Welcome! This is Your HOME for ALL The Stuff You Gotta Know about Financial Aid, Colleges, Universities, SAT
Preparation, Student Life, Studying, Getting Good Grades + Lotsa Student and School Homepages!
**Hey you High School and College Students, check out these Linkers!
YOU TOO Can get that College Degree!
[last updated January 1, 2000]
The Bigges' - CBNet - Big site - apply to up to 900 colleges Online!
Internet College Exchange - Great Site!
Scholarships, Grants and Loans!
fastWeb [Financial Aid Search through the Web] - Great Site!
Fin Aid: The Financial Aid Information Page - Another Great One!
FreSch! The Free Scholarship Search Service
U.S. Universities and Community Colleges
J. Robert Nelli - College Preparation Sites
College Countdown - for the classes of 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001!
College Foundation Planners, Inc.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Achtung! Download careers.zipGood basic aptitude career planning program! Try it!
And a Lot More!
Academic Scholarship Services
Access Knowledge Unlimited
Accessible Financial Aid
Alternative Education-R.R.A.P.
America's #1 Tutoring Firm
Apple Higher Education
Architecture On Disc
Asia Int'l Open University
Attention Deficit Disorder
Aurora High School
AZ Student Science Ctr.
Books - R. D. Boyd
Boston Area College Tours
Cal. College for Health Sci.
California National U.
**Campus Orientation
Centro Studi Danza
***College Compass
**College Financial Aid
DynEd International Home Page
Dynest How-To Video & CD-ROM C
EasyNotes Publishing Company
Educational Activities, Inc.
**Ends and Means
English Department at N. I. U.
Escondido Tutorial Service
ESL Institute at NSU
FAQ - Homeschool College Admissions
Free English
Free Psychology Book
Give Water A Hand
**Help For Students
Home Education Press
How-To Videos
Individualized Science Modules
Info-Center Scholarship Source
Inst. for Academic
Intercultural Open University
Interdiscipl. psychiatry
International Grants
InterNETional HomeSchool
International Language Development
IPEE Spanish Language School,
KP Typing
L.E.A.P. Computer Learning Center
Learning Services
Financial Aid!
- FinAid:The Financial Aid Information Page - The One
- Student Services, Incorporated
- **Financial Aid Information
- Completing the 96-97 FAFSA Contents
- Funding Your Education 1996-97
- The Student Guide
- **Guide to financing College
- **College, SAT & TOEFL Test Preparation
- fastWEB![Financial Aid Search Through the Web]
- Shana Bridgeman's College Page - Good Job Shana!
- College Money Matters
- College Money Matters II
- Educaid Online
- Tulane Financial Aid
BYU CS Department Homepage - Brigham Young's Computer Science department
California Polytechnic State University - Applied technical and professional fields. Recently in news for real life Jurassic Park work on ancient bacteria in bee amber.
Caltech home page - Science and Engineering in Southern California
Carnegie Mellon Campus Intro - Located in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania this university has a wealth of resources
Harvard University - This Ivy league school has a vast amount of history and resources to tap into
MIT - Always on the cutting edge of technology
SFSU - San Francisco State University is on-line, look at their program
Stanford University - A prestigious university located in the foothills of the San Francisco penisula
U of U Home Page - Tour the University of Utah and see if it's the place for you
UC Berkeley - From its earliest beginnings during the gold rush days to its present power as a major American university
Univ. of Washington Computer Science & Engineering - Have you ever thought about working at Microsoft?
University of California, Santa Cruz - It's been called one of the most beautiful campuses in the country, come and see for yourself
University of Michigan - A large Midwestern university with a broad range of educational opportunities
University of Minnesota - A state university and a major research facility
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill home page - See what the Tarheels are up to, they've got some Hot Java brewing
University of Oregon Home Page - Visit this campus in the Northwest
Yale University - One of the best education centers in the United States
AskERIC Home Page - Teachers take note! ERIC has lesson plans, virtual library, and more!
CSUA Home Page - An organization dedicated to representing the undergraduate computer science department at UC-Berkeley
Classroom Internet Use - How schools can use the Internet in the classroom
Courseware for Higher Education - A guide to learning electronically
Discovery Home Page - Resource for educators who want to use the web as a teaching tool
Exploratorium Home Page - San Francisco's Exploratorium is a world class museum of science.
