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If I had known
That last night was to be the last night we shared a bed
You would have slept wrapped in my arms,
The smell of your hair influencing my dreams.

If I had known
That this morning was to be the last morning we had
We would have gazed upon the Sun breaking gloriously above the horizon
And wondered at the miracles of Creation.

If I had known
That today would be the our last opportunity
To enjoy the spontaneity of the moment
We would have walked the beach hand in hand,
The waves washing across our bare feet.

If I had known
That our parting embrace was to be our last
I would have held you so tightly, not wanting to ever let you go.

If I had known
That the one fleeting kiss as I walked out the door would be the last I would know
I would have kissed you and kissed you and kissed you......

If I had known
That that moment was to be the last time words would pass between us
I would have told you what your love means to me and how my life would be
Meaningless if you weren't in it.

If I had known
That, with the closing of the door, I would never see your face again
I would have looked upon you with different eyes,
Seeing your beauty and all that you have given me... and given up for me
And I would have locked that vision securely within the depths of my heart.

If I had known.

12 March, 2000

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