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Les Grande Legal Links


Arthur D. Leritz, J.D., 1999 Graduate of Willamette University College of Law

Welcome to Les Grande Legal Links. When you think Research, think Les Grande!

For even More Legal Links + more SEARCH: Les Grande Legal Links II

Starting Links

  • Washington State Law Links Huge List!
  • **Washington State Law Great Resource!
  • TORT LAW Many Reference Links
  • Gates to Northwest Law
  • Willamette Universiy College of Law
  • University of Washington School of Law
  • Washington State Bar Association
  • Seattle University School of Law
  • Washington State Legislature Homepage
  • Gonzaga University School of Law
  • University of Oregon School of Law
  • University of Idaho College of Law
  • University of Montana College of Law
  • Law Schools Good alphabetical list of all the Schools
  • CataLaw: Meta Index of Law and Government
  • Gates to Northwest Law
  • Hieros Gamos
  • iFIND
  • FindLaw Internet Legal Resources
  • The House of Representatives - Internet Law Library
  • Internet Legal Resource Guide
  • KentWeb's Guide to Substantive Legal Resources
  • LawCrawler
  • The Law Engine!
  • Law Guru Search
  • Law Menu (from EINET)
  • Law Menu From Washington & Lee University
  • Law Office Management Exchange
  • The Lawyer's Home Page
  • The 'Lectric Law Library
  • Legal Material - By Source - From Cornell
  • Legal Material - By Topic - From Cornell
  • The Legal Pad
  • Legal Research Meta-Index
  • Politics and Government (EINET)
  • The Practicing Attorney's Home Page
  • Substantive Law on the Web
  • The Virtual Chase Web Site
  • W3 Lawyer
  • Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington
  • Law Student Web
  • Law School Dot Com
  • Internet Law Student Library
  • Internet Resources for Law Students
  • Home-Cooked Law School Outlines
  • ILRG Law Student Services
  • JURIST: Law Professors on the Web
  • Law Schools Online
  • Legal Tools
  • Michael Geist's LRW Resource Home Page
  • Roger Martin's Study Materials
  • Study of Law - A Bigge
  • Law Reviews Section
  • Law Schools Section
  • Legal Employment Index
  • Legal Publishers Listings
  • Legal Subject Pages
  • LawLinks The Internet Legal Resource Center
  • Underground Legal Net
  • Attorney Link
  • Cornell Legal Information Institute
  • IRS
  • Legal Resource Network
  • Patent Searches
  • U S Law Database
  • United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • West's Legal Directory

    The ONE

  • Lexis/Nexis

    General Links

  • American Bar Association
  • American Civil Liberties Union
  • Association of Trial Lawyers of America
  • Automobile Fraud - Lemon Laws
  • BBB of Nova Scotia (good general consumer information)
  • Charities USA (links to 200+ public interest groups)
  • The Consumer Law Page
  • Divorce Online
  • Emory University Law School (good search site for court opinions)
  • Federal Court System
  • Federal Courts Starting Point
  • Federal Courts - Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals: Published Opinions
  • FCC Law Journal
  • The Federal Judicial Center Home Page
  • Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
  • FindLaw Index of Legal Resources
  • Government Information Locator Service
  • The Green Page (environmental resources links) - Good Source
  • Immigration 1
  • Immigration 2
  • Immigration - Political Asylum
  • Internal Revenue Service (tax forms and other scary stuff)
  • International Trade Law
  • Jobs
  • Journal of Current Legal Issues
  • Landlord Disputes
  • LawInfo Search Site
  • Law Journal Extra
  • Law Marks Legal Resources Database
  • Lawyers Weekly
  • Legal dot Net (yet another search site)
  • Legal Information Institute - Cornell University
  • Patents and Trademarks
  • Prison Legal News
  • State Law Links (links to individual state governments and courts)
  • U. S. Bill of Rights
  • U. S. Code
  • U. S. Code (another site)
  • U. S. Constitution
  • U. S. Constitution Search Site
  • U. S. Department of the Treasury
  • U. S. House of Representatives Law Library: Business, Finance, Economic and Consumer Protection Laws
  • U. S. Senate
  • U. S. Supreme Court Decisions
  • U. S. Tax Code
  • Villanova Center for Information Law and Policy
  • West Publishing Legal Directory

