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Soon Xena was between us. Her need was great, she grabbed our heads and held them to her chest. I attacked her breast eagerly, pulling her nipple into my mouth and rolling my tongue around it. She moaned loudly as we opened her legs and my hand lowered to her waist. My fingers sought her almost by themselves. I stroked her slowly, exploring anew. I couldn’t help tease her a little. The Warrior Princess was at my mercy. Gabrielle was content to match my pace, but we both acted together when Xena moaned, "Please."

I focused all my waning energy into my hand. Gabrielle moved her hand lower and I began to rub Xena, trying to find the spot that made her scream. In very short order she was bucking and straining, kissing us both while her body settled.

When Gabrielle lifted her hand to my face, I looked her in the eyes as I sucked her fingers. She had a gleam in them I had seen in only one other person: Xena. As her and Xena kissed, I realized that we all belonged together. Something had been meant to happen and it did. I realized my life was now complete, and thought Gabrielle’s eyes said she felt the same way. As Xena and I kissed, I knew she did too.

We lay there in a tangle of arms and legs. Kissing, touching, laughing together. After a while Xena said she needed some water, so she got up, leaving me and Gabrielle alone. We arranged ourselves on the bed so I was lying on my side behind her, with my arm around her. She held my hand and trapped my right leg between hers. We lay there quietly, enjoying the feel of the other.

Xena came back. "Well, isn’t this cozy?" She climbed back into the bed, lying behind me. She reached her arm around us both and held us. Lying between them, I felt whole. It was as if both sides of my personality surrounded me. The warrior and the poet. I knew then that we were all part of each other, each as necessary as our hearts.


We dozed briefly, having exhausted ourselves. I snuggled into Xena’s arms, holding Gabrielle closely. After an hour or so, we woke back up... hungry. Fortunately we were in an inn that utilized the progressive idea of all night room service. You could go down to the kitchen and ask the night cook for a light meal. Xena said she’d go. She got dressed and said she’d be back shortly. Before leaving, she lit a few candles for her return.

As the door closed behind her, Gabrielle turned in my arms. She looked me in the eyes and said, "You felt it too, didn’t you?" I nodded, unable to speak. She looked beautiful in the faint candlelight. I reached up and touched her face. I traced her cheekbone and along her jaw line. She closed her eyes and nuzzled my hand.

"If you’re wondering about Xena, she felt it too. You know how she is. She doesn’t like to express her feelings by talking, like me. She prefers to show it by actions." She grinned wryly. "That’s why we came up with this idea. Talking before might have ruined it."

I nodded. "You’re right. It was much more exciting this way. As for Xena, I know she felt it too. I could tell by how tightly she held us." I grinned widely. "I must say, however, that this took me by surprise. I had no idea that you two were planning this. I guess I feel flattered."

She grinned at me. "You should be. Now kiss me."

"Gladly." I leaned forward and kissed her gently. I took her lower lip between my teeth and sucked on it while she worked at my upper lip. Her mouth opened and her tongue found it’s way into my mine and I sucked on it hungrily.

I tilted her head back and ran my tongue down her neck and back up to her ear. I took her earlobe between my teeth while she gasped and shivered. My hands roamed her body, exploring her eagerly, learning everything I could. Her hands stoked my back lightly.

The door opened and Xena entered the room. Neither Gabrielle nor I noticed. Setting the tray down on the table near the bed, Xena sighed in exasperation. "What? Can’t I leave you two alone? I’m gone for ten minutes and you two can’t keep you hands off each other and wait for me?"

Between kisses I said, "So take off that damn leather and get in bed." I didn’t stop kissing Gabrielle as Xena dropped her dress to the floor. She stepped next to the bed. "What about the food?"

"There’s only one thing I’m hungry for right now." I growled as I rolled over onto my back and grabbed her arms. "You." And pulled her down on us.

Gabrielle laughed and rolled out of the way. Xena covered my body, grabbing my hands and pinning them on either side of my head. "Hungry, huh?" she whispered. She nudged her hips at me and I parted my legs and wrapped them around her waist. We pressed together as Gabrielle caressed our bodies. "How about dessert first?"

Xena and I moved together slowly, teasing each other. She bent her head and licked between my breasts, moving her tongue slowly, leaving a trail of fire. Gabrielle caressed Xena’s back then bent to kiss me once more. My mind almost overloaded on the sensations filling me. Xena’s skin was like silk against me and I pushed against her, striving for release. Gabrielle’s hand brushed against my throat, my breasts and my face. He tongue was so smooth and hot that I wanted to taste it forever.

