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Silent Ones - About

History of - Silent Ones was first formed a while back and I am not exactly sure when and for what game because I was only a part of it for a short time. Well anyway, the first leader was a good leader, but then he started playing Tribes more. Unfortunatly, he evenchally stopped playing Half-Life, and joined a clan in the game Tribes. So, he told everyone that clan Silent Ones was finished and everyone simply went there own way. However, I wanted to be in a clan bad. So, I tried out for a clan here and there but they all said like "You have no stragety" or "Your too young". I got pissed off and one day I asked my old clan leader if I could keep the name to form my own clan. He said,"Sure, I don't care." And well me - [SO]MADSKILL and [SO]SLICK, took the Silent Ones name and formed a "New" clan from the old one. I am the only orginal Silent One to still be in the clan. Well, hopefully now you know some backround information on the Silent Ones.

Silent Ones Today - OK, currently, we have ONLY 5 members! Our goal is to have a minium of 15 members. The current members are me - [SO]MADSKILL, [SO]SLICK, [SO]MM3Sewell, [SO]XtreameChaos,[SO]Panther, [SO]Meltdown,[SO]bCheese, and [SO]Crisis (for more info on us go to the members page.) Our clan hasn't played any games yet, but we plan to challenage a clan or two soon. Hopefully that covers everyting. If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me.