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Warning: The following story describes an *extremely* physical relationship between consenting adult women. If this offends you, or is illegal where you are, stop reading and move.

MCA owns all rights and privileges to Xena, Gabrielle, Perdicus and any others I may mention, the rest is my fault and belongs to me.

"Old Friends, New Loves"

by Brandy


I awoke slowly, uncertain of my surroundings. I lay motionless as I tried to remember what happened. I recalled a fight, a sword coming towards me and the inability to block it. Then all was dark. I was lying in a bed I had no memory of, so I opened my eyes a fraction. I was in a room bare of decoration. The only furniture other than the bed was a table in the corner with a lamp.

Suddenly the door began to open. I closed my eyes and evened out my breathing. I sensed someone enter the room and close the door behind. I lay quietly, waiting to make my move.

Somebody sat down on the edge of the bed and I opened my eyes far enough to see a hand reach toward me. I grabbed it, reaching for the other hand and pulled them wide until I was sitting up and face to face with the person. Piercing blue eyes gazed into my own. My eyes flew wide in recognition.


That wry smile I knew so well filled my vision. "You were expecting..." I didn’t let her finish but pulled her into a hug that squeezed the breath out of her. Her arms tightened around me momentarily. Then she pulled back. "Careful. I don’t want you to reopen your wound."

"Wound?" I asked. She gestured to my side. I looked down and saw a red and white bandage around my waist.

"Damn!" she said. That’s when I became aware of the searing pain. It grew to a wave and washed over me.

The next thing I became aware of was a damp cloth on my forehead. I opened my eyes and saw a blonde woman sitting beside me. She smiled when I opened my eyes.

"Hi. I’m Gabrielle. Xena told me you’d be waking up soon."

I smiled back and opened my mouth to speak but the only thing that came out was a pitiful croak. She smiled again and got up to get me some water.

"Careful, you’ve had a fever. After you reopened your wound you became sick and have been asleep for two days. So only a little water at first."

I grasped the cup in my hand and drank slowly. I laid back on the pillow and panted. Just moving myself to a half sitting position had wore me out. I must have been more seriously hurt than I realized.

I tried speaking again. "What happened?"

"We were in the forest when we heard the sounds of a fight. You know how Xena is." She grinned wryly as I nodded. "She wanted to investigate. We came upon the clearing in time to see you fall to the ground. Xena charged into the fight, sword singing through the air and struck down the man who hit you before I had stepped two feet into the clearing. I helped her to drive away the rest of them and we bandaged you up as well as able in the woods.

"After a while we heard sounds in the woods and Xena swung around, hand on her sword. Timid looking villagers stepped from the trees. They explained how you had traveled with them and defended them from the bandits. Xena asked if they would let us stay in the village until you were well. And here

we are." She refilled my water glass.

I drank again, barely able to lift my head from the pillow. She saw my exhaustion.

"Rest. I’ll have Xena come in when she returns tonight."

I was asleep before she closed the door.

Fevered dreams dominated my sleep. I was chased down dark tunnels by something I couldn’t see. I could only sense it’s presence. I cried out as it suddenly appeared in front of me, grabbing hold of my arms. I struck out wildly, trying to get away.

Then I heard a voice that sounded far away. "It’s Ok. Wake up." It sounded closer and closer and then I jerked awake. I was lying in the bed with a weight over me, and someone else holding my arms.. I tried to push it away but I couldn’t move. Panic struck me and I struggled harder.

"Don’t move, you’ll open the stitches again." It was Xena. The relief I felt was overwhelming. I let my self go limp and Gabrielle let go while Xena sat up.

The only light was from the moon that came through the window. Gabrielle bade me good night and left the room. I saw Xena gaze after her, her expression soft.

Xena remained and sat quietly for a while. I could feel her eyes upon me as I lay there, trying to control my breathing. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was as beautiful as I remembered. I reached my hand up to touch her face and she moved back. She started to get up. I grasped her arm


"Don’t go. Talk to me. About the old days." I asked. I didn’t want to sleep so soon.