    General Reference that's Good to Know

  • American Association of Law Libraries
  • American Bar Association Network
  • American Bar Association's List of Law Schools
  • American Communication Association
  • American Library Association (ALA)
  • ANSI American National Standards Institute
  • Aviation Server
  • Bankruptcy Law Finder
  • The Better Business Bureau Web Server
  • Britannica Online
  • The Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
  • Citizens Guide to Using the Freedom of Information Act
  • CityLink/CityNet
  • City of Los Angeles
  • Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides
  • Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
  • Computer Privacy Digest
  • ConflictNet (Alternative Dispute Resolution)
  • Congressional Directory
  • Congress: E-mail
  • Congressional E-Mail Addresses
  • Congressional Telephone, Fax, and E.Mail Informaiton
  • Consumer Credit Counseling
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • The Consumer Network
  • Consumer World
  • The Copyright Website
  • Currency Rates
  • Diseases, Disorders, and Related Topics
  • Emory Law Library Electronic Reference Desk
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Federal Court Locator
  • Federal Courts Finder
  • Federal Information Exchange (FEDIX)
  • Federal Reserve
  • FedWorld
  • Financenet
  • Forensic Experts on the Net
  • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1994)
  • Geographic Nameserver
  • Homebuyer's Guide Estimating Cost of Buying
  • Human Rights
  • Immigrant and Refugee Rights
  • Index of Federal Tax Forms and Publications
  • Index of Law School Web and Gopher Servers
  • Individual Rights in America: A Citizen's Guide to Internet Resources
  • International Trade Law
  • Internet Public Library
  • Internet Reference Desk
  • The Journal of Online Law
  • LaborNet
  • Legal Research on the Internet
  • Legal ResearchNet
  • Library of Congress (MARVEL)
  • Library of Congress (THOMAS)
  • Library of Congress -- Legislative Information (LOCIS)
  • List of Immigration Categories
  • Med Help International
  • Multimedia Licensing Rights Top 10 List
  • National Academy of Engineering
  • National Academy of Science
  • National Center for Biotechnology Information
  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
  • National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
  • National Federation of Paralegal Associations
  • National Institutes of Health
  • National List of Consumer Organizations
  • National Park Service
  • National Research Council
  • National Science Foundation World Wide Web Server
  • Pacer
  • Patents Frequently Asked Questions
  • Patent Search by Waisgate
  • Personal Bankruptcy Frequently Asked Questions
  • Privacy Tool Kit
  • Public Accessible Mailing Lists
  • Renter's Homepage
  • Sexual Assault Information Page
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Small Business Administration
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • SOLINET's Public Information Project
  • Tax Code
  • Tax Law Compendium
  • Taxing Times
  • Taxpayer Assets Project
  • Technical Information Services (TIS)
  • Trademark Application Forms
  • Trademark Research by AR Industries, Inc.
  • United Nations
  • UN Criminal Justice Information Network
  • U.S. House of Representatives Law Library
  • U.S. Senate
  • Virtual Hospital
  • Virtual Tourist
  • Webster's Dictionary
  • West's Legal Dictionary
  • WomensNet
  • Yahoo's Directory of Law Schools
  • Yellow Pages Superhighway
  • Zipcode and Area Code Finder
  • U.S. Postal Service ZIP+4 Lookup Form

    More General Information Links

  • The 'Lectric Law Library
  • Legal Information Institute
  • Project Hermes
  • Hieros Gamos
  • HG II's
  • Doing Business Guides
  • Law Journal Extra!
  • Federal Court Database
  • The Seamless Website
  • Internet Law Page
  • WashLaw
  • International Law Materials
  • State Law Arrangement

    State Law

  • Appellate Counsellor Home Page
  • format-neutral citations
  • Law Librarians Home Page
  • Cornell's State Statutes Page
  • Cornell's Topical Arrangement of State Statutes
  • Texas Legal Research Index

    Case Law Sources

  • U.S. Contract Law
  • Federal Court Finder
  • Supreme Court Opinions
  • Historic Supreme Court Opinions
  • Supreme Court Rules
  • First Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Second Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Third Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals - Rules
  • Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions
  • Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Opinions


  • Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute
  • Court TV Law Center
  • FindLaw
  • Heiros Gamos - A Comprehensive Site to the Legal Profession
  • Inernet Legal Resource Guide
  • Law Around the Net
  • Law Firms on the Net
  • LawInfo
  • Lawlinks Index
  • Legal dot Net
  • Legal Information By Subject
  • Legal Information Institute
  • Legal Recourse - Legal Resources
  • Legal Sites on the Web
  • Nerd World: LEGAL
  • The Legal List
  • The Platinum Pages
  • Topics for Attorneys
  • Washburn University School of Law Directory (WashLaw Web)


  • Divorce Helpline

    Environmental Law

  • Cooper, Fink & Zausmer: Environmental Law

    Estate Planning

  • National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys


  • How Do Advertising Rules Apply to Lawyers on the Net?


  • Legal-Web™ List of Experts on the Web

    Immigration Law

  • Immigration Lawyers on the Web

    Information Law

  • Information Law Web

    Intellectual Property

  • Galaxy Intellectual Property Law
  • The Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights
  • U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library: Intellectual Property
  • Washington State Intellectual Property Law: A Service of the Law Office of Don R. Mollick

    **Internet Law**

  • BitLaw
  • Intern

    International Law

  • Foreign and International Law - Willamette University College of Law Library
  • International Law
  • Foreign Government Resource Information
  • Foreign Government Gophers
  • World City and Government Information
  • Constitutions of the World {Univ. of Hamburg - DE}
  • Constitutions of the World (FTP Site)
  • Europe (A web server for the European Union)
  • International Trade Law Materials, including GATT 1994(Troms/o)
  • Collection of Other Foreign Law Material and International Treaties (Flectcher School)
  • Treaties Dealing with the Environment
  • International Trade Law Information
  • Centre for International Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy (University of British Columbia)
  • Information on the Council on Ocean Law
  • International Law resources related to Environmental Protection


    Agencies & Government pages

    Orange County, California Home Page
    Bureau of Economic Analysis
    European Patent Office
    Fannie Mae - Washington, D.C. USA
    Federal Aviation Administration
    File Manager For Regulations - IRS
    Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations
    Immigration and Naturalization Service
    IRS - The Digital Daily
    IRS regulations
    Los Angeles (City) Home Page.
    Los Angeles (County) Home Page
    National Marine Fisheries Service
    Sallie Mae home page
    SEC EDGAR Database
    Securities & Exchange Commission
    United States Department of Justice Home Page
    United States Patent and Trademark Office

    Arbitration and Negotiation

    American Arbitration Association Home Page
    International Arbitration Rules
    Program on Negotiation: Home Page

    Bar Associations

    Consumer Attorneys of California
    Los Angeles County Bar Association
    State Bar of California

    Bookmarks and lists of legal resources

    ABA's LawLink (TM) Legal Research Jumpstation
    American Law Sources Online
    American Law Sources Online - California
    American Law Sources Online - USA
    Bill's Bookmarks, including some legal
    Bill's Law Library
    BLS Legal Hotlist
    California legal resources
    California Legal Resources on the Web
    Commerce 2000 legal bookmarks
    Environmental law bookmarks
    International Legal Studies bookmarks
    Kers & Gradillas list of legal resources
    Law Offices of David M. Lurie - Legal Links
    Legal List (Lawyer's Cooperative Publishing)
    Misc amalgum of law stuff
    Misc Legal Bookmarks
    Securities Law Page

    California Codes

    Business and Professions Code - California
    California Code of Professional Conduct
    Civil Code - California
    Code of Civil Procedure - California
    Commercial Code - California
    Corporations Code - California
    Directory of codes - California
    Education Code - California
    Elections Code - California
    Evidence Code - California
    Family Code - California
    Financial Code - California
    Fish and Game Code - California
    Food and Agriculture Code - California
    Government Code - California
    Harbors and Navigation Code - California
    Health and Safety Code - California
    Insurance Code - California
    Labor Code - California
    Motor Vehicle Code - California
    Penal Code - California
    Probate Code - California
    Public Contract Code - California
    Public Resources Code - California
    Public Utilities Code - California
    Revenue and Taxation Code - California
    Streets and Highways Code - California
    Unemployment Insurance Code - California
    Vehicle Code - California
    Water Code - California
    Welfare and Institutions Code - California

