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As I look back upon the path
that Life has set me on...
I see times cold, dark and lonely
in places I have gone.

There were spots of gray surrender;
no desire to travel more...
When it seemed that Life would hurt me less
if I denied the open door.

But, this Life gives you decisions:
move along or end it all.
So I gathered up and stumbled on,
though fearing I might fall.

The path was long and treacherous;
darkness covered like a cape.
Alone and cold and beaten...
I'd given up on my escape.

In the distance through the darkness...
a pinpoint of bright light.
I raced toward it to crash on through...
hoping that I might !!

Then I fell into a sunlit field,
flowered like a yellow sea
And you were standing in the midst,
your hand outstretched to me.

I went to you and took your hand.
"Walk with me." you had said.
We started off across the field;
this all buzzing in my head.

We've since walked mossy mountain trails
and beaches of golden sand.
The paths are warm and happy ones...
with you holding my hand.

February 5, 1999

~valentines to my love - beginning~
~back to my homepage~