She smiled, her even teeth gleaming in the dark. "Almost too bad they’re over. We had some fun then."

I sensed some sort of boundary between us that kept us apart. I didn’t know why it was there, but I respected it. But I had to say it. "Still could." She looked away but I continued. "Who’s to say we can’t ride together, stopping the endless tyranny of the tyrants?" I said eagerly.

She looked at me. Her left eyebrow lifted. "‘Endless tyranny of the tyrants’?" She began to laugh. I managed to maintain an injured look before I lost it completely. We gained control of ourselves with some difficulty.

She sighed. "You always could make me laugh. Even when I didn’t want to." She let out another chuckle. "Do you remember when you tried to save that cat from the river? It had been walking across the sandbar when a dam up the way broke and it was stranded on that rock?"

I grinned as I remembered. "Yeah, and I had to be the hero and rescued the poor defenseless animal from nature. I crawled along a tree limb over the river to the rock. As I let go with my arms and hung by my legs, I heard an ominous crack. I had barely turned my head to look at the branch when it gave way."

"Dumping you head first into the river!" she took up the narrative. "I laughed so hard when you came sputtering to the surface. You didn’t let that stop you. You swam bravely over to the rock and gently picked up the mewling cat. Then came the swim back. I don’t know how you expected the cat to do nothing while you held it over your head."

"Well, I had to hold it one-handed and swim back without letting it get wet." I managed to look wounded. "It wasn’t my idea to have the damn cat ride back on my head... claws out." I rubbed my forehead lightly. "It took the scratches forever to heal. I had a great nurse though." I stopped. The last had just slipped out and I felt her stiffen.

She turned her head away. "You ought to get some rest. You’re still pretty weak from the fever and I want you to get well." She got up and walked toward the door.

"Xena?" I called. She stopped. "Thank you." It was hardly more than a whisper but she nodded slightly and left. I laid back and passed out

I gained back my strength while thinking of ways to help the villagers. We

talked for a long time about possible plans of attack, or defense. I noticed that Gabrielle and Xena were rarely apart. They always managed to remain near one another, stealing little touches, caresses. I saw how they looked at each other and was happy that Xena could finally find someone to love.

After a week of recovery, Xena and I finally decided to go to the bandit camp and see what we could do. We left Gabrielle behind to defend the village and prepare it for possible battle.

Xena and I traveled for several days and I noticed a bizarre rhythm. We would slip back into our old traveling companion roles and then she would withdraw. I hated the barrier that was between us. It constantly kept me off guard.

We reached the camp and watched for a while. We saw an argument between the leader and his second in command. The leader appeared to be nothing more than a ruthless killer, in other words, a typical warlord, while his second wanted to show compassion.

As Xena and I were discussing possible plans, some lookouts jumped us. Not that they had a chance. The only moment I was worried was when Xena was battling three men and I was taking on the other two, I saw a man come up behind Xena. There was no time to yell, I had to act. Reaching down I grabbed the dagger from my boot and threw it over her shoulder into the man’s chest.

After that we made quick work of them and knew surprise was lost. We decided the only course was a bold approach. We entered the camp, striding purposefully towards the main tent. Warriors scrambled to surround us but we didn’t stop. The leader came out of his tent at the commotion outside. Xena

challenged him. Poor fool accepted. He hadn’t heard of her and laughed it off. He ordered his men to respect whatever happened, and to let the "lady" go if she managed to win.

To make a long story short, she made mincemeat of him in about three minutes.

She was then acknowledged leader. She left the second in charge and ordered him to stop the raids. "If I find out that you’ve reverted, this will be you." She nudged the body at her feet.

