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Disclaimers from Part 1 still apply


Once again we lay quietly together, content just to hold one another. I absently traced designs on her stomach as I lay next to her. A sheen of sweat covered our bodies and the sheets were damp with it. Restraining a grin, I sighed again.

"Now what is it?" She didn’t open her eyes, but reached up and began to lightly stroke my arm.

"Oh, I was just thinking…" I trailed off.

"Yes?" She lifter her other hand and prodded me in the ribs.

"Ooof.. I was just thinking that a bath is going to sound like the Elysian Fields in ten minutes." She laughed and swatted the back of my head.

As if on cue there was a knock at the door. "Um…Excuse me?" The voice was hesitant.

"Yes?" we replied simultaneously.

"Um.. Your bath is ready…The water’s heated and the small lunch is waiting in the room."

Gabrielle licked her lips and jumped out of bed after giving me one last kiss. Calling out, "Great. We appreciate it," she grabbed a robe and tossed me one.

Catching it before it before it hit me in the face I grinned and said, " So all it takes is food to get you to leave me?"

She bared her teeth at me. "Come on lazy. You’ve been in bed all day." She smirked as I growled at her.

"Hey, I was up once. And if I recall, I had some company at one point."

"Yeah, I seem to remember something like that… But the bath will only get colder, and Xena should be returning soon."

I sighed and got up, wrapping the robe around me. "And it’s best not to keep Xena waiting. All right, let’s go." I moved past her and opened the door with a flourish and a bow. "After you M’Lady…" I ducked as she swatted at me again. She laughed and swept out the door.

Reaching the bathing room, I saw that a larger tub had been filled. Gabrielle walked past me, dropping her robe as she stepped up to the tub.

Shutting the door behind me, I once again studied the woman before me. Her strawberry-blond hair cascaded around her shoulders. I watched as she gracefully climbed into the bath, appreciating the way her muscles moved under her beautiful tanned skin.

Turning her head to look at me, she splashed some water as she sank to her knees. "Come on.. the water’s great. And I promise.. No biting…"

"Awwww.. And I was so looking forward to a good bite." I sighed as I removed my robe, noticing the gleam in her eye as I stood naked. "Oh well, I’ll have to live with the disappointment."

"Well, maybe if you behave, Xena and I will bite you later."

"Really!? Oh goody!!" And I bounded into the water. I grinned as the resulting wave of water covered Gabrielle’s head.

"Oh YOU…" She came after me.

I backed away, laughing. "Now, now… Xena told me you guys have a fondness for water and water fights.. She did warn me about letting you have the soap. Something about you losing it frequently and she always ends up looking for it."

She smiled sweetly and lunged, dunking my head underwater. Letting go immediately, she backed up as I came sputtering to the surface.

I laughed at the wary expression she wore. "It’s ok, my Bard. We’re even." She frowned. "Really. Let’s just get cleaned up so we can meet Xena downstairs."

As she nodded, I leaned over the edge of the tub and snagged two waiting goblets of wine resting on a nearby table. Handing one to Gabrielle I raised my glass. "To old friends, and new loves. May they both be eternal." I said as our goblets clinked together. She nodded as we drank, her eyes gleaming.

We sat for a while, sipping our wine as we relaxed in the warm water. Taking occasionally, we took our time, heating the water as it cooled with buckets heated over the fire. Finally though, I knew it was time to get moving. Xena had to be waiting by now.

Sighing to myself, I said, "Come on. Let’s get this over with.." I looked around. Something was missing. My eyes narrowed .

"Gabrielle, did you take the soap?"

* * *

Sometime later we finally made our way downstairs. Sure enough, Xena was waiting. She sat in the back of the tavern, in a dark secluded corner where she could see the entire room, but you had to be close to see her. She watched as we walked toward her, neither of us steady. We were exhausted, and I, for one, barely has the strength to walk. I felt as if my knees would give way at any moment.

Arching her eyebrow, she tried not to smile. "Did you two manage to keep at least some of the water in the bath?"

My eyes darted to Gabrielle as I sank down to the bench on Xena’s left. It was just in time, for as I felt the warmth of her thigh press against mine, my legs finally gave out on me. I shuddered as her hand went to my waist, steadying me. Smiling a thanks, I said, "Well, it was going fine until Gabrielle lost the soap." Xena sighed and rolled her eyes as Gabrielle and I giggled. "And things just went downhill from there… Or should I say, underwater?" I laughed as Gabrielle slapped my shoulder as she sat down next to me. Xena just sighed and signaled for the serving girl.

