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My life so far.....
Obviously you are extremely bored if you came to this page. So you wanna know about me...My name is Lauren and I'm 15. My birthday is on January 7th 1985. I was born in the Baltimore general hospital. I was raised in a nice little townhouse that was on the end of the block. I was such a clutz as a kid. I would always get hit by things or fall off things. My earliest memory was when I was about 1 and I was laying in my bed. My mother told me a bedtime story that made me happy and my stuffed animals were there and comforted me to sleep. I can also recall many of the bad things that happened as a child there. When I was like 2, I was in the backyard at the playground when I kid on a swing knocked me to the ground. My baby teeth went into my gums, hit my adult teeth, then came back down. about a week later those 4 teeth came out. Because of that incident, I had to go through many years of extensive dental work later on in my life. I also can remember that the next door neighbor kid had a skaterboard. I wanted to ride it so I went on the skateboard, and he pulled from under me, which made me fall and break open my chin. I can also remember one time there was a birthday at my house and my sister's friend or somehting fell down the steps and we had to call an ambulance. But mostly, my childhood was great. We went to Disney World many many times.. I loved Sesame Street. That's all I ever watched. I went to ECLC preschool where I got in trouble a lot. I beat up these stupid bitches that thought they were better then me so they wouldnt let me play house with them. The teacher Ms. Nancy always made me sit on the green timeout bench. Those girls later invited my to their birthday party which was really weird. The preschool was a private one. They taught me a lot. We would build things and speak different languages, it was cool...Right before I got out of there they built a pool for the kids next year. My last day of Preschool I remember clearly. I said goodbye to everyone and then I relized that I was growing up.

The Elementry Years: At the end of Preschool we moved to this richer area of Maryland in Ellicott City. It was a promising future for my family. We had lots of money and no problems. My first year of elementry school was kindergarten. I went to Centennial Elementry. My teacher was this nice lady in her 30's. All we ever did was play games and learn how to do simple things. My mother was a reoccuring volenteer for my class. I remember when she taught us how to tie our shoes. I remember when I was in that grade when before school, me and some boys in my neighborhood thought that some hot peppers were tomatoes so we ate them, all of our mouths burned and I went to school and i had to go home and spend the day with my father. I got my dog, Jenna that year. My dad didn't tell me where he was going and as I was sleeping I heard a little Yelp. Then I woke up to see my dog Jenna laying on me, that must have been one of the most momentous times of my life. In first grade, I was growing up a bit, starting to like boys. There was one particular boy I liked almost throughout elementry school but he showed no interest in me. This girl who was in my grade told me and everyone else she was a boy, she wasnt. She said her name was Tommy and she went to the boys bathroom. It was rather amusing. The second grade I remember this girl who hated me but all I wanted to be was her friend. So eventually before she moved, we were friends. Now that I reflect on her, she was a fucking bitch. When I was in third grade, I was a bit psychotic. My mom told me that the teacher had to see her on several occasions about some of the stories I write in class. They were about people getting their heads chopped off and people killing eachother. When I was in 4th grade, I had the nicest teacher who wasnt there for about a quarter of the year. She had fainted at an Eagle's concert and needed to get plastic surgery. That year, my family went on a cruise to the carribean for a week. That year I went out on my first date as well. It was so much fun. The most of what I can remember from elementry school was the Fifth Grade. There I began to form into what I am now. My best friends at the time became the backstabbing preps I know now. I felt like I was the under control of my life. I wanted to be an actress. I went to a camp and got into a couple plays. I also saw a couple shows that year at the Lyric Opera House and went to the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra a couple of times. This year was when we began Family Life and I discovered my sexuality. I would go to parties and have fun like kids that age do. Then i graduated that school with fear of leaving what I had been so accustom to.
The Middle school Years: In 6th grade, my dad's business started to fall but not too much. I was still a spoiled rotten kid who wanted everything. All I cared about was my friends and my apperance. That was my last year of Hebrew School because I knew we wouldnt be able to afford my Bat Mitzvah. I had many problems with my apperance, I hated it. I wanted for me to be thin and pretty. I had dyed my hair that summer. The middle school was a nice new change. My sister was in that school that year, with me. She looked out for me. The next year, she moved onto High school when I started the 7th grade. I had a major identity problem. I didn't know who I was. I became friends with these girls who were all into rap, thus making me like rap. I went to the People's Exspo for my birthday and we were the only white girls there. One of my friends worried me because she thought I was only using her for things, which i wasnt. I went out with my first real boyfriend. He was a sweet latino boy who was into the same things as I was. He was inlove with me, but I wasnt. I ended our relationship in about 3 months. After that, I started hanging out with some new friends. They were gothic, which made me gothic. Yes I know I was copying them, but I wanted to be excepted. My friends from years before made me think that being accepted was important. I wore black makeup and black clothes. I was a little bit of a Tom-girl then. I was scared someone might call me a lesbian too, so I tried to be a bit open about me liking guys. I also had many mental issues, this was the first year I tried to kill myself. Well that summer, this all changed. I went to the Tibetan Freedom Concert with my best friend Dallas, which is why we are best friends now. That opened me up to a new world. A world of Choas and a world of unfair rights. I became spiritual that summer. I loved everything, and I made a promise to myself to never kill bugs again and to make people hapier before I become happy myself. I wasn't a goth anymore, I was just me. In 8th grade, my best friend Dallas dyed her hair blue. Everyone thought she would get kicked out of school but she didnt. She moved to balitmore county and had to switch schools. That year was weird. I was really depressed. My family fell apart. My mom and dad got seperated.and I hated just about everyone. Cuz they all would get on my nerves and be immature. One thing that changed me dragically was the Tori Amos concert I went to that October. After it, I wasn't worried about what others thought of me, or cared. I started to believe in Faeries and this was a really important transition of my life, and I dyed my hair purple just to get on some people's nerves.
High School: Well I'm a freshman now. When I got into the school at first I made a whole bunch of mistakes, which made almost 10% of the school despise me. But I know that I don't give a fuck what those people think about me. They aren't signifigant to me. I dyed my hair blue and i do wut I think is right. I stand for wut I believe in. My family is in the dumps right now and shit is happening. I'll write more when I feel like it.

