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Hi and welcome to my world!!!

This is my page dedicated to my favorite stuff. First is the wonderful but now gone for ever tv series, "Mad About You." I hope you enjoy.

This show has been around for a while, but a lot of people are completely oblivious to that one simple fact. I myself actually didn't start watching it in the very beginning........I know that because I know for a fact that I don't remember the cast EVER looking like this......

I know it's a bit blurry and a bit big, but you get the picture.....

Well, what can I say to explain to everyone out there just how perfect this show is?

I guess it just can't be put into words very well, so maybe you should watch sometime!!!! It's a GREAT comedy that'll lift you up no matter how down you truly are!

I don't know HOW I'm going to live without these guys......

" On the show - no, in my life - hold it, which one has Helen Hunt in it?" - Paul Reiser

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