After she had taken our order and left, I leaned back against the wall and started to stretch out my legs. Xena stopped me. "Before you get too comfy, I want to give you this." She reached down and brought up a bundle of cloth.

"What is it?" I started to unwrap it.

"Not here, go to the room. Put it on and come back down." Her and Gabrielle exchanged a slight smile.

Looking at the steps, I weighed my exhaustion against making Xena happy. I stood up and bowed slightly. "Yes, my Princess." Dodging her hand as it aimed for my departing rear, I ran lightly up the stairs.

Once in the room, I quickly unwrapped the package. It was a pair of tan breaches, much like my others, but skin tight.

"I wonder what she has in mind now." I thought as I dressed quickly. "Knowing her, it’ll be worth it. Have to watch what I eat tonight, or they’ll be cutting them off of me." Looking at myself in the mirror, I noticed a visible line from my underclothes. "Damn… That spoils the whole view…" I thought for a moment then peeled them from me. Removing the offending piece of clothing, I wiggled back into the breeches. Looking once more, I was satisfied with the way they fit.

I enjoyed the feeling of the soft fabric against my skin as I walked downstairs. It was a little weird to walk without underwear, but we all made sacrifices. As I walked back to the table, I noticed them talking with their heads close together. As they noticed me standing there, I saw an identical smile on both their faces-Satisfied.

"Ok. What’s going on here?" I asked as I resumed my seat between them. Turning to Xena, I thanked her for the present. I wanted to kiss her, but knew she was wary of public affection. "They’re wonderful, fit perfectly."

"They should, I had them made for you today. You haven’t changed size since the last time we were together. And I know you well enough to know what’d fit just right." She smiled at my slight flush. "I know you don’t really like people giving you things. Consider it a thank-you for paying for the room."

I nodded. "Sounds fair. So, what were you two talking about?"

Gabrielle spoke up. "We were discussing whether or not we should move on tomorrow…"

"Absolutely not. We deserve a break and I can afford a couple more nights." I looked from one to the other. "My vote is for staying." They both nodded.

"We were hoping you’d say that. It’s always nice having a bed to sleep in." Gabrielle replied.

Xena chipped in, "Yeah, when we finally sleep…" Gabrielle nodded in agreement. I blushed slightly at their combined gaze. It was going to be a long dinner.

The serving girl finally arrived with our order. We sat quietly during dinner, enjoying being together. After the last of the food was put away, we all stretched our legs out and leaned back. Gabrielle told more of the stories she’d gathered in her travels with Xena. I closed my eyes as I listened to her melodic voice, picturing with ease the scene she wove. My head rested against the wall, my arms crossed over my stomach, resting on the table’s edge.

My eyebrow rose slightly and I opened one eye as Xena rested her hand on my thigh. She too had her head against the wall, eyes closed. She didn’t look at me, but lightly stroked my leg. I closed that eye and opened the other, looking at Gabrielle. She was still talking about the time Bacchaus and his merry crew had made Gabrielle one of them. I found it fitting with the bite comments earlier. I closed my eye and enjoyed the feeling of the hand and voice of my loved ones. She was just getting to the part where she had unknowingly danced with two of the creatures when I felt another hand on me. This time it was Gabrielle’s. I didn’t even bother to open my eyes. I just grinned and settled back.

Xena’s hand ran up and down my leg lightly, barely touching the fabric. I felt the first stirrings of desire in me, but I wasn’t in any hurry. I was enjoying the attention. She then made brief forays along my inner thigh, moving back when I parted my legs slightly. I uncrossed my ankles, wondering where this was leading.

I lost myself once more in their touch and Gabrielle’s story. She wove it expertly, her hand wandering like Xena’s, never settling in one spot. Then, together, they both moved their hands inward, brushing against the cloth covering my center. I jerked at the contact, my body coming away from the wall slightly. My eyes stayed shut however, and I quickly sat back. Gabrielle continued without pause as their hands began a slow, torturous caress. One after another, they ran their fingers over the sensitive flesh. I felt my heart speed up and my breath quicken.