We began the trip back. The tension was almost unbearable. Finally, I came up behind her one night. I lifted my hand and rested it on her shoulder and she stiffened. I sighed and let my hand fall. "You know we’re going to have to deal with this sooner or later. We can’t go on this way. It’s your choice." I walked over to my bedroll and laid down. I was asleep in minutes.


I sensed a presence near me. I didn’t move, it was familiar to me. She laid her bedroll next to mine and laid down. I knew she was lying on her side so I rolled over to face her. She looked at me for a moment. Her hand came up to touch my face, tracing my jaw line. I closed my eyes and pressed my cheek into her palm.

"Was it really so difficult a decision?" I asked.

She didn’t answer me, just leaned down and kissed me. My mouth opened eagerly to hers, longing for the feel of her tongue against mine. Our mouths met, tongues reaching for each other. I moaned deep in my throat as her powerful hand clasped the back of my head, holding me close. My hand came up and went around her back, pulling her over me as I lay back.

She pressed me back on the blanket, moving her body against me. My legs parted, allowing her to fit between them. My heart hammered as we removed our clothes in a frenzy, not being able to stand the barriers. Her skin was fire against me, like silk. Her mouth was the lightest touch on my lips, my neck. She moved lower, her tongue leaving a blazing trail on my skin.

My back arched as she grazed my nipple with her lips, teasing me. I moaned incoherently as she did everything but what I needed. I may have instigated this, but she was in control, and she knew it. All I could do was lie there as she tormented my body. She kissed all around the center of my breast, across to the other. Never stopping long enough to quell the ache I felt.

"Please," I finally moaned. Her deep throated chuckle aroused me all the more. She looked up at me with her piercing eyes, and settled her mouth around my breast. I squeezed my eyes shut and held her head to me. She rolled her tongue around it, pulling it through her teeth. She nipped around it, causing me to jump. My hand stroked the smooth flesh of her back, raking my nails along it. She stiffened with pleasure, pressing herself firmly against me.

Her hand came up and squeezed my other breast, while her other slid down my side to my waist. My breath caught in anticipation, my whole body waiting for the first touch. She slowly slid her hand across as she shifted over to the side, her thighs trapping my right leg between them. I jumped at the wetness that touched my leg. Her hand slowly moved along the inside of my thigh, teasingly. She moved her head forward to grasp my ear between her teeth, nibbling lightly. My skin shivered at the touch of her warm breath on my neck.

Suddenly her hand touched between my legs. I twitched at the contact, my heart trying to hammer its way through my chest. Her hand moved in slow, smooth strokes, knowing exactly what to do to me. My legs strained with the urge to wrap around her, but she kept me motionless. Dipping deep within me,

she began to nibble on my neck. My mind went numb under the sensations I felt. My breathing quickened, my body tensing and relaxing, building up to a crescendo. Her mouth found mine just as I went over the edge, our breath mixing, my cries of ecstasy moving through her.

My skin was moist with sweat as I floated down, my lungs desperately working to keep me from passing out. I was aware of her breathing as hard as me. My head lolled back as I tried to recover, while her forehead rested against my temple. Her breath tickled my ear. I rolled over on my side and kissed her

slowly. My hand came up to her shoulder and pushed her back gently.

She lay back almost reluctantly, as if afraid to lose control. I chuckled softly, ‘My proud warrior,’ I thought to myself. I kissed her eyes, her nose, her lips. My tongue slowly traced her lips, I grinned against them as they parted. I slowly slid my tongue between them, relearning her. My hand

came up and caressed her neck, moving of its own volition to her breast. My hand molded itself to her, squeezing, kneading, caressing. Our tongues moved against each other, apart from us, yet one. I kissed my way down to the hollow in her throat, loving the way her pulse pounded. I moved lower.

Something in me soared to the night sky when I heard her gasp as I pulled her nipple into my mouth. No matter what she said, her body knew me and responded. I worked her nipple slowly, pulling in through my teeth, loving the way she shuddered. My hand delved lower, moving as teasingly as she did. But I broke first. I had to feel her warmth, her heat.