My pets:


Jenna: dog, yellow lab, 10 years old
Chuck: dog, west highland terrior aka westie, 2 years old
Lola: cat, maine coon, about 5 years old
Roxy: cat, maine coon(lola's daughter), about 3 years old
Ferret: ferret, he7's mine..I got him in April when Penny died, about months old.

Penny: rat, was put to sleep because she had a lot of tumors and lived her full life. Died in April.
Peaches: rat, died 2 months after an operation that removed a tumor half the size of him. Passed kidney stones before he died..He died when I was scared one night because he was breathing very slowly. I asked my dad to help him, and my dad held Peaches in his hands. As he was holding him, and me rubbing him, he started to chatter his teeth which means the same thing as a dog wagging their tail. And then he stopped breathing, and that was it.he died last year. He was the sweetest pet I ever had! he would kiss me when I was upset and always would listen to me.
Cory: rat, Peaches' brother, he had pnemonia in his lungs and his last week I had to feed him with a needle type thing, he was active the last couple of days. He got out of his cage on the desk, on the otherside of the room, and got on top of me when i was sleeping. He was Peaches' brother and they lived together before Cory died. He died one night when I brought his cage into my mom's room because Cory went unconsious, I fell asleep, when I woke up the next morning he was in there, dead and his eyes wide opened. He died about 2 years ago.
Conni: rat, Peaches' and Cory's sister. my sister accidently hit her when Penny was hiding under my shirt, and my sister hit that spot. Luckily she died quickly, on the guestroom's bed. She was already trained and she was still a baby. Died 3 years ago.
speedy, Squeeker: gerbils, they were..uh ok..they weren't really loving or anything, they always tried to run away, so we gave them to my aunt and grandma and they died of old age.
Kisha: My first pet. She was originally a stray cat, then someone gave her to my dad. She loved the outdoors. She was put to sleep by my aunt after we gave Kisha to her because she had adopted a bladder problem. She was sweeet though and pretty. She was colored Calico, I think that's what it's called.

Both my great grandpas died 2 years ago, sadly. I miss them , especially Zede(z-a-dee) very much.

"sad but i used to be a stupid rock and roll cliche"
