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*....... It hurts to open my eyes... try one... just a peek.
Head pounding.... must have had a helluva time last night!!!
.... funny.... this isn't my room.... hate the wallpaper....
but, then, I hate mine too.... gotta try to sit up.... (groan)....
UNGH!!!.... mouth tastes like a sewer!!....
(running fingers through hair.. gently!!).... Man!! What happened in
here??.... This place is a mess!!.... Where are my Luckies??...
(turning.... notice another form in the bed).... Oh, the old boy
hit it big last night, I guess!!!....
That old charm came through again!!....
.... trouble is I don't remember a thing after going into The Lucky 7
and ordering that gin.... gotta cut back on the booze.
(finds cigarettes, lights one, inhales deeply).... What time is it??...
should be at the office by now.... Maxine will be pissed!!!....
(picks trousers off floor, pulls them on)...." 'Morning, Buttercup...
hope I did OK by you last night. Sorry, but I've got things to do...
gotta go." (Buttercup doesn't answer... he nudges her shoulder)
(she falls over onto her back.... wearing two smiles...
the one under her chin looking terminal. He steps back... frowns...
tries to remember... nothing comes).....*

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