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He worked as a provider,
part of the "Master Plan".
Responsible for others,
he was The Family Man.

A fellow to be envied;
fine children, handsome wife.
A substantial situation;
It seemed the perfect life.

But, as white pages turn yellow
and sharp edges dull....
as golden locks turn silver
and summer yields to fall....

Such happens to perfection,
repetition takes it's toll.
He questioned the importance
of this monogamous role.

He went looking for excitement
to renew life's dying flame....
To find someone to care for him.
How could he be blamed?

But, his search for love out-weighed him.
It's strength he didn't know....
and in the end it slayed him;
One final shattering blow.

It toyed with his emotions,
teased him with desires....
Threw him crumbs of ecstacy
then crushed him in the fires.

Life's lessons came severely,
burned in his brain this phrase:
"Can't spread your soul too far, too thin
and bring it back, un-scathed."


It's Only Me
~my poetry - beginning~
~back to my homepage~