My hand slid down, slowly parting her folds. It was like liquid fire. I thought the flesh would burn from my fingers. I slowly worked my hand against her, remembering the touch to bring gasps of pleasure from her. Her hands grabbed my head and pulled it to hers, kissing me roughly. I worked furiously to bring her over the edge, putting all I had into reducing her to a gasping, boneless, quivering wreck.

Suddenly she was crying out my name, her body bucking against me. Our mouths never stopped working, our tongues tangling. As she slowly came down, I lifted my head and looked in her eyes. She gazed back at me, the barrier gone.

I stroked her face, "I missed you." I whispered into her ear. She started to speak, but I stopped her. "Sssshhhh. I know. Just let me have this night." She looked at me, the tears I refused to let fall, and slowly kissed me. I hugged her close, knowing this was the last night I would ever spend with her

like the old days.

The night passed much too quickly for me. We spent it rediscovering each other, talking of the past, refusing to acknowledge the coming dawn. But it came anyway. We separated reluctantly, but it was necessary. We went separately to the river, and when we came back, we were in the same roles as

yesterday, but without the tension.

We traveled back to the village to tell them the good news. Gabrielle said that there had been no disturbances, everything was quiet. I went right to my room to rest, leaving Xena to tell Gabrielle what happened. I assumed it would be everything. Xena had told me of how close they were. To which I replied, "And she won’t care?" Xena shook her head.

"We’d talked about this possibility before we’d left. She knew of our history, and the lack of closure. She told me to do what was best for me." She looked away. I rolled over on my back.

"Wow. She sounds great. I’m glad you two found each other." My voice cracked as I thought of the future Xena and I could have had, had our lives been different. "I’m really happy for you." She rolled over and looked at me. Leaned down and kissed me, slowly.

"I’m glad we have this night. Let’s not think of tomorrow." At these words, I’d abandoned myself to her touch.

Jerking myself from the memory, I laid down on my bed to catch up on my sleep. When I came down for dinner, Xena and Gabrielle were sitting in a corner. Gabrielle motioned me over. She smiled at me, a little sadly, as if to say she understood what I was going through. Sitting down, I decided to

drown my sorrows in alcohol. After the serving girl took my order, I looked at them. "So, what’s the plan for the savers of the world?" That sounded pretty normal.

Exchanging a look, Gabrielle said, "Actually, we were wondering if you’d want to travel with us for a while." I stopped with the cup halfway to my lips. "Oh, just for a while... Only for as far as you want to go."

I thought about it as I drained my cup. Hell, why not? Torture myself some more. I’m good at that.

"Sure. Why not?" And I raised my newly filled glass to them, and drained it.


We set out the next day, heading for the Gods only knew where, looking for trouble. And knowing Xena and me, we’d find it. After weeks of traveling, I decided I was wrong. For some reason, there was hardly any trouble to be found. Oh sure, there were the minor skirmishes between villages, but they mostly sorted themselves out. So we continued on.

I watched the two of them carefully, wondering just what it was about the bard that had captured Xena’s warrior heart. I finally decided that it was her unending delight in life and it’s many wonders. She had a bubbling enthusiasm for everything, it was hard not to like her.

I found myself spending time away from camp so they could have their privacy. At least, that’s what I told myself. In reality, I was running away. The looks the two had for each other were like tiny daggers in my heart. They were so in love that at once it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, and the most depressing. To love like that and have it returned was what I’d always aspired to. I’d thought I had it once...


We had been traveling for about three weeks and I was tired of sleeping on the ground. So when we reached the next town, I turned to my companions.

"What say we splurge?" I asked.

"What did you have in mind?" Xena replied.

" I say we use some of my wealth and rent a room at the Inn."

Gabrielle perked up. "Sounds great! But you have to let us help pay."

Xena nodded but I shook my head. "No way. I have in mind the best suite in the building. So I’ll treat." We continued to argue all the way to the front desk.

