sweaty guys

About The Sweaty Guys

"two wild and crazzzy guys"


My personal impression on these 2 guys:

Like most Everclear fans, I didnt even know who Brian and Davey were until I saw them at an Everclear show. First I first noticed Brian and thought he was just part of the stage crew cuz he was setting up his percussion stand. Then I saw him during the show thinking he was pretty cool. Then I saw Davey and I was like Hey that's not Steve. hehe. But to get to the point, I didnt really think about Davey or Brian.. Then I kept seeing Davey and Brian on Everclear performances and stuff and I was in awe with how cool they were and how well they can play their instruments. I needed to find out more about these guys. So I reviewed my Everclear stuff on tape and I saw Brian and Davey hiding secretly in the shadows for the Everclear performance on Revue..hehe I thought that was pretty cool. Also for Everclear's acceptance speech for I think the Billboard awards, Craig thanked Davey Nipples and Greg thanked Brian hehe.
I remember at the Everclear concert I went to July 5th and how Davey was talking to me and my friend Dallas between songs. I was right in front of him and he would smile a lot to me and stuff. Then I asked for a pic and he handed it to me:) hehe. It was very nice. And I didnt really get a good look at Brian because of my view.
The last show on July 17th was really cool. My eyes were mostly fixed on Craig though. hehe but anyways, I remember that almost everytime I looked over at Brian he was looking at me, and Davey was looking straight foward grinning. And Davey kept throwing me pics and they kept landing on my shoulder hehe. When the concert ended Brian attempted to throw me a stick, it missed though and the bouncer gave it to someone else.. Then as Brian was walking off stage I begged him for a stick and he said I thought I already threw you one..I said Nope, then he gave me another one:)After the concert I got to meet everyone!! Brian came out first and we talked for a long time;) I got him to autograph the stick he gave me(and greg did too). And Davey came out..I asked him if he remembered me from the concert like a week ago, and he said Yeah, wait that was a week ago? hehe it was funny;)(read the review
(read about those concerts here)

So like now I'm totally in love with Davey and Brian. They are really killer and they F*uckin ROCK!!!!!!

sweaty guys