (it was originally recorded for $400 in a someone's basement) the song writing and emotional content of this album makes it one of the high water marks of the decade. This album should be owned by everybody in the known world. This is the best record done since Led Zeppelin's IV. Now... go, buy.
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