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By: [SO]MM3Sewell
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Over a year has gone by since the first on the SilentOnes ran onto the battlefield to carry away their victims lives. Their names have been shrouded in the clouded memory of our beloved leaders' memories as they have seen many a SilentOne come and go and countless lives taken by them. Our Clan as we know it today was molded by numerous chain reactions all started by one. The old chief of the almighty SilentOnes left the Clan in pursuit of a better life by desecrating the clans and joining a "Tribe". All was lost if not for the ambition of a young SilentOne by the name of Madskill. Madskill had visions of death and chaos as the clan community of Half-life fell to its knees before him, and took the SilentOnes into his own heart and soul to carry them into a better Tommorrow. Along with his blood cousin Slick, Madskill initiated and recruited a handfull of warriors who would bear arms under the right to be called a SilentOne. But it wasnt untill Madskill came upon an energetic (FN)Sewell, that Madskill knew his visions were to come true. Sewell, like himself, was looking for brothers in the clan world. The two did not know it yet, but soon they would be leading the most proud group of champions the world had seen. Madskill persuaded the anxious Sewell into joining, and their partnership began. After weeks of talking and planning, Madskill felt his Silent brother deserved to stand by his side as the leader of their great clan and Sewell was promoted. After that the SilentOnes grew slowly but surely peaking at over 15 members. One of those warriors, went by the name of Ash. Ash acccelled throught the ranks quicker than most quickly becoming a Lieutenant in the SilentOnes of Old. In charge of tactics and strategy, Ash played a vital role in the onslaught of enemy forces. When the "Revolution" occured, Ash was placed in a short lived postion of General of the American Forces. The Revolution. A word that strikes fear and anger into any SilentOnes heart. It was suppossed to be the step up into maturity for the clan. To let the world hear their name and tremble, but instead...instead it nearly killed the ones who make the battlefield Silent. The clan fell apart leaving but a few SilentOnes wandering and wondering, what happened?, what could have been?

Today, SilentOnes is in its "Rebuilding" phase. Many have been lost, but a few dedicated are left. MM3Sewell (who had his name changed shortly after becoming a SilentOne) was forced to retire by forces beyond his control, and now is the High Counselor to the Judges, offering advice and insight to the SilentOnes members. In his place, Ash is left to help Madskill re-unite the SilentOnes into an even stronger force.