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Demo Package Now Available

Rack and Ruin now has a three-song demo package available.

What you get:
-Audio engineer
-FREE master on DAT cassette or CD
-Up to 10 hours of recording/mixing

Many clients have told us that, at other studios offering reduced rates for package deals, they have felt rushed to complete the project. Also they had to record and mix everything in one session. At Rack and Ruin you are guaranteed that this will not happen. As currently active musicians we understand what you are going through when you go into a studio--we've done it ourselves. All that we want is for the client to be satisfied with the recording experience. This is a minimal-pressure recording environment. You can schedule time at Rack and Ruin based around YOUR convenience--record 2 hours today, 5 hours 3 days from now, it's all the same. The creative process will not be rushed (although if you WANT to do 10 hours all at once we won't stop you).

Please note: we refer to this as a three song demo package because, under most circumstances, past clients record and mix three songs in the allotted 10-hour period. You may record as many songs as you wish in this time frame.

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to call us at e-mail us!
