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As the cold winter sun sets behind him, he stands upon the barren
dune facing the frigid winds whipping at him from upon the slate gray
ocean. The force of the gale streams the tears from his eyes
horizontally back across his face.

He stares seaward.... but sees nothing.... for his visions are internal.

He sees her, dancing and laughing among the blue and yellow wildflowers
of spring.... gazing into his eyes and caressing his face on a warm,
sensuous summer night.... strolling with him, arm in arm on a brisk
autumn morning down a lane strewn with fallen leaves of red, orange,

He wonders at the cruel fate that has ripped her from his life, taken
her smile.... her touch.... her look.... and made them only painful
memories of the glory that had been.

Suddenly, he realizes that he perceives the maddening crash of the
waves, not as a cacaphony of fury, but as a beckoning...
a safe harbor.... free of sorrow.. and pain.. and longing.

With unconcious steps he descends the dune.... crossing the beach of
blowing, writhing sand....... and walks into the sea................

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