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And the third one

This page best viewed with IE 4+ 800x600 Last Updated: December 24th, 1999



Bad News
Sorry guys, but I have bad news. [SO]Madskill-xPx left the clan. There are now two ways we can go. One the one hand we ca give up Clan Silent Ones, on the other hand we can rebuild Clan Silent Ones together and save it. I would like to know who would help me to rebuild it. If there are no interests in this thing SO will die. My E-Mail address is: . Write me a mail, please.


The Evolution has..Well Is Still Goin On 12/8/99
Its been a long time since I have updated. Heres the story. We were moving the site to here but recently, (free webpage providor) changed the code for thier advertisement banner so the bug gay thing is back on the page. Thats why we are like leaving our current residentes here. Now, I am in the process of finding a new place for us to go. So I don't know what will happen. But as of now, if u want to challenge, e-mail [SO]MM3Sewell-xDx at also, if you want to tryout contact [SO]Ash you can find him on the members page. Peace.


The Evolution has Begun 11/10/99
And so it was written: "Clan Silent Ones began an evolution into a supreme collective. Power surges attacked the ranks and filled every member's blood with the pain and agony of those Silent Ones that fell in battle before them. A new breed of killers had emerged." Soon, the [SO] as you know it will no longer exist. Plans are in the works for an expansion and total redesign of our structure. Don't worry, we're not kicking anyone (at least not any one reading this) AND YES! YOU FOLLOWED THE RIGHT LINK, WE ARE RECRUITING DAMNIT! Stay tuned, as Madskill and myself burn a path to the new homeland of the Silent Ones


Some New Welcomes 11/2/99
I'm only the co-leader of the clan, so naturally i'm the last one to find out these kinda things. Anyways, Welcome to the clan The Warrior and TomCom. I don't know if anyone else has joined, people dont tell me these sort of things, so if you havent been welcomed to the clan, then Welcome to the Clan.


Errrrrr maybe not 11/2/99
Well my section advisor is a coo guy, so he reduced the hours to 15...soooo, since i volunteered for 15 hours anyways, no big deal...we back on track


Buh Bye 11/2/99
Well, you fuck up one test and they anally rape you with a broken broomstick. 50% of my class got put on mandatory 30 hours a week/ 4 hours a day extra after school and the other 30% got put on 20-3. Sorry guys, but you're gonna see prolly nothing of me for i dont know how long....maybe untill tommorrow, maybe for 3 weeks. Shouldnt last much lnger than tat. My weekdays are gonna be taken up by school, and my weekends by my family, so tah tah for now. See you guys soon...............hopefully


Match Update #2 10/29/99
Looks like the game with the Elder *maybe* called off because they can't get enough people to play. We will keep you posted with ANY news we have, but the time differences seem to be a problem for some of us :(


Match Update 10/28/99
We will HOPEFULLY know ALL the info about the match by 8:30 EST tonight, so either come here first thing tommorrow, or around 8:30-9EST tonight. Also, the Forbidden area has been updated.


Well Boy Geez George! 10/27/99
Well according to all this funny battle shit... I just wanna ask Meltdown and Sewell or Mad: Are we putting the EU and SO togeather or are we gonna be loners?
Now for some other crap. Sewell were you drunk (again) when you said pure DM clan? I thought we had this one in the bag 'cept I go to their page and I see the word TFC THERE!?! AHHH!. Ok, well I figure that prior to practice Sewell or I (good english eh?) will brief (no we won't steal your underware) you about our SECRET move wich WILL get us some caps, but Sewell plays Defense, and that'll be a problem. During a quick lil scrim with Sewell and Meltdown, I asked if anyone whos commin to the battle is gonna play ********** defense ******* cause Meltdown and Sewell have the ************* covered so please ICQ me with your info unless Sewell is gonna place you somewhere... and before I go... How many players per team in the battle sewell?(Parts of this message were edited by MM3Sewell such as all the *** and this following message:

For all those wondering, the clan we WERE going to play LAST weekend is [HS]HellSpawns ( ), not the Elders who we are playing this weekend. And yes, the hellspawns have TFC nowhere on their page ;). As far as WHO and how many of us will be playing this friday, thats still undecided. I'm trying to get something worked out, and if I dont know by friday afternoon, then we'll just have to see when the time comes, sorry guys ..Sewell)


Elders 10/25/99
FINALLY, i found out WHO we are playing this friday. They go by The Edlers, and their page is at ....i would make that into a link, but i dont feel like figuring out how and im lazy, so type it in!Anyways, head on down to their page and give them the respect you would want them to give us. (thats means be cool for all you knuckleheads)


