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More Unicorns For You To Enjoy....

"Nothing is more magical... As long as they roam the Earth, evil cannot harm the pure of heart." --From the movie "Legend"

I always wonder what it must have been like to see the unicorns.
To see their great, strong bodies,
To see their sparkling horns,
To feel their power as they approached
And to be engulfed in their innocence.
Late at night, I suppose
They would gather
And in that one spot
Where they would stand......
All of the light of the moon would rest on them
And everything would be perfect.

Only a unicorn knows what true beauty is, for only they possess true beauty.

I, Unicorn from Tempest

White lightning,
pure of heart,
thundering through plains
with rippling muscles,
glowing horn
spiraling straight,
sparking hooves
through the land.
Tis I,
unicorn of old
in gleaming white,
shining like energy unbound
of purest type,

He keeps watch, secretly and at a safe distance......

He stands proudly on a mountain,
Whiter than the snow.
He sees darkness surrounding him,
Barely lighted by a silvery sliver of a moon.
He uses his magic to light the whole world,
And suddenly all takes on a strange glow.
He is pushed back by his own power,
For it is so strong
That nothing can withstand it.
All shall soon be at peace,
For the power which belongs to the unicorn
Has not just created light,
But has also vanquished all evil.

"Imagination is the unicorn that lifts us above the mundane chains that bind the minds of many and flies us on fantastic wings to a place where dreams do come true." author unknown

"The Wisdom of a grandmother, the Playfulness of a child, the Courage of a warrior, the Love of a mother. All of this equals to a perfect being, the Unicorn." --French Translation of "Odi`at"

"The unicorn is a lonely, solitary creature that symbolizes hope." --from Ally McBeal

Touched it?! A mortal laid hand on a unicorn!? From the movie 'Legend'


When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain,
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain,
In the shadow of the forest, though she may be old and worn,
They will stare, unbelieving, at the Last Unicorn. When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing,
And you look to the north, and the pale moon is rising,
And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn
In the distance, hear the laughter of the Last Unicorn,
I'm alive...I'm alive...
When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning,
And the future has past without even a last, desperate warning,
Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is formed
Look and see her, how she sparkled, it's the Last Unicorn.
I'm alive...I'm alive...
--Written by Jimmy Webb