Suddenly I exploded. My back arched and I grabbed for both their hands, clenching them tightly. I bucked against Xena, striving to become one with her as she moved against me. It was too much. There was too much emotion going on in me. I started to gasp and sob. Xena immediately started to stroke my face, telling me that it was OK.

"Ssshhh. It’s all right... I understand. Shhhh." Gabrielle was saying it too. Xena hugged me, her face beside mine, nuzzling my ear. Gabrielle moved close on the other side and they murmured to me until I calmed down.

I put one arm around them both, holding them tightly. I whispered into their ears. "I love you." I began to choke up. "I’ve needed you both without realizing I wasn’t whole. I... I..." I couldn’t go on.

They both whispered back, "We know."

I held them both tightly for another moment and then collapsed weakly. I felt spent. Xena moved over so only half of her lay on me. Gabrielle moved over me too and I looked from one to the other. "So, who’s idea was this anyway?"

They exchanged a look and chuckled. Gabrielle smiled and Xena said, "Hers." I looked at Gabrielle in surprise.

"You? Why?"

"Well, Xena had told me about you long ago and then when we found you wounded, I saw something in you that called out to me. The same thing that called to me in Xena." She flushed slightly. "After Xena told me what happened on the way back from the bandits camp, I was a little jealous." She cut off my words with a hand over my mouth. "Not of you... of her. I wanted to know you myself, but couldn’t begrudge Xena her memories. So I decided on this. Xena agreed… and here we are." She smiled at me.

I turned to Xena. She nodded. A sly look came over my face. "Well, I think that we should do something nice for her for making this possible. What do you think?"

Xena nodded. "I agree. What do you have in mind?"

Instead of answering, I rolled Gabrielle under me. She was soft and smooth. I kissed her while Xena watched. I kissed my way down her throat and chest. I sucked on both breasts and moved lower. I flicked her bellybutton, enjoying the flatness of her tummy, then lower still.

My tongue parted her folds as she spread her legs wide. I heard her gasp as I slowly licked her. She was so sweet and hot that I wanted to make this last. My hand roamed her stomach and she grabbed it. Xena covered them with hers as she and Gabrielle kissed.

Gabrielle pulled Xena up and over her so Xena was kneeling over Gabrielle. Xena moaned as Gabrielle licked her.

The room was filled with moans as we strove to bring each other to the brink and over. Suddenly Gabrielle was coming. I could hear her gasp as her legs wrapped around me. As the tremors slowed, so did I. But I didn’t stop. I continued to explore her, making sure we never forgot it.

Xena began to moan, shuddering over Gabrielle. She moved over and down, kissing Gabrielle. Theirs hands reached up and cupped each others face as they kissed.

I moved back over Gabrielle. She looked at me with her shining eyes and said, "Wow."

"Don’t thank me... We’re not done yet." I looked at Xena and met her eyes. They twinkled as she nodded. Gabrielle grabbed my head and kissed me fiercely. She urged me higher as Xena moved to take my place between her legs.

I grabbed the headboard as Gabrielle started caress me with her tongue. I moaned as she treated me with the same intensity as I treated her. I could feel her breath come faster and faster as Xena strove between her legs.

It was so intense that I came quickly, clinging to the wood for a lifeline. I rode it out, coming down slowly. I dropped beside her and kissed her. She began to gasp and her hands shot back and grabbed the wood I’d so recently been clutching. She bucked and moaned, crying out our names as she came. I jumped at the response it invoked in me, but I shoved the feeling away to examine at a later time.

Xena rose over us and we both kissed her, each wanting to taste her lips. We finally collapsed on the bed, weak with exertion. I could hardly move.

Gabrielle was the first to speak. "I was right." Xena quirked an eyebrow. "Love is life. I thought I would never experience it again after Perdicus. But then you and I revealed our feelings. I was happy. But now..." She looked at me. "Now... I’m whole. This was meant to be. I’ve never felt so alive in my life." Xena and I nodded and we all became teary eyed, briefly.

We finally moved enough to get the tray of food and bring it into bed. We fed each other, talking and laughing. We exchanged some stories of the last few years and finally collapsed on the bed. Once again I was in the middle, lying on my back. They each covered half my body and I put my arms around them both. We slept.