Small update 10/25/99
Ok, ICQ is a POS sometimes, soooooo not all of you got my message i think. SO as you know, We have a match this friday. If you CAN CANT OR DONT KNOW if you can make it, let us know. We are going to start filling in spots, and we need to know who to fill them with. Also, attendance at tommorrows practice will affect who plays friday (probably). SO PLEEZ PLEEZ PLEEZ LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY DAMNIT ;) On a lighter note, thje screenies page has been updated, and im thinking about what else im doing..i dunno...later


Small update 10/21/99
Shit i forgot to tell you guys, we got a small informal challenge to play this weekend. ITS NOT 100% OFFICIAL!! First off, they seem to be a pure DM clan, so, i talked to their second in command to see what we could do about getting a TFC game. I havent heard from him yet, and i told him id have the answer if we were gonna play or not by friday, so ICQ me as soon as ou see this to tell me if you can make it if we have a game on saturday or sunday! Also, sorry new guys, i havent put your pages up yet, send me your bios, and i'll get'em up as soon as possible. Ive added yet another thing to my multimedia frenzy. Goto eithe meltdown, stuzy or my member page to see what i'm talking about(i still gotta figure out what to put for everyone else). Oh yeah, i changed the midi to "Sober" by tool. This midi gives the original song NO credit, but its still a decent midi either way.


WELCOME TO [SO] CURE!! 10/15/99
SCREW A DUO!!!We gonna have a whole sniper team. Welcome [SO]Cure-Pt to the clan guys!


Well I guess the title says it all. Anyways, all snipers should have a spotter (or at least in real life ;) so now The_Silencer and Ash have each other to shoot around with.So everyone welcome [SO]'s newest member and the second half of the soon to be deadliest sniper team!


MADSKILL Has Come Out From Under His Rock! 10/13/99
Hello Hello Hello! Hi its [SO]MADSKILL-xCx. If you havent noticed, I haven't updated the news in a LONG time. Just got some stuff to say. We will have practice on...Saturday night at 7:30 EST. I may change it to 7:00 but for now its 7:30 pm EST. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! I expeact to see all you peeps in the American divison there. Hmm....Oh yeah I fixed the song it works now. The file was spelled wrong so as you can hear it works good now. ANd um lets see...what to say. Well, thats it for now got nuthing else to say.


TERRIBLE NEWS!!! 10/12/99
OH NO! my wifey is goin out of town tonight for about 2 weeks!!:( so im gonna spend as much time wit her as possible tonight, which means......DUN DUN practice for me tonight. DAMNIT I'm sorry guys I know i know i missed the last one on friday, and the one b4 that, oh wait, i was at last tuesdays...well anyways, i'll prolly be here round 10. So catch me then. I have a physics test thursday, so wednesday night is prolly gonna be taken up by my cramming technique heheehehe....but after that, NO TESTS FOR A WEEK AND A HALF!!!(yeah it dont sound like a long time, but when you get weeks with 2 of them , like this week, a week and a half is a long ass time) So expect to see more of me the next two weeks...later guys


Just some quick stuff 10/11/99
Meltdown thinks he has a *possible* member (it's not confirmed yet!), As well I have a possible recrui named the_silencer. Madskill and I have a lil trick up our hands that would make us have PLENTY of members =) and you can never have enough members! All day I've been mixing musik and I think I've got a cool idea! The Silent Ones Rap, a rip off from Pokémon ;). I'll e-mail you wif da details about the members thingy later on
Das Enough 4 Me! L8r


DOH! 10/10/99
YOU BETTER BE GRATEFUL NIGHTMARE!!!!=) You're the only person I've freehanded a picture for so far. And GODDAMN it took awhile, but i finished it and the final product is on your section of the roster.

ok ok ok...its not the greatest pic in the world. Ill prolly redo it, BUT still it took a lotta time and work to do.Anyways, the pic didnt turn out like i expected, but oh well...Im not gonna delete it. If i get around to doing another one, I'll replace it. Tell me what you think guys


Member Pictures 10/10/99
Hidy Ho guys! Anyways, Ive got MM3Sewell, Madskill, Sarenda, Panther and Meltdowns pics in their sections in the roster area. I'm working on SGF, Ash and Nightmares. What I need EVERYONE to do, is goto the sections that already have pictures, and tell me if you can see them . Panther seems to be having trouble seeing them, and we want to find out if its a problem with Angelfire, or his Browser. Thanks. If you want something particular in your pic (EX: YOUR DAMN PICTURE) ..SEND IT TO ME!!or TELL me what you want. If not, I will not be held responsible for what your pic looks like.


