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The Shoegazing Webring

And here it is, the webring youīve been waiting for! .. Errmmmm, well anyway, if your page is in any way connected to Shoegazing or any of the bands that were considered to be Shoegazers, you can add your page to the ring by filling out this simple form below. You will then have to add the HTML-code bit underneath to your page. Otherwise you will NOT be included on the ring. Right, I havenīt got a picture for the ring yet, so the ring info is still a bit boring, but Iīm sure Iīll be able to upload a picture soon to make the whole thing a bit better. In the meantime: keep gazing! ;-)

Submit site to The Shoegazing Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

If you want to join the ring, please add this code to your page (just cut and paste). Thanks.

Your page will only be added to the ring if you have this code on your page and after I have visited it to see if itīs worthy to join ;)