Last Will and Testament of Jacob Caple
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Last Will and Testament of Jacob Caple

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     (Item) I give and devise to my daughter, Mary Ann, the House and other buildings now occupied by her, on my Farm Known as "The Factory Place" and fifteen acres of Land, the land to be located by my Executor herein after named, in such a manner as to make said location most convenient for said house and buildings.
      (Item) I order and direct my said Executor as soon as practical after my death to sell all of the balance of my said Factory Place, except the part thereof devised to my said daughter Mary Ann, and the proceeds of sale to be applied to the payment of all my debts and funeral charges, and the balance if any, to be paid to my wife Ruth Ann for her own use and benefit, and
     (Item) I authorize my said Executor to make to the purchaser, a deed of conveyance for the same and also to make a deed of conveyance to my said daughter Mary Ann, or to her heirs, for her portion of said Farm.
     (Item) I give and devise all of the balance of my property both Real and personal not above desposed of, to my wife Ruth Ann, during her life, and after her death to my two daughters Sophia and Mary Ann, in equal shares or portions, and in the event of the death of both or either of my said daughters, then the property so devised to them shall go to their respective heirs.
     (Item) In consideration of having provided for all of my sons by deed and otherwise I hereby decline making any provision for them in this my Last Will and Testament.
     (Item) And lastly I, do hereby constitute and appoint my friend William A. Wampler, to be sole Executor of this my last will and Testament revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made ratifying and conforming this, and none other to be my Last Will and Testament.
     (Item) In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty third day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy one.

Jacob Caple, (Seal)

     Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Jacob Caple, as and for his last Will and Testament, in out presence, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto set our hands as witnesses thereto.

J. C. Nutting
John T. Stocksdale
C. C. Williams

Carroll County Register of Wills, Maryland.
Will Book #4, Pages 201, 202
Probated: August 19, 1872
Carroll Co., MD.