    Complaints and Pleadings

    Internet "Indecency" Complaint
    New Complaints Home Page

    Computer Law

    Internet law review
    CyberLaw (tm) & CyberLex (tm)
    Cyberspace Law and Policy
    Domain Name Disputes
    Domain Name Rules
    Domain Name Watch
    Technology Law Resource - Patent Copyright Trademark
    World Wide Web Issues

    Courts and Opinions

    Circuit Court decisions -- search engine
    Federal Court's Home Page
    Judicial Council of California
    Oral Argument Page

    Rules of Court

    California Rules of Court, abridged
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) Table of Contents

    Search U.S. Supreme Court Syllabi
    Supreme Court on the Web, United States
    United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

    Foreign and other states' laws

    ALSO!--Can. Law--Sources
    ALSO!--Mex. Law--Sources
    Canadian Laws
    Costa Rica law
    Hawaii State Government Home Page
    Russian Legal Server
    Russian Rules and Regulations

    Law Firms

    Chadbourne & Parke
    Dewey Ballantine - Trade Practice Group
    Hale and Dorr
    Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe's Home Page
    Irell & Manella home page
    MAYER, BROWN & PLATT Home Page
    McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen, LLP
    Milbank Tweed Web Page
    Morgan, Lewis & Bockius
    Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker Attorneys at Law
    Proskauer Rose Goetz & Mendelsohn LLP Library Home Page
    Steptoe & Johnson LLP
    The CyberLawyer Office: Fast, Inexpensive, Online Legal Advice
    Venture Law Group!
    Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Web
    Yahoo - Business and Economy:Companies:Law:Firms:Complete Listing

    Law Libraries, Law Resources, Law Publishers

    Practising Law Institute
    Bureau of National Affairs
    Connecting with America
    Law Library of Congress Home Page
    LEGAL dot NET - The Legal Network for Everyone
    Lexis Counsel Connect lawyer search
    Qui Tam Information Center
    USC Law Library Home Page - Last Major Update 7/21/95
    Virtual Library: Law
    West Publishing
    West's Legal Directory (WLD)
    Yahoo - Business and Economy:Companies:Law:Firms:Complete Listing
    Yahoo - Government:Law

    Law Reviews

    Antitrust law review
    Berkeley Technology Law Journal Home Page
    California Law Review
    Cornell Law Review Page
    Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
    Harvard Law School World Wide Web
    Home Page for University Of Colorado Law Review
    Internet law review
    Law Technology Product News
    Restitution Law Review
    Stanford Law & Policy Review Home Page
    University of Chicago Legal Forum
    Yahoo! - Government:Law:Journals

    Legal Search Engines, lists and research tools

    Bankruptcy Lawfinder
    California Code
    Emory Law Library Electronic Reference Desk
    FindLaw: Internet Legal Resources
    FindLaw: Internet Legal Resources, Welcome
    Legal Material by Topic - Overview
    LJExtra -- CompassWare Search Center
    WESTLAW User Documentation and Newsletters

    Legislative History/Congressional Record

    California Law Revision Commission
    California Legislation -- search for bills, legislative history
    Congressional Record Index (1995)
    Congressional Record Index (1995)
    Search Full Text of Legislation - 103rd Congress
    Search Full Text of Legislation - 104th Congress
    Search Full Text of the Congressional Record - 103rd Congress
    Search Full Text of the Congressional Record - 104th Congress

    Legislative Resources

    California 1996 Initiative Updates
    California State Senate
    California State Senate User's Guide
    GPO Access on the Web
    House of Representatives - Internet Law Library - Welcome!
    Library of Congress World Wide Web Home Page


  • Multnomah County District Attorney's Office
  • Oregon's Congress Members
  • Oregon Department of Revenue (Tax)
  • Oregon Environmental Law & Regulations
  • Oregon Government
  • Oregon Land Use Information Center
  • Oregon Law and Municipal Finance
  • Oregon Online
  • Oregon Secretary of State

    For even MORE LEGAL LINKs + more SEARCH Info: Les Grande Legal Links II

    My Alma Mater Willamette Universiy College of Law

    Send email to Or, you can email my ole' man, Art Leritz, M.D., who helped me with the

    Access Since April 8, 1997

    Internet Link Exchange
    Member of the Internet Link Exchange