Financial Aid Information - Everything you need to know about financial aid. An excellent resource!
Galen II-UCSF Library Home Page - The digital library of the University of California, San Francisco
Gopher at Washington & Lee University - a super gopher site
Homeschooling - Learning where you live
K-12 Internet School Sites - Comprehensive list of schools connected to the Internet
Kaplan Educational Centers - Prepare for tests like the: PSAT, SAT, LSAT, GMAT, and more
National Center on Adult Literacy - It's never too late to learn or to help others learn
Patch American High School - A high-school in Stuttgart, Germany with a great web site
Project Bartleby - Columbia U.'s online library, one of the largest collections of literature on-line
Psychology - All the listings in Galaxy about psychology
Purdue On-Line Writing Lab Web Server Home Page - Get help with grammar, punctuaand various other writing concernstion, spelling,
The CEARCH Virtual Schoolhouse - A searchable library of links to K-12 net sites
The Cisco Educational Archive - Resource links for K-12 schools
The Global Campus - A Web project with some online teaching resources
The Globewide Network Academy - Take courses online and earn credit for nerding out
The World Lecture Hall - Links to pages created by teachers around the world who are using the Web to teach classes
Times Higher Eduation Supplement - Online news, views and jobs in higher education
Virtual Schoolhouse - A Meta-Library of K-12 Internet Links
Welcome to Engines for Education - A hyper-book about education reform
Kids/Teen Education
- CyberSchool
- Latitude28 Schoolhouse
- Monte Vista's On-Line Academy
- WebWare SAT Preparation
- Academic Institutions (Education)
- An Educational Interface to the World Wide Web
- ARC Homepage
- ArtsEdge Network
- California State University Home Page
- California WWW Servers (Academic Organizations)
- Children's lit
- Class list manager
- CyberKids Home
- Education (K-12) Worldwide
- Educational Hotlists
- Explorer Home Page
- Guides to the Internet - For Teachers
- HotList of K-12 Internet School Sites
- Humanities in the 21st Century
- Ideas and Education
Lots More Education Linkers
Bucknell Russian Studies Department
General Organic and Biochemistry
The History Channel Classroom
Exploratorium Exploranet
Family Education Network
The Global Schoolhouse
Mount Wilson Observatory
Brooks Landon's Horizon of Invisibility Homestead
NetNoir Education
Princeton Review
Arts Edge
Kaplan Educational Centers
Media Literacy On-Line
Washington Gifted School of Communication
Distance Learning Laboratory (DLL)
1492 Exhibit
Discovery Channel Online
Dr. Math
Academic Software
Arts And Entertainment
Byrd Polar Research
Center for Talented Youth
Crayola Art Education
The Critical Thinking
Children's Voice List
Classical Music
Children's Voice List
Classical Music
Denton, Cynthia
Education Net
ENC Online
Field Museum of Natural History
Human-Languages Page
Job Bank USA
Best Educational Service
CEPS/NASM Smithsonian Institution
Dante, NASA Volcano Robot
Early Scientific Instruments
Educational Online Sources Front Door
Engines for Education: What's Wrong with Education and How To Fix It
The Exploratorium
The Future of Teaching
IKE - IBM Kiosk for Education
Illinois Natural History Survey
Illinois Science & Mathematics Academy
The Journey North
Libraries on the Web
Mercury Project: Robotic Tele-Excavation
National Academy of Sciences
Social Sciences Gopher
Teacher's Guide to the Internet
A Tourist Expedition to Antarctica
Archaeology and Paleontology
ArchNet (University of Connecticut Anthropology Dept.)
Dinosaur Exhibit
Natural History Museum
University of California Museum of
Astronomy and Space
Catalog of Planetary GIFs
Goddard Space Flight Center Homepage
Mt. Wilson Observatory
NASA Homepage
NASA Images Collection
NASA Spacelink
Student Space Action
Views of the Solar System
GNA Course: Intro to Object Oriented Programming Using C++
WWW for Instructional Use
Geological and Earth Sciences
Web Geological Time Machine
History and Law
U.S. Constitution
The English Server
Life Sciences
Institute for Molecular Virology, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Interactive Frog Dissection
Mayo Foundation
OncoLink (Cancer Reference)
Tree of Life
The Virtual Hospital
A Gallery of Interactive On-Line Geometry
Russian Language Related Resources
Displaying cyrillic characters with your web browser
Macintosh "Russification"
Russian for Travellers
Russian and East European Studies Page
Russian Wordlist
Introduction to the Cyrillic Alphabet
Russian Greetings
Russian Farewells
Course of Russian Language in Pictures
Russian-English/English-Russian Dictionary
University of North Carolina Greensboro
Media News Service
The St. Petersburg Press
Moscow Commersant
Basic Russian Language Tutorial Program (MSDOS - VGA required)
Russian Macintosh Fonts (University of Washington)
Academic Software
Arts And Entertainment
Byrd Polar Research
CyberEd at
UMass DartmouthClasses that can be completed Online!
