Pub rock....
The first album "Kinky Machine" was a blueprint for stuff like These Animal Men and many other pseudo-mod bands to come out of the Britpop corner. But much much better than all of those efforts. Singles "Going Out With God" and "Supernatural Giver" are brilliant pieces of good old RockīnīRoll. Second album "Bent" was even better, with the single "10 Second Bionic Man" being one of the funniest songs ever written about premature ejaculation. Other highlights include "Cut It Down" and "Dolly Mixture Kid". When the whole Britpop thing really started off Kinky Machine got a bit buried underneath all the new "talent", they only released one more single "London Crawling" and then split, but only to resurface soon after as ..... Rialto!
Kinky Machine records I own:
At least thatīs what most of the press thought about Kinky Machine at the time. But there was a little bit more to them actually. They were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was the years of Shoegazing and Grunge and their Glam Rock seemed to be absolutely out of place. I still think that had they released their two albums two years later theyīd have become very big indeed, since they played the Britpop game pretty much perfectly.