Xena tugged gently at my right leg, pulling it towards her as Gabrielle mirrored her movements. I resisted, after all, we were in the middle of a common room… I opened my eyes to protest but quickly saw why they were being so bold. The room was half as full as it was before, the patrons having gone home sometime while I was listening to Gabrielle. So wonderful was her storytelling, as well as her voice, that I’d gotten wrapped up in both and never noticed. Of course, the people left were a bunch of drunken mercenaries that made enough noise for twice as many. I also noticed the candles near us were burning down, leaving us even more in the dark than before.

Feeling safe from prying eyes, I closed my own and settled back once again. At once, both hands pulled my legs apart, draping them across their own. I rested my arms on the table and once again lost myself to touch and voice. Xena’s hand ran lightly along my inner thigh, while Gabrielle’s ran up and down between them, causing me to shudder slightly. I sunk a little lower on the bench, offering more to them. They switched off, and Xena’s hand stroked me softly, teasingly.

I whimpered slightly, needing more. I could almost feel Xena’s smile as she rubbed harder, moving in small circles. Gabrielle’s hand moved back, and they started the rhythm again, each pass harder than the next until I was ready to scream with desire. I was sopping wet and feeling unfulfilled. Gabrielle went on with her story, her hand never missing a stroke as Xena raised her own and delicately sniffed it before sliding her fingers in her mouth. I was amazed that the Bard was able to continue like nothing was going on. I was amazed that I was able to concentrate on it, much less understand it…

Xena’s hand slipped back under the table, merging it’s caress with Gabrielle’s until I could stand it no more. I growled in my throat, "I need you in me…Now. Let’s go back to the room. " I leaned forward but both of their hands clamped onto my legs, holding me in place.

I opened my eyes and looked into Xena’s blue ones as she leaned towards me. Closing them again as her warm breath tickled my ear, I heard her whisper, "No need…" her hand moved up my thigh once more, and began to search along the inner seam of the pants. Her nimble fingers found a hidden clasp that I had never noticed or felt. Releasing it, a whole flap of cloth folded away, exposing me to their questing fingers. I gasped as they touched my flesh, my hips jerking as Xena’s long fingers found my opening. Gabrielle once again started her story, leaning closer to me as she described the blood ceremony.

I held my breath as Xena slowly parted my folds, her fingers barely entering me before withdrawing. I moaned softly. She slowly worked them into my body, my body quivering with the need to have her take me. Opening my legs wider, I felt Gabrielle’s hand gently cupping my sex, her fingertips resting against Xena’s hand as it moved within me. Slowly moving her fingers up, she found the button of flesh that was screaming to be touched. I gripped the table tightly as she ran her thumb along my slick length in time with Xena’s thrusts in me.

My head rolled slightly against wall as the sensations crashed over me. My every fiber focused on not crying out at each new touch, or every time Xena’s fingers moved deeper within me. Amazingly enough, the story continued, and I listened… Suddenly it was too much. I could hear Xena panting softly beside me as I listened to Gabrielle’s voice and felt both of them moving to bring me to the edge.

I could hear Gabrielle over the blood rushing through my ears. "Bacchaus had unwittingly told us the secret to ending his reign of terror. So, when he ordered me to make Xena one of them, she let me." Her fingers worked against me, her body tense while her voice stayed relaxed. I could hear the mischievous note in her voice, "Then Xena said something to me for the first time, but certainly not the last." She paused for a moment as I managed to actually gasp out a response, "What…was.. that…?" Each word was an effort. She laughed quietly and leaned even closer to my ear, her nose grazing the outer edge. She breathed out softly , raising every hair on the back of my neck.

Xena leaned in on the other side, speaking for the first time. "Go ahead Gabrielle…"she moved her hand faster while Gabrielle stroked me faster. "Do it…"

"She bared her neck…" Gabrielle nuzzled my neck as her story continued. "And I made her mine." Her teeth closed on the flesh above my pulse as Xena drove her hand into me and bit me on the other side. That was all it took to catapult me into space.

My body stiffened and my head shoved back against the wall as I bit my lip to keep from screaming out. They sucked on my neck, increasing the motions of their hands until I was coming again, my body rising from one peak to the other, never slowing or settling. After a series of mind blowing climaxes, they finally stopped. I lay against the wall weakly, my breath rasping in and out of my lungs. They removed their hands from my body, Xena refastening the flap of cloth before raising her hand to her lips and licking them gently. I moved my legs back in front of me, feeling the muscles tremble as I stretched them.