The Digital Education Network - Extensive Content!
GlobaLearn, Inc. - An Interactive Online Educational Program
Internet in the Classroom
International Study and Travel
Center - Online study abroad center
National Registration Center for Study
AbroadFor those interested in studying abroad
JASON ProjectAn educational project which allows students to watch scientific expeditions
via real-time telepresence technology
JEC Knowledge Online
Score@Kaplan - Provides young learners with an after-school and summer environment for motivated
White House Fellows ProgramWhat it takes to become a White House member
Think QuestAnnual contest that challenges students to use the Internet as a collaborative,
interactive teaching and learning tool
Global Online Adventure Learning Site
College Board Online
This is Mega-Mathematics
Access Excellence
FishNet - A Great Site!
Doty's Education Page
Internet College Exchange - A Great Site
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Home of NCSA!
Urban Education Web
University of Washington
Lattitude 28 Schoolhouse
College Board Online
Explores! World Headquarters
** - SAT Preparation!
Adventures in Education
UK Lifelong Learning
Worcester Polytechnic
School Is Dead - Interesting!
Thomas Edison State College
What home-schooling does for the under-18 crowd, distance learning colleges like Thomas Edison State do for those seeking higher educational degrees!
North Hagerstown High School
Whole Frog - Don't say Yuk - It doesn't Smell
Armadillos Guide to the Internet
Minnesota Preparatory Schools
Adult Education Sources
Apollo Group, Inc.
Center for Adult Learning and Literacy
College Network
Continuing Education Online Dixie College - Continuing Education Howard University - Continuing Education
Innovative Learning Systems
New School for Social Research Outreach and Technical Assistance Network
So ya' finish college, now ya' gotta GET A JOB, Na na na, na, Na na na na na, Get a Job, na na na na . . .
Job Resources - Great One!
**Yahoo's Job Links - A Bigge!
Online Job Services - Fantastic!
**The Monster Board
**America's Job Bank
Career Resources Home Page
Internet College Exchange
The Internet's Online Career Center
NCS Career Magazine
Jobs.Offered Database
Entry Level Job Seeker Assistant
Chronicle of Higher Education
Openings & Resumes
Academic Positions Network
America's Job Bank
Jobs from Fedworld
AAS Job Register
Computer-related jobs
Duke University Jobs
U Maryland, College Park Job Center
U Virginia Job Center
Computer Related jobs in RTP
Geeks Absolutely Mandatory Must Have Windows 95 Software
You know yer' hopeless if ya' got em' all
Adobe Acrobat,
Adobe Illustrator,
Adobe PageMaker,
Adobe Photoshop,
Macromedia Director,
Net Toob,
Norton Navigator,
Norton Utilities,
Quick View Plus,
Sidekick 95,
Web Media Publisher,
Photo City - Rest yer eyes on These
Exhibitions and Archives - Rest Your Eyes on These
Hang On! We're just gettin' started!!
If These aren't enough Links for you then Go Directly To!:
Ritz Links II - Yet MORE of The Best and the Brightest!
What? You want even More Linkers? Well, OK, You asked for It!
Le Ritz Links III - More Primo Links! Check em' Out !
More of the Best and the Brightest!Le Ritz Links IV - Unbelievable - More Linkers! Yup!
If you want to see my son Artie's Cool Law Student Homepage, Click Here:
Arthur's Homepage - 1L - Willamette University College of Law
Want to learn How to Make a Homepage? Then Go Directly to: Wannamakahomepage?
Check out Miscellaneous Goodies at Muses en' Perls en' Such
There you have it. Hope you enjoyed my pages. Ya'll come back now, Ya' Hear?
Access Since May 25, 1997
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