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You and I are just finishing our dinner in our beachfront condo...
we are feeding each other chocolate-covered strawberries for dessert.
We have enjoyed our meal... prime rib, baked potato, salad and a light, fruity wine.
We discuss the rest of the day and what to do with it, deciding to take a walk on the beach.
We leave our shoes under the table and exit through the french doors onto the sandy path that leads
over the dunes to the beach. We decide to walk south, down the beach,
that direction looking less populated.
We stroll hand in hand... the waves washing across our feet.
Small sandpipers are scurrying about, looking for morsels in the surf.
Sea gulls are riding the winds above us, singing their one-note arias.
Seashells of varying shapes and colors are strewn before us, like a rainbow broken into a billion pieces.
The sun is setting into the sea, creating a golden carpet, enticing us to join it on it's journey.

We stand and watch it take it's last bow of this day, our arms around each other's waist.
I turn to you noticing, once again, your startling beauty... and,once again, amazed that you would be here
with me. I touch your cheek with my fingertips... you close your eyes and tilt your head...
your lips part slightly. I kiss you gently, tasting... wine... strawberry... you... ???

Your eyes open and I see everything in them... love, innocence, passion, purity, desire... it seems that
all there ever was or ever will be is entrapped behind those eyes.
You slowly moisten your lips with your tongue and I see something new in your eyes... an unmistakable
devilish twinkle. You smile at me in a way that weakens my knees.

We decide that we have walked far enough in this direction and begin heading back toward our condo.
My building sense of urgency makes our place seem miles away. I walk faster, pulling you along.
You are giggling and trying to hold back, teasing me.

(... to be continued)

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