European United Division Saved 10/10/99
It looks like the EuD is saved. Nightmare is staying with the awsome Silent Ones. I thought for a while that the EuD would be no more, but it's saved :) But we still need more members! We only have a few member that turn up to the practices, btw, if any US guys aren't doing anything, you are welcome to join in the practice and share your views and tactics. I would just like to take the offical opertuity to welcome InzanIac to the ranks of Silent Ones. Keep on recruiting!


Nightmare and some practices 10/9/99
My first update, yay! OK now for some big news. NightMare might be leaving [SO] on the count he hates TFC? (did we mention this is a TFC clan?), well it's possible all of his friends would go with him, that would leave Meltdown and Izaniac (I hope I got that right!) left. We had somewhat of a bunch of practices ALL day well at least Panther, Ash, Meltdown, and I. Well my buddy Meltdown and I have established some kick ass defense tactics for bout every map >8?) Tonight we're having a short notice practice (a much needed one too) but mr. Sewell himself has his fun school (damn the NAVY!). We are in the process of recruitment right now and have a possible TomCom as a future member! As the practice administrator I'd like to incorperate Roger Wilco into one of these practices ASAP!

[SO]SGF-Lt (dont forget the Lt Stuzy :)

Talk about homowork 10/4/99
Geez, i was hoping madskill would update b4 me, but i guess not.....anyways...its 7:30 and i JUST got home from school...i laugh in the face of your "homework". you aint got nuthin on me...13 hours in that damn school is enuff to drive someone mad....anyways, im gonna try to get some things working on uploading the pics for the rank insignia. If any of you that have more time than me wanna help lemme know cuz angelfire only allows one file transfer at a time....well nothing new. Im working on a recruitment plan but im waiting for MADSKILLS reply. Anyways practice tommorrow same bat time same bat channel.


CounterStrike 9/28/99
For all those interested in forming a CounterStrike Squad, meet on icq on saturday at 5pm EST for a meeting/initial practice. Stay posted, time subject to change.


Revamped and better than ever 9/26/99
As you should have noticed by now i've changed the page..AGAIN.. Now i need your feedback. Did i go overboard? Should I change it back? Does it kick ass? Tell me what you like and what you dont like about the few changes i've done please...I've added a special suprise to the members only section also. OH YEAH! I'm gonna try to get a rotation on the midi's going. I have "Stayin Alive" up right now cuz i know Stoosie looooves disco. SO is stayin alive. Clans come and go but we still here baby...hell yeah! PS: If you're using Netscape, you're not seeing everything this page has to offer :)


New Member!!! 9/24/99
We have a new member...but I'm not gonna tell you who it is...goto the members section and look for the new name...some of you might be delightfully suprsed :)


We need YOUR help 9/21/99
SEND ANY TACTIC INFORMATION TO ASH...SEND IT NOW. SEND IT RIGHT NOW. STOP BEING LAZY DAMNIT. also send what class you prefer to play and offense or defense for Rock2, 2fort, Well, CZ2. Thank you. Remember Ash cant set us up if you dont help.


OH NO SCHOOL!!! 9/21/99
blahblahblah.....well you all know, i'm in the navy right? well you've all been prolly been wondering when i go do navy stuff right? well the time s now. No no im not going out on a boat, i'm starting the second leg in the 3 part adventure of the naval nuclear program. Supposedly this is the hardest school in the program, so we'll see what happens. I'm only telling you guys this cuz i may not be as easy to get a hold of. Im not saying i quit or i wont be here.....i dunno yet.......they gave me my clearance half a day late, so i had to kinda play catch up today....We'll see what happens, but i should still be around...later guys


Oh!HO HO!!!! 9/21/99
Well you guys thought i was joking eh??well i got ONE response to my last post....just 1...So, i updated everyones members page with all the info they sent me. So if you want to see all the good stuff i did to your page, check it out. Madskills is currently under development


OOpS! 9/12/99
Sorry bout that. I took off to my moms house due to that damn Floyd character. Anyways, I'll be back monday and everything should be back to normal. SEND ME BIOS AND PICTURES for your members page. If you dont, I'll just write in big bold white letters in your section "DUMBASS IS TOO SPECIAL TO SEND IN INFO" ;) SO send in the stuff and you can have a page as pretty as mine (except for you cant replace that beautiful mug of mine ;) anyways...later guys..FF8 KICKS!!
