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Les Grande Legal Links II

Les Grande Legal Links II

Arthur D. Leritz, J.D., 1999 graduate Willamette University College of Law

The SEARCH Place

Legal Search Engine

FindLaw's Legal Search Engine

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U.S. Supreme Court Opinions

FindLaw's searchable database of the Supreme Court decisions since 1937
(U.S. Supreme Court Decisions: US Reports 300-, 1937-).
Browsable by year and US Reports volume number and searchable by citation, case title and full text.


Citation Search
    U.S. e.g. 410 U.S. 113
Title Search
    e.g. Roe v. Wade
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More Search Tools and Other Comprehensive Sites


  • AMA - Information from the AMA FAST!

    **Computer Law**

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  • Universitat Hamburg
  • Universitat Mainz
  • University of the Saarland, Saarbruecken, Jura


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    Law Firms

    Martindale-Hubbell - Searchable List of over 900,000 lawyers in several countries.

    See also - Yahoo


    Telnet and Gopher Sites

    United Kingdon

    Links for Law Students

  • **Law Student Web - Great Site - Includes web pages of law students and links to sites of interest to law students.
  • Internet Law Student Library.
  • ILRG Law Student Services
  • Home-Cooked Law School Outlines
  • Internet Resources for Law Students
  • JURIST: Law Professors on the Web
  • Law School Dot Com West's Bar Review center for law students
  • includes outlines and exams.
  • Law Schools Online
  • Law Student Needs and Wants
  • Michael Geist's LRW Resource Home Page.
  • Study of Law - from 'Lectric Law Library - Great Source
  • Legal Subject Pages

    Send email to Or, you can email my ole' man, Art Leritz, M.D., who helped me with the site

    Access Since June 12, 1997

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