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The white-capped waves lay themselves
gently down on the golden shore.
The gentle breeze blows through the sea oats.
Daddy and I take an early morning walk down our beach...
my small hand nestled gently in his.

We walk for what seems to be hours, looking at God's creations.

As we find treasures that the sea left behind the night before,
Daddy tries to explain why there are waves and why the porpoises
only seem noticeable in the morning.

As we would walk my small legs would grow tired,
so Daddy would pick me up and we would finish our walk.

At the time, those walks on the beach
were only walks with Daddy to me...
but to him they were ways of teaching me about what he cared about...
God, Nature, the sea .....and me.

I had learned more on those early morning walks
than I would realize.

I miss those walks, the sea, the wind.....
and especially Daddy.

Even though he is far away,
he is always in my heart...
my thoughts...
and in my soul.

The memories of those walks with Daddy
will remain with me.....forever.

Daddy.....You'll never realize how much those walks with you really
meant to me. Believe it or not, you have influenced a great deal
of my life....and I love you.


June 1989

("I love you too, baby." - Dad)