I spoke first. "What’s the best room you got? I want all the frills."

The innkeeper tried to maintain a somber front, but seemed to brighten at the thought of money. "Why that would be the deluxe suite. It is the entire top story and comes with complimentary meals, unless you want something special. Then there’d be a small minor charge."

"How many beds are there in the room?" Xena asked, exchanging a look with Gabrielle behind my back.

"Oh, it only comes with one large four poster bed, but we have other smaller

beds we can move into it."

"Great. We’ll take it." I said. "Cost doesn’t matter." The smile finally broke through the innkeepers demeanor. I signed the registry and paid, leaving a generous tip.

We went to the room and dropped off our gear. It was huge. The bed took up most of the back wall. It had dark, thick curtains hung around it to shut out the world. As we were going back downstairs, we saw two other beds being taken up. We decided to split up and go shopping, seeing the sights. Agreeing to return to eat dinner together, we separated.

There wasn’t much to see or buy, and I returned early to the inn. I had a light lunch, and lots of wine. Eventually Xena and Gabrielle wandered in, and we ate dinner. The service was great, the food even better and the wine to die for. I insisted on paying for the drinks, tipping the waitress generously. After a few more rounds, we persuaded Gabrielle to tell a story for the room. It was a rousing tale of swords and monsters. The room burst into applause and we were flooded with free drinks. We finally had to beg off and retire for the night.

In our absence, the other beds had been set up, and candles were lit to light our way. They both insisted that I take the big bed as I was paying for the room. I didn’t argue too much as I was gonna pass out any minute. Making sure we all knew where the furniture was, we blew out the candles.

Getting ready for bed by touch, I stripped down to my long sleeved shirt that laced up the front. I parted the curtains and crawled up on the bed, closing them behind me. Burrowing my way under the covers, I planted myself in the middle and sighed contentedly. I could hear Xena and Gabrielle undressing and climbing into bed. Then I knew no more.

* * *

A weight beside me brought me to consciousness. I sensed a shape near me but couldn’t see anything, but I guessed it was Xena. I didn’t move. A pair of lips captured mine and I returned the kiss hungrily. My hands came up to caress her back... and stopped.

This wasn’t Xena.

Her body was more slender than Xena’s. So it had to be Gabrielle. I jerked my head back and slammed it into the headboard. I gave a muffled curse while she chuckled. My eyes had been adjusting to the night and now I saw stars. When they cleared, I could make out Gabrielle’s face.

She slipped under the covers and I jumped sideways. "What are you doing here?!" I whispered in shock.

"What do you think I’m doing? She tried to move closer to me, but my hands on her shoulders stopped her. I knew Xena had told her, but I didn’t think she’d want to find out on her own.

"What about... About..." I stuttered when Gabrielle moved herself forward and I realized she was naked. "About..."

"Me?" A voice sounded on my other side.

"Yeah, what about Xena?" I asked as she slipped into bed beside me.

Then it hit me. My head spun around and jerked back. I hit it again on the headboard.

"XENA!?!" I froze in shock.

They took advantage of my immobility and moved closer to me. They each threw a leg over mine and I realized Xena was naked too.

"How.. What.. Why..?" I stammered. All rational thought having departed my brain.

Gabrielle stopped me with a finger against my lips. "Ssshhh."




This time they both said it. "Ssshhh."

I thought about it, some part of my brain having regained function. "Well, if you both insist..." I muttered bravely.

"We do." They said in unison.

I stopped protesting and laid back. Gabrielle moaned deep in her throat as she leaned down to me. We kissed hungrily, our mouths tasting each other eagerly. Her tongue tangled furiously with mine as her hands framed my face, holding me motionless.

Xena had moved up and started nibbling on my neck, biting me over the pulse in my throat. I jumped and gasped after a particularly sharp nip. She laughed evilly in the hollow of my throat. Her hand came up and undid the ties of my tunic. She slowly unlaced my shirt and by unspoken agreement her and Gabrielle sat me up and pulled it from my body. Xena leaned forward and kissed me slowly.

