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  Welcome to my site


 This is called bandwidth stealing and it means that you're using the space  that  Faeworld Designs pays for.  Download the graphics to your hard drive....and set it all up from there.....remember you can email me with questions and I'll try to help you.   
NEVER link directly to the graphics, because tomorrow I may remove the graphics from  the server and you'd be left with broken links.  Please don't claim my work as your own to be given away.



   AWARDS | RESOURCES | QUIZ  | PICTURES | MAD ABOUT YOU | MAD IMAGES | Darceys kitties | Faeworld Designs | Mom's page | Unicorns 1Unicorns 2  | HOME  | GIFTS | GUESTBOOKGUESTBOOK2 | EMAIL


I'm so happy that you've dropped by.......

I am in college and I take ballet..well "dance" as you 
imagine I just had to have this aunt made it for me so please don't take it....
I hope you'll continue on,
and if you find any graphics you want then Please download or transload to your own site.If you see any graphics that should not be here, then please email me and I'll remove them.  Please sign the guestbook so that I can visit with you.....

I'm on summer break and I have a job so that I'm not completely broke next school I don't get the change to update this as much as I'd like....anyway I hope you enjoy your visit!

While you'll here why not take a look at my Christmas Page and also peek at my Halloween page.....


Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you again soon