* * *

I awoke late in the afternoon. I was alone in the huge bed. Damp towels lying on the floor gave testimony to their early departure. I stretched luxuriously… relishing the soreness of my muscles. Last night was vivid in my mind, each detail etched forever in my mind. After a few moments I sat up and looked around, hoping to spot some scrap of food left over from last night’s snack. Nothing. But then I noticed a note left on another set of towels. Crawling slowly out of bed I padded over to the table and picked up the note. I recognized Gabrielle’s writing from scraps of stories she’d showed me in our travels.

‘Xena and I’ve gone shopping. Take your time waking up, we’ll be back early in the evening. Don’t do anything strenuous… You’ll need your strength tonight’ I grinned. I could almost hear her chuckle in my ear. ‘Take a bath, eat some lunch and relax. We love you.’ I laid the note down and grabbed the towel and a robe. Pulling the robe around my shoulders, I opened the door and walked to the private bathing room. Filling the tub with steaming water, I eased my tired body into it and let the warmth seep into my muscles. I smiled at the extent of my exhaustion. I’d never exerted myself like I had last night. Not even in battle. I chuckled and relaxed.

I soaked until the water became tepid and then grabbed the soap and scrubbed myself clean. Standing up, I grabbed a bucket of cold water nearby and poured it over my head. I shivered as it washed away the soap and left my skin tingling. Grabbing the towel, I quickly dried my skin, rubbing briskly to warm it. Wrapping myself back up in my robe, I made my way to the common room.

Walking up to the waitress, I asked for a light lunch to be delivered to my room.

"It’s been taken care of." She said with a smile.

"What?" came my witty reply.

"Your two friends took care of it. When they left earlier they said to bring food up to your room while you bathed."

"Oh… Thank you." She nodded as I walked back to my room. Sure enough a platter was sitting on the table next to a pitcher of a light citrus drink. I grabbed a hunk of cheese and took a bite then rummaged in my pack for my comb.

Working on the tangles in my hair, I devoured most of the food. Replacing my comb, I collapsed back on the bed on my stomach. I dozed.

I woke when the door behind me snicked open then shut. I didn’t move but said "You better leave before my girlfriends come back."

Gabrielle’s voice sounded amused. "Girlfriends? You have two?"

"Yeah. So what?" I felt her climb on the bed over me. She straddled my waist. She nuzzled the back of my neck.

"Why two?" Her breath was warm.

"Might as well ask ‘Why do we have two eyes? Or ears? Arms? Legs?’" I rolled over and faced her. "The answer is simple: To live better and survive."

She searched my face. "Sounds like you care for them a lot."

I stared into her eyes. "With every beat my heart cries out their names. My every breath is for them. They are my life."

She looked at me for a long moment, her face expressionless. I grinned sheepishly. "Pretty deep, huh?"

She laughed evilly. "Well…" Her eyebrow quirked as she grinned. "Not yet, but if you stop talking I could be…" She laughed as my eyes grew wide.

I recovered quickly. "Oh.. well.. in that case.. It would be in my best interest to shut up now."

"Mmmm Hmmmm." She lowered her lips to mine. Even though we had had last night, it was something different alone together. There was a kind of shyness in me; an electricity in the air.

Her tongue traced my lips, teasing them open. I could feel my heart start to beat faster. The need grew within me until the ache pounded in my head.

My hands came up around her, my fingers gripping the muscles of her back as we kissed. Her tongue took possession of my mouth as our breath mingled and became one. Her hand came up and cupped my breast, running her thumb across my nipple. My breath caught in my throat as electricity surged through me.

She pulled back and looked at me.

"What?" she asked huskily.

I gazed at her through half-lidded eyes. "I…I don’t think I’ve ever.." she stopped me with a kiss.

"Shhhh. I know.. It’s ok. Just go with it. She kissed my forehead. "You know, people tell me I talk to much.. but you.." she trailed off.

"Sorry. Nervous habit." I said, stroking her back.

"Well, it’s one habit we’ll have to break. I’ll just keep you too busy to think." She lowered her hand and undid my robe. My legs parted as she lowered herself on me, her hand cupping my breast. Her hips fit perfectly against mine as we pressed tightly together.

