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It´s rocks, maaaaaaaaaan.....

Funny bunch, Sun Dial. They´d already released a couple of albums when in 1991 they brought out Fireball on an EP, which is nearly the perfect Shoegazing song. The video featured the "groovy" computer effects as also seen in the Boo Radley´s Finest Kiss. It made you throw up basically. The album Reflecter was pretty good, but it was with their next album that they introduced dancey beats to their sound and got pretty good.

They´re still going, which is pretty amazing, but have turned into sub-Oasis pub rock, which is not a good thing at all. Oh, and they´re (or were) big in Italy, I have been told.....

What the press said:

Live Review, MM August 1992: "There are many in the displaced generation who have no real need of rock. They find it fuzzy, neanderthal, old-fashioned, alien. A band like Sun Dial could convince them that it can still be valid and can, in fact, still offer them a place. Com this way for future daze.

What they said themselves:

Gary, MM July 1992: "We went to Italy in May and we were shocked to find ourselves playing to 500 to 600 people every night."