Gabrielle followed suit, kissing me softly when her fingers were clean. I kissed her eagerly, then I realized just how dry my throat was. Reaching out a trembling hand, I grabbed my wine and downed it quickly. Looking at Xena, I saw her head still rested against the wall but her eyes were open and looking at me. I saw the loved that burned in them and felt my heart swell. I tried to speak, but my voice wouldn’t work past the knot in my throat. I whispered softly, knowing she would hear it. "I love you." Her eyes gleamed with unshed tears which she quickly blinked away. I smiled softly and turned to Gabrielle. Her head rested against my shoulder, I whispered the words into her ear too. She smiled as she raised her head. Love shined from her eyes as well, and I kissed her nose.

Looping her arm through mine, she rested her head back on my shoulder and reached for her wine glass. Xena leaned her head against the wall and lay her hand on my leg. I knew she was alert for any sign of trouble despite the relaxed appearance.

A thought struck me. "Gabrielle…"

"Mmmm hmmmm?"

"What happened after you bit Xena?" I was surprised she hadn’t finished the story.

"Oh, well…" She went back into what I called Bard-mode. "Xena became one of the bacchae and had somehow communicated to me what she had in mind, why she let me bite her. Turning quickly, she gave out her war cry and we launched ourselves at the Foul One and she plunged the Dryad bone into his heart. All of the other women he’d tainted turned back into humans and Orpheus regained his body. He was able to resume his lyre playing and keep the woods safe."

I sat for a moment, putting the story together in my mind. "And how long after this did it take you guys to figure out you were in love?"

"Well, we knew it ourselves, but didn’t know the feelings of the other." She winked and whispered conspiratorially, "Xena doesn’t like to express herself you know.."

Without opening her eyes, Xena spoke up, "I heard that. And I’ll get you for it later." I leaned back and closed my eyes, loving the feeling of belonging that coursed through me.

"I’m going to hold you to that, Xena." She laughed. "But, really, it wasn’t until…"

I opened my eyes when she stopped. At the same time I felt Xena’s hand tighten .

A large man stood in front of the table. He wore a greasy tunic and stained, patched breeches. He swayed slightly as he peered at us. He coughed and our breathing space was flooded with the smell of cheap alcohol. We gagged and I waved the air in front of me clear.

Leering down at Gabrielle, he spoke, "Hey, Girlie. You look tired. Why don’t you let me wake you up…" He grinned at her. His friends watched him and sniggered loudly.

Xena and I stared at him coldly. Gabrielle didn’t move or open her eyes.

"HEY!!!" He slammed his hand down on the table, rattling the cups. "I’m talking to…." He stopped when a dagger suddenly appeared in Xena’s right hand.

"The lady doesn’t want to be bothered right now." Without looking at me, she tossed it over. Catching it neatly with my free hand, I twirled it around. He watched nervously as the dagger danced in my hand. It balanced on my fingertips, spun through the air to land in my hand, the cycle repeating.

Looking him in the eyes, I said, "Yeah, like the woman said, Go away."

He took in the sight of Gabrielle’s head on my shoulder and Xena’s hand on my thigh. He sneered. "Oh, so it’s like that. You’re all a bunch of freaks…"

Gabrielle sighed and opened her eyes, unlinking our arms. "Shouldn’t have said that…"

Xena vaulted over the table, her foot lashing out and connecting with his stomach. His air left his lungs with a gasp and he bent over in pain. Suddenly his head was jerked back by my hand on his hair. I had been only seconds behind Xena. Adrenaline surged through my body, burning away the weakness I felt earlier. My fist swung around and connected with his chin, sending him flying backwards into the center of the room. He landed heavily and once again his breath left his body.

Xena watched his friends slowly start to get up and approach the fight. Six of them stood to avenge their friend.

Moving forward until I stood beside Xena, I raised my hands. "Now, are you boys sure you want to do this?" They snarled and one charged. I sighed. "Guess so." I watched as Xena exploded into action. Her warcry echoed around the room as she leaped into the air and spun, her boot slammed into the side of his head. He crumpled without a sound. I moved forward as the next brave one attacked. He started to draw his sword, but I dropped into a crouch and swept his legs out from underneath him. He yelped as he fell back, sword flying from his fingers as he hit. Kneeling swiftly, I knocked him out and looked for the next.