They slowly ran their hands down my arms and kissed my shoulders. I shivered at their touch. They gently pushed me back and then kissed each other over me. My heart began to pound as their hands wandered over my stomach after the covers were pulled out of the way. I closed my eyes as their hands roamed over me.

They broke their kiss and lowered their mouths to my shoulders. Each kissed their way down my neck to my chest. Together they licked down to my breasts, trapping the nipple within their mouth. They both caressed my stomach, stroking lower to my thighs. Gabrielle ran her nails up my leg and I arched my back in pleasure.

Their mouths worked furiously over my breasts, biting and sucking while I writhed beneath them. They each took a leg and put it over their own, opening me wide. Running their hands along my legs, they slowly made their way inward and upward.

I twitched at the first touch. First it was light brushes and strokes, one after the other. My hands came up above my head and gripped the headboard. I arched myself into their touch.

Xena’s hand began to rub slowly while Gabrielle’s fingers entered me. I had never experienced anything so sensual in my life. My breath came faster and faster as I strained beneath their touch. My body broke out in a light sweat as they set up a rhythm.

Gabrielle lifted her head up to mine and kissed me. I eagerly met her lips, sucking her tongue into my mouth. Their hands worked faster and I began to buck under them. Xena’s head lifted and I turned to her. We kissed as I came. I moaned deep in my throat as I convulsed. The pleasure was so intense I was afraid that I was going to blackout.

I let my head fall back and my arms drop around them as I tried to catch my breath. My body still shook and quivered but with less frequency. They brought their hands up and offered them to each other. The began to suck each others fingers, savoring the taste of me. Until now that had not been

something that excited me, but with them it was erotic. They sucked each others fingers clean and then kissed me. Xena kissed me first while Gabrielle nipped my neck. I tasted myself on her tongue and shivered in pleasure. She pulled back and Gabrielle moved forward.

Capturing her mouth with mine, I thrust my tongue in her mouth, exploring, learning. She moved her body over mine, covering it. I ran my hands along her back, caressing her. I scratched my nails along her spine, drawing a moan from her.

We rolled over until she was between me and Xena. My mouth hungrily sought her breast while they kissed. I rolled my tongue around it, flicking it lightly. She gasped as I slowly pulled it through my teeth. Xena moved down till her head was even with mine and sucked on Gabrielle’s other breast.

We took her legs and spread them, and I ran my nails up the inside of her thigh. My hand found her center where I stroked her slowly at first, in time with Xena’s fingers in her. I went faster and faster until I just had to touch her from the inside. I moved my hand lower as Xena moved hers up.

I slowly entered her and it was like a volcano. I had never experienced heat like this. I thought my hand would catch fire. I moved my fingers slowly, teasingly with Xena matching my pace. Once again I built to a faster tempo, feeling her skin against mine. Her leg strained against me as she writhed under our touch. Xena lifted her head and kissed Gabrielle as the bard clutched the sheets beneath her.

I moved faster as Gabrielle began to moan louder. She kept whispering "Yes," under her breath as I strove to go faster. Next thing I knew, she grabbed my head as she came, kissing me so hard I thought she’d rip out my tongue.

I was reluctant to stop for I’d never seen somebody respond like Gabrielle had. But eventually her body stopped shaking as Xena and I kissed over it. We brought our hands up to each other. I slowly took Xena’s fingers into my mouth as Gabrielle’s hand stroked my back. I sucked on them, savoring Gabrielle’s taste. I wanted more. Fortunately, I had a suspicion this wasn’t a one night thing. I raised my head, offering my mouth to Gabrielle. She eagerly sucked her essence off my tongue, then Xena’s. While they kissed, I rested my head on her chest and listened to her heart as it calmed.

Continued in Part 2

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Return to The Asylum