Her lips and tongue left a trail of fire down my neck to my breasts. My hands gently held her head to me as she sucked my nipple into her mouth. My breath hitched as she bit gently and pulled it through her teeth. She ground her hips into me as I moaned in pleasure.

My hands came up and slowly undid the laces holding her top together, as I gently pushed her back until we were both sitting upright. She shifted her legs till they rested on either side of mine. I pulled the halter from her shoulders slowly, my eyes feasting on the flesh that was exposed. I tossed her top to the side, where it was quickly joined by her skirt and underclothes. "You are beautiful," I whispered before lowering my lips to the hollow of her throat. I kissed my way up her neck to her ear, sucking the lobe into my mouth. I nibbled on it gently before moving back down her neck, leaving kisses of fire. I nipped lightly at her collar bone, making my way to her shoulder. She shuddered above me, her hands running through my hair.

My arms wrapped around her waist as I slowly ran my tongue down to the valley between her breasts. Slowly tracing the edge of her left breast with my tongue, my right hand began to caress the other. She began to press herself against me, pressing our bodies together tightly. I clung harder to her, trying to pull her into me. I wanted to feel everything at once. Suddenly our pace was too slow.

Pushing her back I lowered myself upon her, my hands and tongue everywhere at once, memorizing every scent, every texture. I quickly moved down to her navel, flicking my tongue into it rapidly. She jumped at each tickle, her hands resting on my shoulders. I felt her push on them lightly. "Please…" It was barely audible, but I heard it and the need.

Moving down farther I lifted her legs until they rested on my shoulders. I slowly leaned forward and nuzzled her softly. She moaned deep in her throat as I placed my arms under her legs and bringing them up until they rested on her breasts. Her hands came up and held mine tightly. My tongue came out and parted her folds, becoming intoxicated at the sweet taste of her. Gently freeing one of my hands, I reached down and opened her.

Her hips lifted at the first touch of my lips and tongue, her breath hissing between her teeth. I smiled against her and took the sensitive bud of flesh between my lips and sucked hard. Her breath caught in her throat as her back arched. I wrapped my arms around her legs, holding her motionless. Sucking firmly, I flicked my tongue against her, delighting at the small whimpers that came from her throat.

She moaned softly, a half whispered plea. My hand quickly lowered and my fingers eagerly entered her. She ground her hips against me, her body begging for relief. I quickened the pace of my tongue and fingers to match that of her hips. Her legs clenched around me as her back arched. She stiffened in my grasp, a moan tearing itself from her throat. I didn’t let up until her spasms slowed, then slowly crawled up her body to kiss her softly. She sucked at my lips, tasting herself.

Slowly caressing her face with my fingertips, I looked into her eyes. They were half-closed with weary contentment. She focused on me as she noticed me watching her. "What is it?"

I sighed. "Nothing, just…thinking." Seeing she was going to ask the obvious, I silenced her with a kiss. "Hey, aren’t you the one who told me that I talked too much?" I grinned at her.

She pretended to think it over. "Yeah, I guess that was me…" She flipped us over until she was above me. "So, now I should take my own advice, huh?" I leaned forward and captured her lips once more. Words weren’t needed.

"I am at your command," she whispered against my lips before moving lower.

* * *

We lay there in each other’s arms, waiting to reclaim lost breath. I lay with my head on her chest, her heartbeat below me. Her hand softly stroking my hair, she nuzzled the top of my head. Finally I sighed.

"What is it?"

Looking up at I said, "I’m going to need another bath now, you know." I said with a contented smile.

"Yes, I know. They’re to have one ready for us in two hours…"

"Two hours huh? What are we supposed to do for another 2 hours?" I laughed as Gabrielle rolled me over onto my back.

"Hey, we’ve gotta catch up on lost time here. Xena knew you all those years ago and has those memories. I’ve just met you and have to catch up. She’s way ahead of me."

Looking into her brilliant green eyes I replied, "No. You’re right beside her with me. For eternity."

She blushed slightly. "You know, it gives me goosebumps when you talk like that…"

"Really?" My face stretched into a leer. "I’ll have to figure out some way to get rid of them." With a jerk of my hips, I rolled her under me.

"I think I’ll start by trying to kiss them away," lowering my lips to her shoulder.

She gave a contented sigh and caressed my back. "Oh yes, that’s a good start. But I have plenty of ideas if that doesn’t work."

Smiling against her skin I whispered, "I can hardly wait."


Continued in Part 3

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