Xena had been charged by two of the remaining four, but she was spinning and kicking so fast that they couldn’t hit her. She ran towards them, flipping at the last minute. Her hands latched onto their heads and she brought them together before landing behind their already crumpling bodies.

I approached the last two, grinning. "So. Which one of you wants to dance with me?" I laughed as they looked at each other. I danced the dagger I was still holding from one hand to the other, the blade a silver blur in my hands. Arching my eyebrow, I asked in a hurt voice, "What? You don’t want to dance with me?" They shook their heads and backed away. "Oh… Well…That’s just too bad." I purred. "Cause I want to dance…" I leaped forward, hands streaking from one to the other, delivering a series of stinging slaps and small cuts. Soon both were bleeding from several small wounds and reeling from the blows. They threw down their weapons and ran for the door.

I watched them get a few feet away before a leg snaked out and tripped them. "Ooops." Xena stood over them. "Sorry… I didn’t see you.. How clumsy of me." She leaned down to help them up. They shrank away from her. "Oh come now, don’t be stubborn here." She grabbed their arms and dragged them up. I moved forward to help her. This was a routine we’d done before.

Taking one of them, I said, "You first." She nodded and dragged the whimpering man to the door. Pushing him in front of her, she planted a foot against his ass and pushed. He flew forward and landed in the mud several feet away from the porch. He didn’t move, but lay there weakly clutching his head. Xena bowed out of the way and gestured for me to go ahead. Following her lead, I pushed and kicked, noting with satisfaction that he only landed a foot or so behind the first. I noticed Xena nodding as well.

"You’ve gotten better. In several things actually." She led me back to the table. Gabrielle was still leaning against the wall, her eyes half open. Xena continued but remained standing, "You’ve gotten much better with the knife. I remember you trying to do those flips and cutting your fingers to ribbons."

I laughed as I remember the hours spent in practice, the days spent in bandages. "Yeah, well, I had to prove something to myself. I had to prove that I could do something better than someone else. I had some skill already, you’d taught me that, but…well, I just wanted to prove that I could do it." I shook my head. This wasn’t the time to dredge up those memories. That’d happen on its own, but not now. I handed the dagger back and she put it back in her belt.

She nodded slowly. She understood. "Well…" she rubbed her hands together. I saw a familiar gleam in her eye. "I feel great! Nothing like a bar fight to get the old juices going…" She grinned broadly. "Question is, does anyone feel like going up and helping me work out some kinks?" She spun around as someone approached us. I looked up.

Gabrielle stood slowly as the serving girl stopped. "It’s ok… Don’t let these two scare you. Really, they’re harmless.." Smiling, she stepped to the girls side. "Is there something wrong?"

"N…No.. I just wanted to say thank you for what you did." She turned to Xena. "Those men have been here for a week now, each night is worse than the last. They’d always put their arms around me, pinch my…" She blushed. "Well, I just wanted to say thank you for teaching them a lesson. And to tell you if you need anything, let me know. It’s yours." Xena and I nodded and Gabrielle hugged her.

"You’re welcome, and thank you. We appreciate the hard work you’ve done for us." I reached into my pouched and grabbed a couple coins, pressing them into her palm. She tried to give back the money, but Xena reached out and folded her fingers over them.

"I’m sure those idiots didn’t tip you, so here, take them." The girl smiled shyly and bustled away.

"Xena.. " I began, but stopped as Gabrielle slipped her hand in mine and tugged me toward the stairs.

I followed her as Xena trailed along behind us, stopping long enough to snag a bottle of wine and 3 goblets. Gabrielle stopped me after the first turn in the stairway and pinned me against the wall. Her lips covered mine and her tongue swept my mouth. When she finally broke away, her breath rasping in her throat I looked at her in askance.

"She thinks it gets her juices flowing… I just watched the two most gorgeous creatures fight for my honor and…" She broke off and kissed me again. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and looked over her shoulder and saw Xena stop and look at us. Arching her eyebrow at me, she waited. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. Gabrielle looked over her shoulder at the warrior. "Sorry.. I just couldn’t wait."

"Well, do you mind if we do this in the room? I don’t think we want the whole damn Inn as an audience." She shook her head as she passed us. Gabrielle kissed me one more time before pulling me after the woman of our dreams.

I shook my head in amusement as I followed her upstairs. One thing I knew for sure, life was never going to be dull again.


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