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~Amber's Parole & Probation Site~

Hello ... don't let the innocent face fool ya coz I expect you to comply.

I'm a Parole & Probation Agent for the State of Maryland. I've been in this line of work for over fourteen years. Currently I'm an investigator in Charles County. Questions about Maryland cases are welcome.

This site is still being updated. In the meantime check out my page of links to other State P&P sites.

Open parole hearings in Maryland.

Get organized and on top of your caseload with CyberCop Software.

I work with the coolest people:

* Martha * Craig * Carol * Gill * Kim * Shawn * Yolanda * Mya * Stephanie * Debbi *

Criminal Justice ||| Treatment ||| Crimes ||| Special Populations ||| Victims

You are parolee number since June 1996.