he says he wants to live the kind of life that will make the folks back home all bitch and whine

Here's all the junk I got at the show

Art's Autograph, He wrote thanks for the book, cuz I gave him a notebook full of letters and stuff I made for them.

Greg's Autograph, if you know what he drew on there let me know cuz I don't have a clue, but whatever it is it looks cute!

Craig's autograph, he wrote thanks because I gave him this bracelet that is these silver bead type things on a black leather band

Davey's autograph

Brian's autograph

This is the drumstick that Craig used, Brian gave to me, got Brian and Greg to sign it but only Greg's side would show up

Here's the VIP pass I got which looks cool but was useless

These are the picks I got at this concert..now I have 2 craig's, 2 davey's, and one of art's. The black pick was from the showoffs
